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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Is it just me, or does "Keano", and no-one apart from nobs call him, look ill nowadays.


    He's done well, but when he took over they were in an unrealistic position.


    Mind, i don't think he's a better manager than Roeder - i suspect they are both decent enough Championship managers.

  2. We've been here before. Scott Parker IS a great individual player. He can tackle, distribute the ball well and has a half decent shot, you can't really fault his effort and work rate either.


    I can count on one hand the number of central midfielders i've seen with worse distribution and what's this 'decent shot' he has? Has he ever produced anything more than a 'toe punt' from outside the area? To describe him as a 'great individual player' is laughable.


    we've had at least two of these over the past few years.


    I can name bloody loads worse or, at least, not much better just in recent times: Faye, Jenas, Dyer, Batty, McClen, Glass, Bowyer, Ambrose, etc.




    You think he's trying to make Dyer, Jeenas or Faye look better??


    Wouldn't be particularly hard.


    True enough. Still, as long as we have Pattinson, we'll be ok..........

  3. We've been here before. Scott Parker IS a great individual player. He can tackle, distribute the ball well and has a half decent shot, you can't really fault his effort and work rate either.


    I can count on one hand the number of central midfielders i've seen with worse distribution and what's this 'decent shot' he has? Has he ever produced anything more than a 'toe punt' from outside the area? To describe him as a 'great individual player' is laughable.


    we've had at least two of these over the past few years.


    I can name bloody loads worse or, at least, not much better just in recent times: Faye, Jenas, Dyer, Batty, McClen, Glass, Bowyer, Ambrose, etc.




    You think he's trying to make Dyer, Jeenas or Faye look better??

  4. We've been here before. Scott Parker IS a great individual player. He can tackle, distribute the ball well and has a half decent shot, you can't really fault his effort and work rate either.


    I can count on one hand the number of central midfielders i've seen with worse distribution and what's this 'decent shot' he has? Has he ever produced anything more than a 'toe punt' from outside the area? To describe him as a 'great individual player' is laughable.


    we've had at least two of these over the past few years.


    I can name bloody loads worse or, at least, not much better just in recent times: Faye, Jenas, Dyer, Batty, McClen, Glass, Bowyer, Ambrose, etc.


    I was thinking specifically of the last few seasons, with Faye and Dyer being the worst, but you can include Emre there as well, and Bowyer should get an honoirable mention for also mimicing Parkers will to get the ball back once he loses it, only with even more cringeworthy results.

  5. Maybe we SHOULD all be all positive - yes, lets do that.


    Sundays game was brilliant. We played really well, Bramble didn't show any signs of being an untrustworthy clutz against slightly better opposition than the UEFA game, the midfield was outstanding, and Roeder showed his tactical genius. We were really, really unlucky to lose, and Sibierski was cruelly and painfully scythed down for the penalty. All we have to do is repeat this level of perfomance, and continue to rely on players who aren't good enough, as well as utilising Roeders phenomenal team selection, tactical and motivational skills, and we will sweep everyone else in the league aside, as befits a massive, important, well-respected club.

  6. Dinho Lad, you're just being plain intransigent mate.


    Im neither intransigent or a WUM. Accept other peoples opinion may differ from yours. After 5 or 6 seasons of cock-ups Ive simply lost patience with Bramble. How long am I supposed to wait for him to finally string acceptable performances consistently?


    Has he improved at all since we signed him? He has, but not by much.


    Those stats dont prove anything. Why dont you get me the stats of his appearances and goals conceded from the previous seasons?


    You really think Bramble holds our defence together? I dont know which Bramble youre watching, man.  But I think a clown on a donkey would perform better than him.


    You don't believe in facts and you have no alternative solutions


    Facts? Thats a load of crap, mate.  


    Perhaps NM would like to continue in your stead...?


    Unlike NM, I dont moan at every possible opportunity. I've said I rate most of our midfielders and strikers, didn't I?


    If youre happy watching NUFC settling for mediocre players then thats your choice. Personally, Im fed of the club making us put up with players that are not good enough to wear the shirt of a club like Newcastle.



    Get to fuck. I won't complain when we have a manager and team worthy even of someone like you, never mimd the rest of us.


    You rate most of our midfielders and strikers? Then you're an idiot, well done.

  7. Dinho Lad, you're just being plain intransigent mate. You don't believe in facts and you have no alternative solutions - that is to say, solutions with mechanical semantics involved.


