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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Gooch so far - looks alright, nothing special, hasn't managed to put in an entire good performance yet. But nowhere near as dangerous as Shambles to us.

  2. Nol right back into the battleFeb 8 2007





    By Lee Ryder, The Evening Chronicle





    Nobby Solano says he is happy to resume at right-back in Saturday's clash with Liverpool.


    The Peruvian missed the 3-1 win over his old club Aston Villa eight days ago due to suspension, but was not restored to the starting line-up at Fulham, with Steven Taylor preferred on the right-hand side of defence and new loan signing Oguchi Onyewu starting in the middle alongside Titus Bramble.


    Yet a thigh injury for Stephen Carr - which could keep him out for a month - sustained on Republic of Ireland duty - means Glenn Roeder must again rethink his side for Liverpool's visit.


    Carr was used as a left-back against Fulham, but Taylor may be asked to fill in against the Merseysiders - opening up the door on the opposite side for Solano again.



    Former Peru right-back Solano claims he is more than happy to continue with a defensive role.



    The former skipper of his country said: "I enjoy playing right-back.



    "It is quite a comfortable position, as you can see all of the pitch.



    "You have more time to pass, and more time on the ball.



    "You have to work harder when you are a midfielder.



    "The manager has a problem with injured players and he is happy with me there."



    Roeder announced Solano as his first-choice right-back last month, and it is fair to say some of Newcastle's best performances have coincided with the South American in that position.



    Nobby - who played in Oba Martins for his 11th goal of the season after coming on as a sub at Craven Cottage - has proved a good organiser at the back, and also stepped up against West Ham to roll home a crucial penalty to earn a point against the Hammers.



    His current deal runs out in the summer, but he is expected to extend his stay on Tyneside after joining at the start of last season from Villa for a second spell following Sir Bobby Robson's decision to sell him in 2004.



    Positive comments imo. I think Nobby's realised that he's not going to get in the team ahead of Milner at right wing so he's decided to compete against Carr directly for rightback spot.


    If you remember previously even when he was doing well at right back he has always maintained that he's only doing a temporary job and Carr is still first choice. Well someone obviously had a rethink when he was left out against Fulham.


    Can only be good news for us.


    If you believe the comments, you are a mental. It was only a few days ago he was quoted as saying what a blow it was to lose Carr for a month.

  3. I dont mind either but his age is catching up with him quickly and that could be a problem.But I think another 1 1/2 year should be not much of a problem for him.


    Roeder no doubt already knows this, I think he is more concerned with the now than the future atm.


    Too true. Roeder has zero planning skills.

  4. None of that can be true.


    Bellamy is crap, he never did much on the pitch, proven by his goals record being crap and scoring goals was his only job. He was a cancer in the club and we're better off without him.


    If you don't believe me just ask ..... err loads of people on this forum.


    Interesting to note that a bloke who was directly involved in Bellamy's line of fire on more than one occasion speaks so highly of him, though, eh? Even went to his wedding in the summer.


    Someone who would actually know the goings-on inside of the club far better than any of us on here... and somebody who probably knows more about top-flight coaching than most, as well. Madness.


    Are you talking about someone else now.


    You reckon the majority of this forum know more about coaching in the Premiership than John Carver?


    I think my 5 year old knows as much about coaching as John "Nodding Dog" Carver.

  5. None of that can be true.


    Bellamy is crap, he never did much on the pitch, proven by his goals record being crap and scoring goals was his only job. He was a cancer in the club and we're better off without him.


    If you don't believe me just ask ..... err loads of people on this forum.


    Interesting to note that a bloke who was directly involved in Bellamy's line of fire on more than one occasion speaks so highly of him, though, eh? Even went to his wedding in the summer.


    Someone who would actually know the goings-on inside of the club far better than any of us on here... and somebody who probably knows more about top-flight coaching than most, as well. Madness.


    Are you talking about someone else now.

  6. None of that can be true.


    Bellamy is crap, he never did much on the pitch, proven by his goals record being crap and scoring goals was his only job. He was a cancer in the club and we're better off without him.


    If you don't believe me just ask ..... err loads of people on this forum.


    And Souness - an impeccable source of footballing wisdom - said as much too.

  7. So will the poor people have to get TWO boxes now, or stop spending their giros on Space Raiders and meths long enough to pay for Sky properly?


    When you wake up in the real world mate, it isn't just the doll wallers who haven't got "real sky", I am a PhD Student and I don't have that much cash, i've got a mortgage to pay and car payments and bills to meet. Getting "real" sky is not a viable option as I can't afford it, taking away SSN and Sky News etc. just takes the p*ss.


    Sorry - Dole Wallahs and Dirty Students. Better?

  8. I thought Dyer did really well in a poor playing England team but Im really concerned about his fitness for the upcoming game :(

    Northern Monkey - If SWp or Downing had played as well as Dyer did (MOM in my opinion) would you have said that they had a poor game?


    Did really well? Your expectations are clearly very low. I wonder how you'd have viewed his performance if he hadn't been a toon player.


    Yes - i think Dyer had a poor game. The rest had equally poor or worse, but that doesn't detract from the fact that Dyer did not play at all well.

  9. Anyone remember Bobby Robsons' first full season in charge? It was a transistional season where the club were laiden with s**** players

    but there was no money to spend until the summer. I think we finished down in 12th/13th or something like that.


    I think this is exactly the same as Glenn Roeder, he is in a transistional period with the club after taking over from a complete and utter mess (souness)

    Bobby had the same prediciment when he took over from Gullit.


    Roeder's situation cannot be compared to Souness, simply because of the situation the club was in when Roeder took the job, souness had destroyed the playing staff and had ripped the heart and soul out of the place. Roeder had to mend that.


