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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. you happy now HTL?  :uglystupid2:


    Aye, I'm happy. My team won, Bellamy was plagued by bad luck otherwise he'd have scored 4. Imagine him in our team playing alongside Martins instead of Dyer, something Newcastle fans would be over the moon about if it happened. Owen for Bellamy this summer maybe?


    By the way, using :uglystupid2: doesn't make it any less abusive than using the words.  No need. :rolleyes:

    wasn't bad luck,just thats the way it is with bellamy,he done that time and again for us.he's not a good consistent finisher.


    i'd rather see owen and martins first.


    Not a lot between Martins and Bellamy, really.

  2. Ratings


    Harper - 6.5 - At fault for the goal, looked ok no way near the level of Shay Given un surprisingly.


    Taylor - 7 - out of position as a right back but dominant throughout in the air.

    Onyewu - 8.5 - superb performance on his home debut, everything in his zone he was dominant in the air and in the tackle.

    Bramble - 5.5 - got sucked out way too often and left the space for Bellamy to run into on numerous occasions.

    Babayaro - 7 - decent return however he needs his match fitness back.


    Nobby - 7.5 - same old Nobby neat and tidy and when there is a forward runner he picked him out.

    Butt - 6.5 - not at his usual, got far too tight therefore rolled over and over again.

    Parker - 9 - Colossal absolutely colossal overshadowed both Gerrard and Sissoko and was our most important and best player, not only did he win back the ball he used the ball fantastically spreading the play rather then his usual 10 yard and backwards passing.

    Milner - 7 - workhorse performance but lacked the delivery in this game.


    Dyer - 7 - caused Agger plenty of problems particularly first half with his movement and put Oba through for the goal.

    Martins - 7 - plenty of running and showing for the ball at key times but lacked service. (scored)


    Christ. Nothing like putting heart before head.


    I thought it was a WUM, either that or we know that "scotty" posts on the forum. In case he does.......sod off in the summer.  ;)


    8.5, 9 - he's either a WUM, or one of those who think that 7 OUT OF 10 is an average score. Maybe he scores matches for the Sun.


    most people rate 1-10 differently in terms of what they think is a average or poor number in a 1-10 score


    I am one of those who thinks 7 out of 10 is a average score for me 6.5 is somebody who had a less then average game 


    lots of people score it differently


    by the way sorry for my ignorance but does WUM mean wind up merchant?


    I genuinely don't get it. between ZERO and TEN, how is 7 average?


    because half of 10 does not mean average


    like i said most people have a different view of average rate in a rating out of 10


    anyway your main point was about my high rating of our Captains performance no?


    Yes, it was. he played very very well, but 9 out of 10??


    Mind, the 8.5 was MORE wrong.

  3. He was great, really like the way he and Taylor seems to really burn for the club and winning. Need to have more people like that. Given, Taylor, Solano, Parker and Martins to some extent really seem to have a bit more desire than the rest of them. Maybe Milner and Dyer could me mentioned too. Hopefully with a bit of success the rest will be motivated and if we add a few players something that resembles the bobby years could come and this time we win the league cup:)


    Or is that just me dreaming?:)


    Afraid so, mate.

  4. Ratings


    Harper - 6.5 - At fault for the goal, looked ok no way near the level of Shay Given un surprisingly.


    Taylor - 7 - out of position as a right back but dominant throughout in the air.

    Onyewu - 8.5 - superb performance on his home debut, everything in his zone he was dominant in the air and in the tackle.

    Bramble - 5.5 - got sucked out way too often and left the space for Bellamy to run into on numerous occasions.

    Babayaro - 7 - decent return however he needs his match fitness back.


    Nobby - 7.5 - same old Nobby neat and tidy and when there is a forward runner he picked him out.

    Butt - 6.5 - not at his usual, got far too tight therefore rolled over and over again.

    Parker - 9 - Colossal absolutely colossal overshadowed both Gerrard and Sissoko and was our most important and best player, not only did he win back the ball he used the ball fantastically spreading the play rather then his usual 10 yard and backwards passing.

    Milner - 7 - workhorse performance but lacked the delivery in this game.


    Dyer - 7 - caused Agger plenty of problems particularly first half with his movement and put Oba through for the goal.

    Martins - 7 - plenty of running and showing for the ball at key times but lacked service. (scored)


    Christ. Nothing like putting heart before head.


    I thought it was a WUM, either that or we know that "scotty" posts on the forum. In case he does.......sod off in the summer.  ;)


    8.5, 9 - he's either a WUM, or one of those who think that 7 OUT OF 10 is an average score. Maybe he scores matches for the Sun.


    most people rate 1-10 differently in terms of what they think is a average or poor number in a 1-10 score


    I am one of those who thinks 7 out of 10 is a average score for me 6.5 is somebody who had a less then average game 


    lots of people score it differently


    by the way sorry for my ignorance but does WUM mean wind up merchant?


