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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Dyer


    and Dyer


    Harsh. He's been poorly. The diseased, overrated, mediocre little shit for brains.......ah, thats better.


    Unbelievable, tbh.


    Honestly don't understand some of the slating Dyer gets on here.


    Really? Oh well. Maybe, when you stop believing he is an international-standard, creative player who actually contributes anything tangible, you'll come to your senses. Good luck with that.

  2. Gotta love the sparrings amongst NE5, Stevie, Northern Monkey and Invicta Toon.


    The winner can be crowned as N-O troll of the year.


    Ooh, cutting. Did someone key your Smart car or something??

  3. I can't be arsed reading through 10 pages of the trumpeting of impromptu experts on real estate......so: has anyone asked the question yet whether this announcement was rushed out eraly to detract from the fact that our manager is a compelte and utter cock, we only have 7 or 8 players in the entire squad worthy of a place in a premiership side, and we are an average side club in serious trouble?




    You were wrong. But well-meaning, no doubt.

  4. bluelaugh.gif


    Still better than Roeder, by about a hundred billion gazillion miles.


    evidently, I mean the situations are completely different aren't they?



    Yes, one includes a manager who is utter shite, and the other involved a decent manager called Martin.


    Is that why he's decent then, because he's called Martin?



    Nah, its an unrelated by-product that i used to differentiate in order to avoid "humerous" pseudo misunderstandings surrounding who was decent and who was utter shite.

  5. Had/have an irrational hatred for Stimson, Cort and Dyer. Can't explain the Stimson one at all.


    I reckon Cort would have been great for us if he'd stayed fit. Great player underneath it all, and Bobby loved him. He could have turned him into a special player.


    Lazy cunt he was. Went into the Lexus Newcastle showroom to look for a new motor, stood up for 3 or 4 minutes, then had to have a little sit down. And he was shit.

  6. I'd drop Parker and Carr, I think they're both taking their places for granted a bit at the moment. Put Solano back at RB, give Milner the right wing and put Emre in the centre and I bet you will see a more creative team.


    Duff did nowt against City but was one of our more committed players. I'd be tempted to give him another chance against Sheff Utd and pull him out for Zoggy if he's not up to scratch.


    Duff creates nowt AGAIN, bit gets his umpteenth chance? Bollocks to it.


    All eleven players were crap, let's be honest, and at least half weren't even up for it.


    Duff was one of those few who gave a s*** and our best attacks (if you could call them that) came down that left hand side.


    Mind I wouldn't be upset to see Zoggy start on Saturday. There's bound to be some rotation with the Arsenal game two days later.


    i would never play Duff ahead of The Zog. Ever. Duff has shown "commitment" 3 or 4 times, and shiteness every time. Fuck him, and the jewel-encrusted, solid gold, money-shiting horse he rode in on.

  7. I can't be arsed reading through 10 pages of the trumpeting of impromptu experts on real estate......so: has anyone asked the question yet whether this announcement was rushed out eraly to detract from the fact that our manager is a compelte and utter cock, we only have 7 or 8 players in the entire squad worthy of a place in a premiership side, and we are an average side club in serious trouble?




    And what did the all-new property experts and ITK's say to the question?

  8. bluelaugh.gif


    Still better than Roeder, by about a hundred billion gazillion miles.


    evidently, I mean the situations are completely different aren't they?



    Yes, one includes a manager who is utter shite, and the other involved a decent manager called Martin.

  9. I'd drop Parker and Carr, I think they're both taking their places for granted a bit at the moment. Put Solano back at RB, give Milner the right wing and put Emre in the centre and I bet you will see a more creative team.


    Duff did nowt against City but was one of our more committed players. I'd be tempted to give him another chance against Sheff Utd and pull him out for Zoggy if he's not up to scratch.


    Duff creates nowt AGAIN, bit gets his umpteenth chance? Bollocks to it.

  10. I can't be arsed reading through 10 pages of the trumpeting of impromptu experts on real estate......so: has anyone asked the question yet whether this announcement was rushed out eraly to detract from the fact that our manager is a compelte and utter cock, we only have 7 or 8 players in the entire squad worthy of a place in a premiership side, and we are an average side club in serious trouble?

  11. Bramble


    Stephane Gu'whatsit.

    Guivarc'h, or Gurridge, as my dad who deliberately used to get the players names mixed up to piss me off, used to call him, only started two games for us.  Surely not enough to bring such dislike.



    Don't question my dislike. I chose players who were utter shite, and didn't choose crap like Dyer or Duff who are just ball-achingly fucking average despite all the hype.

  12. no pal. newcastle should never buy a spaniard gain. look at out record


    Erm, we've signed two in our history. So if Liverpool decided in the summer they'd sell us Xabi Alonso, would you turn your nose up at it?


    Slower than Vianna, tbh.

  13. he's a lazy posing bastard and probably the most overrated player I''ve ever seen for us.


    You see, I'd be thinking there were other contenders for that particular crown.




    at least a couple of which are still here.

  14. There are bigger problems than Owen not signing for the kids at the club at this moment in time FFS!


    There is, but the utter cunt couldn't be arsed to even live in the region until his injury cleared up, couldn't be arsed to even speak to Martins until the last month, the guy is an utter cock socket.




    Ooh, ooh, is that made up??


    Yes, is the answer, i think.


    Martins did come out and said that he and Owen haven't spoken much. But I think TT is still making too much out of it.


    No, he's making stuff up.


    Or maybe he's ITK....hahahahahaha

  15. Maybe so, but if Shola had played the whole season I'd have tipped him to bag 15-20 easily. (didn't he already have 7 by October?) I'm not confident Chopra would do at this level.


    Shola Ameobi is incapable of getting anywhere near 20 (league) goals. He's one f our numerous Championship players. Bloody awful footballer in the Premiership.

  16. -------------------Given








    that for me!


    Nice one, we might as well NEVER play the ball down the left, cos fuck all is going to come from that side of the pitch with them useless twats in the team.

  17. frankly if he had taken the time to sign anything I'd be calling for his head because there's absolutely no way he should be giving anything but 150% in his rehab.  taking a break to sign some "replica kit" (don't even get me started) or poster would have been a complete waste.





  18. There are bigger problems than Owen not signing for the kids at the club at this moment in time FFS!


    There is, but the utter cunt couldn't be arsed to even live in the region until his injury cleared up, couldn't be arsed to even speak to Martins until the last month, the guy is an utter cock socket.




    Ooh, ooh, is that made up??


    Yes, is the answer, i think.

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