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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I agree with Northern Monkey, it isn't as if there is a huge difference in quality, good or bad, between the likes of Parker, Butt, Emre and Dyer so to single out Parker is silly. As for the get rid, he's not good enough brigade, if we are going to be that critical then 90% of the squad isn't good enough, so do we get rid of thgm all? Peole need to be realistic here. I'm all for having debates about how effective a player is or isn't, who should play and who shouldn't, but some go to the extreme. Parker has shown himself to be a more than capable Premiership standard player, he isn't top-class but he isn't shite either, he's a decent player who at the moment fits the bill for what is an average NUFC. Long-term we need to improve on most positions in the starting 11, but lets start from the back first, i.e. weed out the shite and work our way up so we can have, one day, class in almost every position.


    Damned right - if Paker isnt good enough thn neither are Solano (at RB), Carr, Bramble, Babayaro, Emre, Butt, Dyer, Duff and Ameobi. Almost all of whom are preferred starters for that idiot Roeder, and almost all of whom offer less than Parker can.

    If that post wasn't by you I'd have been surprised to see Dyer included in that list. He makes a massive difference to our team when he plays imo.


    He's ab average player. Not a brilliant one, by any means. He doesn't offer that much, his stats prove that. But you kepe believing he's an international class player, if it makes you feel ay better.

  2. I agree with Northern Monkey, it isn't as if there is a huge difference in quality, good or bad, between the likes of Parker, Butt, Emre and Dyer so to single out Parker is silly. As for the get rid, he's not good enough brigade, if we are going to be that critical then 90% of the squad isn't good enough, so do we get rid of thgm all? Peole need to be realistic here. I'm all for having debates about how effective a player is or isn't, who should play and who shouldn't, but some go to the extreme. Parker has shown himself to be a more than capable Premiership standard player, he isn't top-class but he isn't shite either, he's a decent player who at the moment fits the bill for what is an average NUFC. Long-term we need to improve on most positions in the starting 11, but lets start from the back first, i.e. weed out the shite and work our way up so we can have, one day, class in almost every position.


    Damned right - if Paker isnt good enough thn neither are Solano (at RB), Carr, Bramble, Babayaro, Emre, Butt, Dyer, Duff and Ameobi. Almost all of whom are preferred starters for that idiot Roeder, and almost all of whom offer less than Parker can.

  3. That would be the weakest squad in the Premiership.


    Its not far off now.


    PS - those initial values for selling "first teamers".....hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!

  4. So RAcismd

    Watching the cup final yesterday, and after the brawl when Adebayor got sent off, he really made a fool out of himself, and it got me thinking.

    Isn't the way he acted worse than "just" saying "fucking n*****", or whatever Emre might have said?



    So racism is good now? Woo hoo!!

  5. We've played badly a LOT more than we've played well sonce the start of December. In fact all of this season.


    But hey, we have a "strong squad" apparently, so we are BOUND to start playing really well soon (European games against part-timers notwithstanding

  6. Can someone please explain how this sign works and how garlic comes into it? Did Filan spell out garlic with his hands before holding his nose or did he just do a smelly breath thing when Sib was in his face but because Sib is french people are ASSUMING it must be to do with garlic?




    He donned a beret and a string of onions, and started miming searching for The Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies.


    CLEARLY therefore a racist.

  7. "A blip at Wigan"....get to fuck, you absolute cretin.

    We were incredibly lucky in a number of games over the past month or two, and that papered over the fucking massive cracks in our first team, squad, and so-called manager.


    Anyone who thinks we just had a blip wants their heads read.

  8. If we are honest, none of our central midfielders are world class. None of them are even England class (i.e. a very average International team).


    Butt, Parker, Emre, Dyer. All much of a muchness. Different players, but not of them are great. I'd take bloody LOADS of players above these lot, any day.

  9. Michael Owen - Uefa Cup, FA Cup winner, played loads of CL

    Oba Martins - won god knows what at Inter played loads of CL

    Shay Given - One of best prem keepers for a decade

    Kieron Dyer - England International

    Milner - form of his life recently

    Duff and Parker- Premiership Champions

    Butt - Champions league, FA Cup, Premiership winner

    Solano - Vastly capped, superb right foot


    We shouldn't be s***. But we are. NUFC to a tee.


    Note* Not one defender in that list.


    ^ This.


    The sheer gulf in class between our attack and defence totally unbalances the team.


    1 goal in 2 games against Waragem and Wigan. I'm yet to see the supposed "class".


    9th best attack in the division (only 2 goals off having the 6th best)

    13th best defence in the division


    Mid table mediocrity, then. Go Roeder.

  10. Michael Owen - Uefa Cup, FA Cup winner, played loads of CL

    Oba Martins - won god knows what at Inter played loads of CL

    Shay Given - One of best prem keepers for a decade

    Kieron Dyer - England International

    Milner - form of his life recently

    Duff and Parker- Premiership Champions

    Butt - Champions league, FA Cup, Premiership winner

    Solano - Vastly capped, superb right foot


    We shouldn't be s***. But we are. NUFC to a tee.


    Note* Not one defender in that list.


    ^ This.


    The sheer gulf in class between our attack and defence totally unbalances the team.


    Our attack:


    One great player. Injured.

    One good player, could be great if he achieves consistency.

    One absolute shithouse. Championship level.

    One slow, slow journeyman who was good for less than one season*

    Two decent midfielders who make poor strikers.