    I genuinely don't get it. between ZERO and TEN, how is 7 average?

  5. Can't wait for Owen's superior movement to create space for Martins.


    That's the thing, you can just see that Owen and Martens are going to be fckn dynamite together. Could be something spectacular next season....


    UEFA Cup final more like.



  6. He played well - better than the defenders some people are pretending were great.


    "Stevie G" and Sissoko were poor, but i think they appeared that way because Parker himself played so well.


    The trademark 8-yard, telegraphed, hideous sliding tackles were missing, which was nice. He played like the kind of player we thought he was, before he appeared to become 3-dimensional.


    Aye, I think Parker's own performance subdued Gerrard's although the Liverpool man himself was clearly having a poor game, but much of that was down to Parker shadowing him and snapping away. Parker excelled as defensive midfielder yesterday and stemmed the flow a number of times, while also having the energy to get up in support of the forwards. An all-action  display. No doubt some fill still try and find fault with his game.


    He didn't score a 700-yard screamer, like Emre could if he wanted to. Sack the 50's hairdo-sporting cunt, tbh.

  7. Ratings


    Harper - 6.5 - At fault for the goal, looked ok no way near the level of Shay Given un surprisingly.


    Taylor - 7 - out of position as a right back but dominant throughout in the air.

    Onyewu - 8.5 - superb performance on his home debut, everything in his zone he was dominant in the air and in the tackle.

    Bramble - 5.5 - got sucked out way too often and left the space for Bellamy to run into on numerous occasions.

    Babayaro - 7 - decent return however he needs his match fitness back.


    Nobby - 7.5 - same old Nobby neat and tidy and when there is a forward runner he picked him out.

    Butt - 6.5 - not at his usual, got far too tight therefore rolled over and over again.

    Parker - 9 - Colossal absolutely colossal overshadowed both Gerrard and Sissoko and was our most important and best player, not only did he win back the ball he used the ball fantastically spreading the play rather then his usual 10 yard and backwards passing.

    Milner - 7 - workhorse performance but lacked the delivery in this game.


    Dyer - 7 - caused Agger plenty of problems particularly first half with his movement and put Oba through for the goal.

    Martins - 7 - plenty of running and showing for the ball at key times but lacked service. (scored)


    Christ. Nothing like putting heart before head.


    I thought it was a WUM, either that or we know that "scotty" posts on the forum. In case he does.......sod off in the summer.  ;)


    8.5, 9 - he's either a WUM, or one of those who think that 7 OUT OF 10 is an average score. Maybe he scores matches for the Sun.

  8. He played well - better than the defenders some people are pretending were great.


    "Stevie G" and Sissoko were poor, but i think they appeared that way because Parker himself played so well.


    The trademark 8-yard, telegraphed, hideous sliding tackles were missing, which was nice. He played like the kind of player we thought he was, before he appeared to become 3-dimensional.

  9. Ratings


    Harper - 6.5 - At fault for the goal, looked ok no way near the level of Shay Given un surprisingly.


    Taylor - 7 - out of position as a right back but dominant throughout in the air.

    Onyewu - 8.5 - superb performance on his home debut, everything in his zone he was dominant in the air and in the tackle.

    Bramble - 5.5 - got sucked out way too often and left the space for Bellamy to run into on numerous occasions.

    Babayaro - 7 - decent return however he needs his match fitness back.


    Nobby - 7.5 - same old Nobby neat and tidy and when there is a forward runner he picked him out.

    Butt - 6.5 - not at his usual, got far too tight therefore rolled over and over again.

    Parker - 9 - Colossal absolutely colossal overshadowed both Gerrard and Sissoko and was our most important and best player, not only did he win back the ball he used the ball fantastically spreading the play rather then his usual 10 yard and backwards passing.

    Milner - 7 - workhorse performance but lacked the delivery in this game.


    Dyer - 7 - caused Agger plenty of problems particularly first half with his movement and put Oba through for the goal.

    Martins - 7 - plenty of running and showing for the ball at key times but lacked service. (scored)


    Christ. Nothing like putting heart before head.

  10. Well done to the lad - decent performance and the kudos he'll get from the fans for playing in such circumstances might just help salvage his toon career.


    Still think we need a new left back, but happy enough to have him as cover if he can keep himself fit.


    Salvage his toon career???


    Having an okay game won't do that. He;s not fucking good enough, full stop.

  11. Dyer is no good as a striker. He can fill in, but he's not going to do it medium/long term.

    Martins will hopefully show consistency.

    Owen is genuine class.

    Ameobi is utter, utter wank. Utter wank.


    If Owen stays, we need a striker asap. If he doesn't, we need 2.

  12. Ashley Cole?






    Apologies, that wasn't constructive. But COME ON! Ashley Cole!


