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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Let's not take this thread out of context.


    Take any arguements to PM, we don't need to witness every single empty threat made from behind a monitor.


    Spoil sport. Internet hard men are what makes the 'web great!


    Wana take this outside?


    Oh wait.. that would involve leaving my seat.. I'll pass.


    And its cold and wet. And FAR too far from my beer to be wanting to go out there.

  2. I thought Bramble was on thin ice a number of times. He showed glimpses of why some (wrong) people think he is a Premiership player, and glimpses of why some others (including me) think he is a pile of s****.


    Bramble was shocking in the first half. The only reason this isnt being widely acknowledged is because Bellamy failed to convert his chances.

    onweyu (?) won all that came his way in the air,on the ground and organisationally he looked like a player coming in froma much lower league  .bramble had to cover that,notice no-one is questioning butts quietist game for a while,how we failed to narrow the midfield,or questioning why sibs wasn't brought on earlier to hold the ball up and take pressuer off the defence.



    Butt was better than against Fulham, and as for Le Sib not coming on, that's because Roeder is an idiot.


    Bramble wasn't carrying anyone, either, he could barely cover for his own inadequacies.


    I thought the new boy did alriht for a lot of the game - more than his debut, when he had a stinking second half.

  3. Let's not take this thread out of context.


    Take any arguements to PM, we don't need to witness every single empty threat made from behind a monitor.


    Spoil sport. Internet hard men are what makes the 'web great!

  4. While i appreciate what the ultra's try to do, they repeat the same old shite week in and week out with no originality.


    For example: When we get a corner you'll hear - Der Der Der Der Der, Der Der Der Der Geordies.


    Sharply followed by if yer proud to be a geordie/hate the fuckin mackems/hate the smoggie bastards clap yer hands


    Stand up if you love the toon


    Toon Toon black and white army


    etc etc etc


    The effort is appreciated but come up with something original.


    No other fucker bothers, why should they?

  5. no,you didn't write much today cos we won.


    ah, i see. Nice that you think so, genius.


    Anyway, i don't need to say anything about the game, because people like you have already re-written history to make us good.

  6. I thought Bramble was on thin ice a number of times. He showed glimpses of why some (wrong) people think he is a Premiership player, and glimpses of why some others (including me) think he is a pile of s****.


    Bramble was shocking in the first half. The only reason this isnt being widely acknowledged is because Bellamy failed to convert his chances.


    Careful, you'll fall foul of the "we won so every player is like Pele" brigade.

  7. We have a left wing backup, if everyone is fit - Duff.


    Aye, but the point of that discussion/thread was that it was a tad silly to spend 5mill and 70k per week on a backup player for the left wing, when we already have 2-3 adequate ones, whilst having not a single fullback good enough for anywhere near where we want to be, as well as being in the need for a good centreback AND a good forward.


    Thats the measure of Roeders incredible stupidity, though.


    Anyway, i knew what the point of the thread was, i just wanted you and HTL to stop fighting, You were upsetting the kids.

  8. your the type that would take six months stress leave if your great,great grandmother died...thats if you have a job...yes babayaro played his normal game today....but nobody knew what was in is mind ....why dont you P.M your address and ill see how hard you are....cause your either 12 or a skinny 52 year old... never been married...hard behind a computer....im hoping your about 6 foot two and you'll put up a good fight when i come knockig


    hahahahaahahahahahahahahaaha!!! Internet hard man, classic. Where am i "hard behind a computer"?? And then to follow it up with pathetic little threats like that, brilliant. You're a genius.


    Babayaro played his normal game??? I don't think so - he was ok for large chunks of the game, so he played WAY above his normal fucking terrible game.


    As for me taking sick leave, you don't know me, or what i do, so wind your little neck in.


    Whatever issues you have (other than blindness of you think Babayarp played his normal game), keep them to yourself, because the internet hard man routine is fooling no-one. I'm guessing impotence or a really tiny 'Little Hagler', but i think you need more analysis than i can offer, fella.

  9. Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:

    but whats the point,bramble played well today,you can't admit it.....while you're on admit babayaro played well......... something deep down inside you doesn't sit well cos we won today,you'll say your'e happy we won but week by week i'm guessing more and more on here on here aren't believing you,you see,i think deep down you'd rather we got beat so you could come on here gloating with an "i told you " attitude.

    Good response.

    Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:


    Good response.

    but whats the point...are you ready to say bramble and babyaro had good games.....deep down i think you're miffed we won(i know you'll deny this)cos you can't come on here with a big whinge


    Of course i'll deny thay, you 'tard.


    I thought Babayaro wasn't bad - possibly his best game for us that i can recall. Not great, not good, but not bad at all.


    I thought Bramble was on thin ice a number of times. He showed glimpses of why some (wrong) people think he is a Premiership player, and glimpses of why some others (including me) think he is a pile of s****.


    We were quite lucky today, and if we'd had GOOD players in place of these two, we might not have needed to be so much.

    do you have to call people when you disagree..(t'ard.wrong )


    i wonder why you haven't posted about what we done well today ?

    Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:

    but whats the point,bramble played well today,you can't admit it.....while you're on admit babayaro played well......... something deep down inside you doesn't sit well cos we won today,you'll say your'e happy we won but week by week i'm guessing more and more on here on here aren't believing you,you see,i think deep down you'd rather we got beat so you could come on here gloating with an "i told you " attitude.

    Good response.

    Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:


    Good response.

    but whats the point...are you ready to say bramble and babyaro had good games.....deep down i think you're miffed we won(i know you'll deny this)cos you can't come on here with a big whinge


    Of course i'll deny thay, you 'tard.


    I thought Babayaro wasn't bad - possibly his best game for us that i can recall. Not great, not good, but not bad at all.


    I thought Bramble was on thin ice a number of times. He showed glimpses of why some (wrong) people think he is a Premiership player, and glimpses of why some others (including me) think he is a pile of s****.


    We were quite lucky today, and if we'd had GOOD players in place of these two, we might not have needed to be so much.

    i'm guessing,just guessing mind that apart from the  above you have posted nothing positiove about todays performance.


    What are you, the Posting Police.


    I didn't write much about today because i haven't been on for long, and because i am struggling to be TOO positive, bearing in mind we were lucky. I'm terrified that idiots might think ROeder is suddenly good enough, or that Shambles and the other cretins are suddenly good players. Because once that shite starts, it gets a bit depressing.



  10. its called morales,respect.......you know


    So is that a yes?

    people like you should be banned from forums


    He's a prick lad, don't take any notice.


    Oooh, cutting. Lad.

  11. its called morales,respect.......you know


    So is that a yes?

    people like you should be banned from forums


    What, for asking a question based on the belief that some people are so ruinously stupid as to think that personal hardships should get you a place in a team WAY above your level of ability?


  12. Baba's brother would still be a better RB than Carr.


    give us a shout when one of yours passes ....tw@t


    So are Babayaro and Carr good enough to play for a Premiership, now that someone is dead?

    babayaro today ...yes


    On the basis of ONE game? Does that negate the absolute dross in pretty much every game before?


    The awful tackling, terrible marking, inability to keep up with opponents, lack of commitment, woeful positioning?

  13. And there were loads of empty seats at Shite Hart Lane today, so how you can comment is beyond me bluebiggrin.gif


    that was from the wigan end cheescake. The spurs end was sold out as per usual.


    One sentence, two lies.

  14. Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:

    but whats the point,bramble played well today,you can't admit it.....while you're on admit babayaro played well......... something deep down inside you doesn't sit well cos we won today,you'll say your'e happy we won but week by week i'm guessing more and more on here on here aren't believing you,you see,i think deep down you'd rather we got beat so you could come on here gloating with an "i told you " attitude.

    Good response.

    Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:


    Good response.

    but whats the point...are you ready to say bramble and babyaro had good games.....deep down i think you're miffed we won(i know you'll deny this)cos you can't come on here with a big whinge


    Of course i'll deny thay, you 'tard.


    I thought Babayaro wasn't bad - possibly his best game for us that i can recall. Not great, not good, but not bad at all.


    I thought Bramble was on thin ice a number of times. He showed glimpses of why some (wrong) people think he is a Premiership player, and glimpses of why some others (including me) think he is a pile of shite.


    We were quite lucky today, and if we'd had GOOD players in place of these two, we might not have needed to be so much.

  15. my point is duff isn't "undropable", so n'zogbia may get a run in the team. you have problems, don't you?


    I have A problem, with a shite manager who appears to want to play certain people despite them not being fit to play in this league, or playing somone in preference to a player who was our best outfield performer last season.


    I never said Duff was undroppable, i said that idiot Roeder has played a poor Duff ahead of a better player before, and i think he would again.

  16. Baba's brother would still be a better RB than Carr.


    give us a shout when one of yours passes ....tw@t


    So are Babayaro and Carr good enough to play for a Premiership, now that someone is dead?

  17. James Milner was the worst player on the pitch, after all he CANT play down the left !




    Let me guess. Copyrights HTL?




    Milner has always looked comfortable on either wing. Better on the right, yes, because of his crossing, but still very comfortable there.


    Alot more than good enough as a backup for that wing.


    How old are you? Why you feel the need to lie on the forum is beyond me, tbh. No need.


    Here is a link to what I actually said, which is different to what is said in your lie....



    Which means, in simple terms for you to understand, that Milner on the left is like Taylor at RB, he can fill in but that's all. In my opinion.



    COmpeltely right. Add Dyer up front, too.

  18. Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

    ok then :rolleyes:


    Good response.

  19. GR said he's looking forward to getting him back e.t.c in the chronicle if you want to read story


    Roeder would rather play Duff. Another measure of his shitness as a manager.

    dropped for milner today...




    Just heard Roeders stupidity again on Sky. Talking about players OTHER than Owen, he said there were 7 or 8 players who if fit would be in the first team or challenging. Get to fuck, you stupid southern twat.

  20. we haven't got anyone better than him at the minute... he did play reasonably well today.... unless you would prefer carr at left back?


    I'd rather have huntington, duff, anyone* there, other than Babayaro.



    * Not Carr, obviously. he's no more a premiership player than Babayaro is.



    Positive comments imo. I think Nobby's realised that he's not going to get in the team ahead of Milner at right wing so he's decided to compete against Carr directly for rightback spot.


    If you remember previously even when he was doing well at right back he has always maintained that he's only doing a temporary job and Carr is still first choice. Well someone obviously had a rethink when he was left out against Fulham.


    Can only be good news for us.


    If you believe the comments, you are a mental. It was only a few days ago he was quoted as saying what a blow it was to lose Carr for a month.


    Whoever said anything about Roeder?


    Any comments in the media have to be taken with a pinch of salt, remember.

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