    Perhaps NM would like to continue in your stead...?


    Eh?? What the fuck are you blathering about this time?

  8. We've been here before. Scott Parker IS a great individual player. He can tackle, distribute the ball well and has a half decent shot, you can't really fault his effort and work rate either.


    I can count on one hand the number of central midfielders i've seen with worse distribution and what's this 'decent shot' he has? Has he ever produced anything more than a 'toe punt' from outside the area? To describe him as a 'great individual player' is laughable.


    we've had at least two of these over the past few years.

  9. The problem that Crooks highlights is simple: there is an under representation of black players in management. One of the reasons for this is that it is white people employing the managers, and since most white people, consciously or subconsciously, are prejudiced or even racist, it is, obviously, more difficult for a black man to enter management.

    Utter bullshit.

    Read the comment below yours.

    You watch too much PC-sponsored "Institutional racism" crap churned out by the BBC, chum.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't watch TV. Instead I analyse available information, and the conclusions are clear: institutional racism is prevalent in all parts of society. To believe that it doesn't exist in football, which is renowned for its racism, is delusional.


    That post makes me care even less.


    There are many things about football that rile me, that make me want changes to be made. But the number of coloured managers is way down the list.

  10. Because he owes us. and he knows that. Plus, I dont think any club would go for him so soon after recovering from a nasty injury, which may possibly change his game entirely or even cause him to be an inferior player than before.


    Unless we want to sell him, that is.



    He owes us? I don't think that even comes into it. If he had any kind of link to us, faur enough, but lets face it, he doesn't.

  11. He's not going anywhere because no one is going to spend 10mil on a player that's played 25minutes of league football in 18months or whatever it is.


    Who says we'd even get £10m for him?


    I could see him going for less than that, if he gets the opportunity.


    God knows Roeder is stupid enough to think Ameobi and Martins (or just as bad, Sib and Martins) could work next season, with Dyer as backup.


    Dont really see Shepherd take such a battering on his record signing to be honest.


    If he gets full of pies one day, and has a pastry rush, who knows how crazy he'll be.

  12. BBC rent a gob Garth Crooks has today stated that English football should be ashamed of itself after the finding that 2% of coaches/managers are black. I must admit my first thought was "not yet another race whinge", but would be interested to find out the mass opinion on this matter?


    Cant include the Toon in this Garth, not after the best forgotten Ruud era.




    The BBC shoudl be ashamed. For actually paying someone like Crooks a salary.

  13. He's not going anywhere because no one is going to spend 10mil on a player that's played 25minutes of league football in 18months or whatever it is.


    Who says we'd even get £10m for him?


    I could see him going for less than that, if he gets the opportunity.


    God knows Roeder is stupid enough to think Ameobi and Martins (or just as bad, Sib and Martins) could work next season, with Dyer as backup.

  14. Theres no chance of Owen going anywhere this summer.


    Why, because he is so loyal to us?


    hahahahaha. Sorry, couldn't help myself.



    I agree with Leazes1986. Anyone with half a brain would know why.


    Then clearly i don't, so why?

  15. Taylor Gooch.


    At least until we see whether Gooch is a premiership central defender. If he's not, we only have one.


    Taylor is by some margin our best, not playing him would be akin to the stupidity of thinking Boumsong or Moore were ever going to be top premiership defenders.

  16. Bramble is the biggest let down for me. He was supposed to bea genuine talent. But he's s****.


    Bramble is indeed a genuine talent. But his concentration ....


    No, he's not a genuine talent. He still shows the odd glimpse of quality, but a genuine talent? No. The days when he could be classed as having potential and the chance to improve are long gone. He's a laughing stock at fans form all other clubs.


    He's a Championship player, but at least he had the opportunity to have a go in the Premiership. Most players of his quality don't.

  17. I think he is an okay player at most at the moment, but it appears many on here think he is a major prospect for us...


    Can any one of those who think so please explain why?


    He occasionally does good things, but the majority of the time our plays breakdown when he gets involved in them. At the moment his passing is below standard as is his crossing of the ball.


    His best attribute for me is his workrate which is really good, other then that I struggle to think of anything else he does consistently well.....


    Still dissapointed by him on the whole tbh.


    Seeing as you think Luque did well tonight and it all wasn't his fault........


    We only have onle player who can cross the ball from the right, and he is too slow, so Milner is our best bet. He is better than some of the other players who are supposedly good enough for the first team.

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