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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. i don't like diving - but i honestly don't think duff's dive was quite as blatant as you lot claim.


    wasn't a penalty - i totally agree, but it wasn't christiano ronaldo stylee either!


    It was a deliberate, cheating dive. End of.

    Duffs mind was on diving.


    you seem awfully certain - are you duff in disquise?


    Have you seen it? He dived. That is deyond dispute.


    see my first comment please - yes i saw it, i just don't completely agree with you


    Don't agree that he deliberately dove (sic??)?

  2. hopefully we'll have a different manager.

    Just what Newcastle United need. A change of manager.


    We're already a f****** laughing stock ffs!


    And we'll continue to be one with such an incompetent manager at the helm.

    A laughing stock who's team is in the last 16 of the UEFA cup. Has a good chance of qualifying for Europe again. And has performed heroics with the worst injury pileup in the clubs history.




    I'd say we have little chance of progressing further than the next round of the Uefa Cup, and mid table mediocrity bekons in the league. As for injuries, they've only be highlighted to such an extent because Roeder has failed to address the gaping holes in our squad during the last two transfer windows.


    nice and optimistic fan i see


    Honesty - a bad thing?


    what has honesty got to do with anything? i dont expect him to lie about what he thinks, i just think its pessimistic.


    Pessimism or optimism is irrelevant, the facts are that Roeder has fucked up.

  3. hopefully we'll have a different manager.

    Just what Newcastle United need. A change of manager.


    We're already a f****** laughing stock ffs!


    And we'll continue to be one with such an incompetent manager at the helm.

    A laughing stock who's team is in the last 16 of the UEFA cup. Has a good chance of qualifying for Europe again. And has performed heroics with the worst injury pileup in the clubs history.




    I'd say we have little chance of progressing further than the next round of the Uefa Cup, and mid table mediocrity bekons in the league. As for injuries, they've only be highlighted to such an extent because Roeder has failed to address the gaping holes in our squad during the last two transfer windows.


    nice and optimistic fan i see


    Honesty - a bad thing?

  4. i don't like diving - but i honestly don't think duff's dive was quite as blatant as you lot claim.


    wasn't a penalty - i totally agree, but it wasn't christiano ronaldo stylee either!


    It was a deliberate, cheating dive. End of.

    Duffs mind was on diving.


    you seem awfully certain - are you duff in disquise?


    Have you seen it? He dived. That is deyond dispute.

  5. John Barnes and Colin Murray - dream presenting combination.


    Murray's decent, I reckon. 


    Shambolic, more like. He's worse on the radio, granted, but he's definately no TV presenter.


    He's ok man.  Does alright on the European Poker Tour too.


    The Poker tour is about his level, i can't abide him as a proper presenter. And he's crucified Fighting Talk.

  6. We would sign Duff and he would be s***, thats not even mentioning the dive! I would rather have him rape my dog twice a day than dive tbh!


    i suppose this should be in the duffs dive thread, but i dont think its likely that diving is ever going to be stopped, would you rather teams dived against us to get results and we played honestly when opportunities to go down arised and lost points due to it? i think it evens itself out over time and its sadly part of the game.


    Evens itself out? Thats the kind of thing pathetic old pro's say when they try to justify the factthat players blatantly cheat.

  7. I think diving should be warranted with a straight red, then we'll see who's got the balls to try it. Ultimately it is cheating, so why not? It can distort the game and rob a team of potentially millions of pounds if done at a decisive time.


    I said something similar in the Duff thread, but the fact is its unrealistic. Just imagine it's the World Cup Final (or Champions League, whatever) and Henry is charging into the box and has a swan dive. The ref has to be absolutely certain, zero question at all, in order to send him off. Then you have to factor reputations into it too - are players known as divers like Cristiano Ronaldo and Henry are going to be "gone after"? What happens when a player cleans up his act like Drogba?


    I appreciate your basic sentiment, agree wholeheartedly, but applying it would be a nightmare!



    Then he wouldn't get sent off for divind, as he wouldn't dive.


    Yeah, fair enough, but I guess I meant more from the ref's mindset point of view - Drogba had a bad reputation for diving, and while he has been cleaning up his act it's another element in that split-second decision the referee has to make. Player X always dives, Player Y dives sometimes, Player Z used to dive but not anymore... Preceonceptions are, unfortunately, part of a refs make-up.


    Would be interesting to get Paul Mosely's views (or any other refs out there)



    I'd rather run the risk of poor refs using preconceptions than let everyone get away with diving.

  8. I get the feeling that if it was Martins who fell when the keeper ran out he'd be spared a bit of critisism by a lot.


    I think you might be right there.


    ANYONE who dives shoudl be punished.

  9. John Barnes and Colin Murray - dream presenting combination.


    Murray's decent, I reckon. 


    Shambolic, more like. He's worse on the radio, granted, but he's definately no TV presenter.

  10. I think diving should be warranted with a straight red, then we'll see who's got the balls to try it. Ultimately it is cheating, so why not? It can distort the game and rob a team of potentially millions of pounds if done at a decisive time.


    I said something similar in the Duff thread, but the fact is its unrealistic. Just imagine it's the World Cup Final (or Champions League, whatever) and Henry is charging into the box and has a swan dive. The ref has to be absolutely certain, zero question at all, in order to send him off. Then you have to factor reputations into it too - are players known as divers like Cristiano Ronaldo and Henry are going to be "gone after"? What happens when a player cleans up his act like Drogba?


    I appreciate your basic sentiment, agree wholeheartedly, but applying it would be a nightmare!



    Then he wouldn't get sent off for divind, as he wouldn't dive.

  11. i don't like diving - but i honestly don't think duff's dive was quite as blatant as you lot claim.


    wasn't a penalty - i totally agree, but it wasn't christiano ronaldo stylee either!


    It was a deliberate, cheating dive. End of.

  12. If they want to give us Bellamy or Kuyt + plenty cash, I'd be willing to let them be the ones that take the chance on his fitness.  Failing that, they can cock off.


    Sounds like bollocks to me though.


    The alternative is that Roeder will play Ameobi as soon as he can, the prick.


    Wouldn't want Kuyt. Hasn't impressed me in the slightest.

  13. Players who do that disgust me. Having watched the likes of Baros, Ronaldo and Drogba throwing themselves to the ground makes me fucking sick.


    Anyone who doesn't condemn Duff for his dive last night has no right to complain when opposition players dive and WE come out the losers.


  14. hopefully we'll have a different manager.

    Just what Newcastle United need. A change of manager.


    We're already a fucking laughing stock ffs!


    No, you're right. What we need is a manager who is incapable of seeing and/or fixing the fucking massive gaps we have in the first team. Genius.

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