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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. We weren't very good.


    The opposition are a fucking terrible team, we made them look just average and dull.


    Bramble was MOTM, definately.


    Taylor played well.


    Harper was a spectator.


    Duff had a 1/3 of a good game.


    Luque was shite.


    Dyer had his "touch of a rapist" boots on.


    Martins only woke up when Albert "He Needs More Games" Luque went off.


    Milner looks like a clumsy get whenever he runs with the ball.

  2. Bramble is the biggest let down for me. He was supposed to bea genuine talent. But he's shite.


    The rest, i either didn't particularly know about, and were shit (Boumsong, Luque), or i didn't expect much of anyway (Babayaro, Carr).

  3. For fucks sake!!! Luque was a spainish international!!! I idmit he hasn't played anywere near as good as he should have, but face facts, He was injured 3 games after we signed him, He came back about 3-4 games before Roeder took over! And we all now how many games Luque has played under Roeder ??? Luque plays about 1 game a month as it stands.


    Every footballer deserves a chance, why can't Luque get one?




    See my last post. It's obvious that he isn't showing enough on a day to day basis to be deserving of a chance.


    Training doesn't matter and neither does a strong daily work ethic.  Get with it, mate!


    None of us have any idea how well or bad Luque does in training? I have a hard time beleiving Ameobi, Carr, Babayaro or Ramage can be any better then Luque in training! But even they get a run of games!

    There is also a difference in training and playing a football match. I bet if Parker lacked as much "match fitness" as Luque does, he whould...


    Even Ameobi is better than Luque, though. So, despite being nowhere near a Premiership striker, Ameobi should get a game before Luque (if both are fit) in the absence of a decent player.

  4. how is NUFC a third teir club, even at this point? We're 9th in the table and haven't been able to put out a consistent starting 11 (forget about a best starting 11) all year.  We still have owen to return, and considering the circumstances, NUFC is in a decent position right now.


    Lets not fucking pretend we have half a team waiting on the injury list to come back in, or that even the "best" team Roeder thinks he has is anywhere near good enough.


    For me, there are 4 tiers in the Premiership, and we are in the third tier. We're a decent, average-sizd club with a very poor squad.


    Yet you expect Roeder to achieve more or demand more from this average sized club? That doesn't make sense NM, you can't have it both ways.


    I expected Roeder (well, no i didn't, but he should have been capable if he was good enough for the job) to achieve more by getting in the players to address the fatal issues with our first team. Then i expected us to do moderately well in the league. We HAVE actually

    pretty much achieved this to date, but not through good performances - i.e. not in a sustainable manner.

  5. how is NUFC a third teir club, even at this point? We're 9th in the table and haven't been able to put out a consistent starting 11 (forget about a best starting 11) all year.  We still have owen to return, and considering the circumstances, NUFC is in a decent position right now.


    Lets not fucking pretend we have half a team waiting on the injury list to come back in, or that even the "best" team Roeder thinks he has is anywhere near good enough.


    For me, there are 4 tiers in the Premiership, and we are in the third tier. We're a decent, average-sizd club with a very poor squad.

  6. I didn't mind when he was shite on the right wing, because that was just Roeder being a spaz.


    But he's been a fucking shocker on the left most of the time as well. His movement was half decent, but his passing and ball retention was crap.

  7. i disagree that we couldn't get a better manager in - i don't think we particularly tried.


    He's a very poor manager, for me, who makes some extremely poor choices. Having him as manager of NUFC is a bit embarassing, tbh.


    Restated then: I don't think the board can therefore we won't.


    I don't see why you should feel embarrassed either, that's just daft that. If we were Man Utd, then aye, but we aren't and we won't ever get there if we keep chopping and changing. Roeder could well get us to qualify for Europe again which is a far cry from where we were heading under Souness, lets take things at a time and see where we are when the dust is settled, then look higher. Anyway it is Shearer next and at this stage, we don't know whether he would be any better than Roeder and I'm not willing to gamble on that just now.


    Its embarassing because we are NUFC, effectively a 3rd tier Premiership club, with a Championship manager (not the game, natch). I don't think Roeder will get us into Europe proper, really.


    As for Shearer, thats a recurring fear, isn't it.

  8. Exactly. There's no excuse. He could have signed Campbell & Lauren for a combined £500k...he still honestly believes he was right not to do either. And the £5m spent on Duff could easily have signed us a top class left-back, and there you'd have had a brand spanking new defence.

    Campbell and Lauren are both the wrong side of 30 and both signed multi-year contracts at Portsmouth. Who's to say either player will be the same player they are now in a few years and then everyone will be moaning in a few years when they are useless and we can't get rid of them.


    I'd rather wait until the end of the season and bring in a good, young RB then bring in Lauren. As for CB we have Onyewu who looks very solid and is 6/7 years younger than Campbell.


    Thats some good short-term thinking on the CB front. As for players being useless and we can't get rid of them, well, we only have one CB (pre - and possibly post - who knows, Gooch) who DOESN'T fall into this category.

  9. I don't think there are many people who can genuinely question Wengers planning with Walcott, or anyone else for that matter.


    He's not like sodding Roeder, he's not going to play someone out of position if they aren't goign to do a good enough job.



  10. i disagree that we couldn't get a better manager in - i don't think we particularly tried.


    He's a very poor manager, for me, who makes some extremely poor choices. Having him as manager of NUFC is a bit embarassing, tbh.

  11. Sorry, but I would rather we didn't cheat, that's the way I am and I'll not change.  I don't care if it's one of our players or the opposition, its shit as far as I'm concerned.


    I hate seeing so much cheating in football, a lot of forwards drop a foot when in the box in hope of getting a penalty and they usually get away with it.  I hate seeing all of the shirt pulling which goes on, it spoils the game for me as it's not necessary, video evidence is used for banning people for dodgy tackles and I would love to see the cheats getting bans for diving, no matter who they are or who they play for.



    What he said.

  12. Don't, that stupid cunt Roeder probably will.


    Or he'll pretend Ameobi and Babayaro can do a good enoguh job for us in their positions, and buy another central midfielder.

  13. Why do people want him to fail?


    I'm not saying he's done enough this season, but I can't recall anyone on here ever praising him, and yet he seems to get called out on just about everything he might have done wrong.

    I have to say, I disagree. People were delighted at his signing - even if were concerned about N'Zogbia's future. It provided strength in depth. He had the full support of the crowd, and the onus was on him to perform.


    If and when he starts performing, people will lay off him. It's a tough deal, but it's a tough profession!


    I'm not talking about general assessments. I mean I really can't recall anyone on here during a match/post-match thread or anything like that saying anything positive about his play. I'm talking single passes, decent runs etc. Not a single thing.


    Because making one good pass per game, but being hideous for the rest of it, deserves no praise. Its praising that kind of woeful underperformance that has lead to people saying Shambles is a decent defender.

  14. Replace ASAP.


    As for the "better stick with him than get someone worse in", thats rubbish. Get rid of him and get someone better than him.


    Are you aware that our chairman doesnt have a clue about football and will hire someone like Souness


    I dont think you will want this ;)


    I just got a pain down the left side of my body.

  15. It's starting to fucking boil my piss that we don't have a designated penalty taker. Martins and Solano fight against Reading, Martins scores, then misses so Roeder says "Oh well, he'll still take the next one". He didn't. Does this undermine the managers authority? Solano scores 2 on the trot and takes them brilliantly, so what happens? Martins takes it tonight.


    For fucks sake pick a Penalty taker and fucking stick to it!!!





    Penalty takers are the least threat to Roeders authority, i reckon. he's got plenty of other stuff to worry about, liek favouring shite players.

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