    The lad who put Given in was presumably taking the piss, but putting Cole in?? He isn't even the best LB in the Premiership.

  13. i wasn't very impressed with him today, only because i've seen him play loads of games and he wasn't at his best today. not signing him would be a HUGE mistake! he gives us an aerial presence and physicality that has been lacking for quite some time. not to mention he's one of the smartest players ever, rarely gets caught outta position and has composure on the ball that allows us to link up with the midfield unlike a certain player named peter "kick it long and run to it because i couldn't pass it through two cones 5 feet apart and 10 feet in front of me" ramage.


    sign him up!  ;)


    You just described the EXACT opposite of Bramble.


    He hasn't looked good for an entire game yet, but he needs time. Hopefully he'll have games where he is not played beside Shambles, and soon, before that sucks the confidence out of him.


    He was ok today, but we didn't see much of that aerial prowess.

  14. Hmmm dunno.  I thought it was the gooch's fault when bellamy took on harper.  He just left him.


    Sshh, we beat a better side, every one of the defence is now a god. ;)


    Seriously, he fucked up a bit, but not as much as on his debut. he could turn out ok. Or shite, its too early to say.

  15. Let's not fight. We've beaten a good side. It's the sort of result that the players can really take some confidence from.


    As others have said, the defence was transformed in the second half. They were a lot more aggressive. It felt like they were committing themselves as individuals more, relying on the fact that their team mates were covering for them. In the first half, it looked like they didn't trust one another enough.


    We looked the better for Babayaro in there. He's not the greatest, but he's better than a teenage centre back.


    He was today, but that is the first time i could have agreed with that comment so far. He's usually less use than a chocolate cock.

  16. Let's not take this thread out of context.


    Take any arguements to PM, we don't need to witness every single empty threat made from behind a monitor.


    Spoil sport. Internet hard men are what makes the 'web great!


    Wana take this outside?


    Oh wait.. that would involve leaving my seat.. I'll pass.


    And its cold and wet. And FAR too far from my beer to be wanting to go out there.


    Let's end it! I win, good times. Now... Back to baba.


    Sorry to hear about his brother. It's quite bizzare, because he appeared to play better today than he usually does.


    He DID play better - i.e. not COMPLETELY s****, all of the time. There were even passages of time where he looked like a (admittedly lower-table) Premiership player.


    But lets face it, that doesn't make him any good. He's got his entire time with us to make up for, because he's been f****** shocking.


    Shame about his brother, clearly, losing someone isn't nice, and if he felt he was ok to play, fair enough. But the idea that this somehow makes him good enough to play for us is a scary one.


    Yeah, I assume he wanted to take his mind off it, which I can understand.


    And definitely, I think at times today he seemed like a decent player, one that may be worth the shirt on his back. But the odd glimpse of "talent" isn't gonna change the fact he's been diabolical for us since he's arrived.


    Exactly - one game where he was mainly ok does NOT suddenly make him good enough.


    The sooner we get a decent LB in - and Roeder had better sort it in summer, in the sad event he still has his job - the better.

  17. Big up 2 him....strong guy. Can play in my team anyday


    You have a pub team then? Or are you Billy Davies? Cos i think he is definately good enough for the Chapmionship.

  18. I'd like to see the Taylor/Onyewu partnership set up, with a left back who can actually play football. With Nobby/Taylor/Onyewu/New LB, we would have a chance of seeing what our new CB was like.


    Playing him alongside Shambles isn't the answer. Poor lad has done nothing to deserve that.

  19. Let's not take this thread out of context.


    Take any arguements to PM, we don't need to witness every single empty threat made from behind a monitor.


    Spoil sport. Internet hard men are what makes the 'web great!


    Wana take this outside?


    Oh wait.. that would involve leaving my seat.. I'll pass.


    And its cold and wet. And FAR too far from my beer to be wanting to go out there.


    Let's end it! I win, good times. Now... Back to baba.


    Sorry to hear about his brother. It's quite bizzare, because he appeared to play better today than he usually does.


    He DID play better - i.e. not COMPLETELY SHITE, all of the time. There were even passages of time where he looked like a (admittedly lower-table) Premiership player.


    But lets face it, that doesn't make him any good. He's got his entire time with us to make up for, because he's been fucking shocking.


    Shame about his brother, clearly, losing someone isn't nice, and if he felt he was ok to play, fair enough. But the idea that this somehow makes him good enough to play for us is a scary one.

  20. Should have scored more than one tbh.....


    perhaps Oba would have done better with those chances that Bellamy had.




    I don't know if he would, hsi consistency is, well, inconsistent, isn't it.


    We were lucky Bellamy didn't put more of his chances away. A different striker would have. He had our defence all ends up several times (no surprise given the lack of quality of half of them, i know)

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