    He has only been in the job for just over a year ffs, I laugh at some of our delusional supporters who believe we should play magnificent football week in week out, get a grip man! We are a bang average side thats needs completely rebuilding.


    After Bobby had his first full average season he brought in Robert and Bellamy, then also signed Jenas and Woodgate. Then we were playing champs league football a matter of 2 seasons later. If roeder gets the money in the summer and buys the right players I reckon we could push right up the table again. People who back glenn roeder arn't accepting mediocraty they are being realistic.


    You think Roeder will get us into the top 7 by the end of the season?


    PS - if you do, you're wrong. He is not capable of it now.


    No i dont think he will


    But neither did Bobby Robson in his first full season


    Do you think Roeder EVER will?


    Point of Note 1 - Shambles walks back into the first team

    Point of Note 2 - last summer we NEEDED: FW x2, LB, RB, CB. What did he do by the end of thst transfer window?

    Point of Note 3 - Carr at LB

    Point of Note 4 - Carr not given away to gypsies.

  10. Anyone remember Bobby Robsons' first full season in charge? It was a transistional season where the club were laiden with s**** players

    but there was no money to spend until the summer. I think we finished down in 12th/13th or something like that.


    I think this is exactly the same as Glenn Roeder, he is in a transistional period with the club after taking over from a complete and utter mess (souness)

    Bobby had the same prediciment when he took over from Gullit.


    Roeder's situation cannot be compared to Souness, simply because of the situation the club was in when Roeder took the job, souness had destroyed the playing staff and had ripped the heart and soul out of the place. Roeder had to mend that.


    He has only been in the job for just over a year ffs, I laugh at some of our delusional supporters who believe we should play magnificent football week in week out, get a grip man! We are a bang average side thats needs completely rebuilding.


    After Bobby had his first full average season he brought in Robert and Bellamy, then also signed Jenas and Woodgate. Then we were playing champs league football a matter of 2 seasons later. If roeder gets the money in the summer and buys the right players I reckon we could push right up the table again. People who back glenn roeder arn't accepting mediocraty they are being realistic.


    You think Roeder will get us into the top 7 by the end of the season?


    PS - if you do, you're wrong. He is not capable of it now.

  11. We can't believe how lucky we are.


    So far, and it is early days, we appear to have bagged the absolute perfect owner. The man has just been magnificent

    We can't believe how lucky we are.


    So far, and it is early days, we appear to have bagged the absolute perfect owner. The man has just been magnificent.

    pity your team are as bad as ours  ;D


    Not for long - better manager, better chairman, matter of time.

    cannot argue with that but time will tell maybe fat fred will see the light


    No, he won't. He'll stick with Roeder until we're 10 years off the pace, not just 3. Then he'll sack him, act like HE'S done US a favour, and put some other cretin in charge.

  12. I'd much prefer to have Baba at LB than Carr Ramage or Hunty. I'd like Zog in the team, and Owen, and Given.


    You have to take into account that because we had 14 injuries a few weeks ago, the managers hands were tied. He had to play the same team pretty much, with no room to bring someone off the bench to change a game, or to give players a rest.


    I would say Roeder has handled it very well.


    We've showed glimpses in a few matches this year of what Roeder did last year, and I think we need to stick with him.


    Last summer, everyone knew that we needed 2 strikers, a left back, a right back, ans a centre half. By the end of the summer transfer window, what had Roeder done?


    He's tied his own hands, the useless twat.

  13. Why is disliking Souness and disliking Bellamy mutually exclusive?


    Because people are simple.


    (reference: Shola shoudl get a game because we have not bought anyone else. As if that makes him a good enough player by default.)

  14. christ what is wrong with some of you people?

    where is our god given right to have this so called world class mannager?

    have we won anything recently?

    do we look like winning anything in the near future?

    are we anywhere near the champions league?

    do we have hundreds of millions to blow on new players?

    do we have a solid foundation of raw talent and a decent sized first team squad packed with talent?


    Right now Newcastle United are at the very least 3 years from challenging realistically for any honours. This is obvious to a blind man and any manager considering the job would have to be in for the long haul if he were serious about winning anything. Now we are a prestigeous club and the fat man, for all his faults, has done a pretty good job of keeping our profile high, BUT we have nothing like the kudos of the top 4 so who exactly is going to take the job if we dump Roeder?


    Yes he's not exactly setting the world alight but when he took over we were going to get relegated, fact. Yet since then with our prem status now safely intact and apart from the odd hiccup, we're gradually improving and more importantly our football is slowly getting back to the passing game NUFC was once famous for - we're even seeing some promising signs from the academy. Clearly this is not good enough for some people who expect us to go from relegation candidates to champions league qualifiers over the space of a single season with next to no transfer money available and a tiny squad decimated by injuries. GET A GRIP! Its called progress. Anyone who can't see how we have improved over last season is fucked in the head. It took the ferg 5 years to get man yoo back on track, and this is manchester united, one of the biggest teams of all time. Roeder is doing what we have desperately needed for years - stabilising the club, getting the academy working, trying to bring in players who WANT to play for NUFC rather than just pick up a pay cheque - so for the love of christ stop moaning and use a bit of perspective!


    Wrong. With Roeder at the helm we are an infinite number of years away from challenging for honours.

  15. funny the way that everybody disbelieves shepherd yet takes as gospel what a complete stranger says.....what is lerner supposed to say "i think a chairman should have a high public profile,i'm gonna be in the papers everyday me like"...lets see if he practises what he preeches as words are cheep.


    Perhaps its a benefit of the doubt thing. Shepherd has proven himself to be full of shit, Lerner has not.

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