    * And who that twat Roeder wants to give a 2 year contract to.

  11. Above average squad?


    We can't field a first team with a premiership-quality player in every position.


    Name me 10 Premiership squads you'd swap for ours then, honestly...


    I know the squad has major flaws, but i'm struggling to think of more than 6 i would prefer.


    First teams i'm talking about (i don't know enough about other teams full squads, really).


    Of our "first" team, we have 1 GK, 1 Defender (2 if you count Solano), 4 Midfielders (only one of whom is a top-7 player for me), and 1 striker (Oba still tbc, but he's looking good, in fairness) who are definately up to it.


    We have a so-called first team where we are TWO dfenders short of a premiership back 4, only one top-7 quality midfielder, and 2 good strikers (if Oba comes good in the medium term). But there is still the fear that this cretin Roeder thinks Babayaro, Bramble, Ameobi etc are good enough, and will try to play/not replace them.


    Plus he was bigging up Carr earlier in the season, a man whose legs are so fat he can barely run


    Playing the cunt at left back was beyond fucking stupid.

  12. Above average squad?


    We can't field a first team with a premiership-quality player in every position.


    Name me 10 Premiership squads you'd swap for ours then, honestly...


    I know the squad has major flaws, but i'm struggling to think of more than 6 i would prefer.


    First teams i'm talking about (i don't know enough about other teams full squads, really).


    Of our "first" team, we have 1 GK, 1 Defender (2 if you count Solano), 4 Midfielders (only one of whom is a top-7 player for me), and 1 striker (Oba still tbc, but he's looking good, in fairness) who are definately up to it.


    We have a so-called first team where we are TWO dfenders short of a premiership back 4, only one top-7 quality midfielder, and 2 good strikers (if Oba comes good in the medium term). But there is still the fear that this cretin Roeder thinks Babayaro, Bramble, Ameobi etc are good enough, and will try to play/not replace them.

  13. Mind, i don't think he's a better manager than Roeder - i suspect they are both decent enough Championship managers.


    Why do you think that? Obviously Roeder has proven it over his career, but considering this is Keane's first season... i think he's been very impressive.



    Because thats EXACTLY what he's proven himself to be so far.


    What do you think he has proven himself to be, a decent Premiership manager? Because that wpuld be mad, that. Mad.


    I don't think he has, but he's definetly shown the potential to be 'decent' Premiership at least. He could not have done much more at this stage, could he?


    Have to disagree with that. He hasn't proven the potential to be a decent Premiership anything. He'll have ot be in the Premiership to do that.

  14. Both. :lol:

    Well that's this topic killed then!


    Seriously though, it's nice to have a change of tactic. The opposition must have been surprised when we did a long throw. We never do long throws.


    Next home game, have a glance at the fella in the home dugout. Then review that statament.

  15. Mind, i don't think he's a better manager than Roeder - i suspect they are both decent enough Championship managers.


    Why do you think that? Obviously Roeder has proven it over his career, but considering this is Keane's first season... i think he's been very impressive.



    Because thats EXACTLY what he's proven himself to be so far.


    What do you think he has proven himself to be, a decent Premiership manager? Because that wpuld be mad, that. Mad.

  16. It's all very disappointing, because he looked a very different player for Charlton. Chelsea wouldn't have paid £12 million for him if they didn't see something there.


    At Charlton, he seemed more relaxed and confident. He seemed to be enjoying his football and playing on instinct. With us, he looks very tense when in possession, and seems more worried about losing the ball than doing something with it. His passing is very conservative.


    I'd agree that Butt and Emre look a better combination at the moment.


    *cough* Veron *cough*

  17. Maybe we SHOULD all be all positive - yes, lets do that.


    Sundays game was brilliant. We played really well, Bramble didn't show any signs of being an untrustworthy clutz against slightly better opposition than the UEFA game, the midfield was outstanding, and Roeder showed his tactical genius. We were really, really unlucky to lose, and Sibierski was cruelly and painfully scythed down for the penalty. All we have to do is repeat this level of perfomance, and continue to rely on players who aren't good enough, as well as utilising Roeders phenomenal team selection, tactical and motivational skills, and we will sweep everyone else in the league aside, as befits a massive, important, well-respected club.


    I like the irony of your post, Northern Monkey, in spite of the fact that you didn't really mean it. Your post is sarcastic and exaggerated, yes, but it's this settling for mediocrity that Roeder seems to have the nack of doing in recent times. Which contributes to our... well... mediocrity. One of his main weaknesses that, actually.


    HIS main weakness is that he is not a good manager. OURS is that we accept him.


    In seriousness (seeing as you saw through my almost-impenetrable cloak of sarcasm), we were shit on Sunday. Not shit like we were against the UEFA part-timers, when only our true Championship players shone, but achingly poor, without a clue, and well below the level required of the premiership. Which, ironically, is a microcosm for at least half of our "first team" and our manager.

  18. Well, the time he takes to pick a pass is staggering. How many times in a game does he bring our breaks to a grinding halt? Far more often than Jenas, Dyer, Bowyer or even Ambrose ever did.


    In fairness, Jenas and Dyer broke (breaks) our attacks in other ways, normally  by runnign down a blind alley. As for Ambrose, he was just a nonesense.


    Parker DOES take too much time, no doubt, and how long he thinks he can get away with his patented "swivel on the ball" is a mystery, but he's not as bad as some we have had/do have.

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