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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Where do we think he'll be playing next season? I've a feeling we'll only see him at SJP once........


    I can't see him leaving after playing so little for us, he seems like an honest guy who would want to earn his wages and repay our faith in him.


    Also, we will have quite an exciting attacking team with everyone available again, I bet he's looking forward to playing with Martins.


    Yeah, he's a little trooper alright. He won't want to leave a club he has no inherent feelings for.

  2. Dire has done well for us since he came back, but deserving of a place in the NATIONAL side? Nah. After a season of good performances, yes, but he's been weak for how many seasons now? This is one of the best spells i've seen of his for us, but he needs more consistency and end product over a long period.

  3. Luque will be able to copy and paste that for his press when he leaves.


    Exceot when given the chance, Macarone actually did something.


    Were you watching "The Bill" the night of the Palermo and Celta games ?

    Always wondered who it was that the smoggies were singing about.


    I've never seen Luque play like a man who deserves a place in the team, not really.


    but hey, he's got a great showreel, right?


    Has he ? I wouldn't know I've never seen it, but nice to know you managed to pull yourself away from The Bill to watch it.

    Was it any good - the showreel I mean - not The Bill.


    Dunno0, i'm basing my opinion on having watched the soft cunt - before and after his terrible, unfortunate injury. He's never had a game where he impressed.

  4. Emre is turning into another injury prone


    iirc, he's made more apperances this season than anybody but milner - not saying much, but there's plenty of people on the team who deserve that title before he does.


    No, thats not right.


    I don't think Emre is injury prone, i just don't think he's particularly committed.

  5. The more I read about Roeders policy in the transfermarket the more convinced I get, he is right!


    We should know that its not easy. Money isnt the answer if you want to succeed in the transfermarket, scouting is key. Today Roeder says that his rolemodel as a coach and in the transfermarket is Arsene Wenger, that makes me really hopefull.


    Look at all our expensive flops like Luque, Boumsong, Viana, Marcelino...     


    Compare this to Wengers bargains,,  Vieira, Henry, Anelka, Ljungberg, Toure, Eboue..



    Let Roeder do things his way and we will be fantastic in 3 years time.






    How does ONE loan signing (ex West Brom?) mean we'll be sorted in 3 years time??


    This man thinks that Shambles, Bayaro, Ameobi etc are good enough for us long term.


    As for his "scouting", here's what he's reported to have said about the loanee:


    "We have secured Oguchi Onyewu. He comes across as an impressive person - he is certainly physically impressive, which is something I feel we need," said Roeder.

    "I watched him a few times and (assistant manager) Nigel Pearson watched him a few times when he was at West Brom last year"


    Fucking genius.




  6. He talks like a 1 year old at times.


    Maybe, but he deserves a hell of a lot more credit that he generally gets on this Forum IMO.


    What for? Being a poor manager? Ballsing up in the transfer window? Relying on players WAY below the qaulity we need? yay, go Glen.

  7. Luque will be able to copy and paste that for his press when he leaves.


    Exceot when given the chance, Macarone actually did something.


    Were you watching "The Bill" the night of the Palermo and Celta games ?

    Always wondered who it was that the smoggies were singing about.


    I've never seen Luque play like a man who deserves a place in the team, not really.


    but hey, he's got a great showreel, right?

  8. And Maccarone is probably the reason McClaren got the England job. :lol: (by scoring late winners in the UEFA cup)


    McClaren is one of the most overrated managers I have ever seen. (No better than Souness or Roeder) Glad Shearer turned down the chance to work for him.


    All on about a par for me. Not Premiershiop managers, and fucking definately NOT England quality.


    Its his teeth that get me, as well. Frightening.

  9. You're full of shit mate.


    Bad peformence today,but its the result that matters..


    My Ratings:


    Harper 8- Kept us in it with a couple of fantastic saves from Carew and Young,Didnt miss Given today


    Huntington 6-lacked conentration,Average peformence


    Bramble 7- Good game,looked Solid,would still try Gooch over him


    Taylor 7-Our best defender today


    Carr 6- Poor


    Carr and Huntington both got sixes, yet you've worded it that Hunty's performance was actually better than Carr's?


    Parker 7- Good peformence,not as solid as he used to be


    Butt 6- Played well but got injured in the first half


    Milner 8- MOTM,a quick goal and an assist and a very good peformence throw out the match


    Duff 7- Was poor the whole 90 min,but he played a huge part in the Sibreski goal


    Martins 7- Still can't understand why he was chosen as the sponsers MOTM,didnt have the best of games today


    Didn't have the best of games, yet gets a seven?


    Dyer 7-Well taken header for the goal,didnt do alot besides that




    Sibreski 7- Nice touchs,glad to see him score like he said he will do  8)



    Overall team peformence 7 Team performance a seven, yet you say previously that it was a 'bad performance'...?


    Total tripe, mate.


    7= Average/not good yet not bad


    Fixed carr's,was going to give him a 5,my bad


    7 is average?? Qhats the top score then, 14???  bluelaugh.gif

  10. It will be said, so might as well get it out of the way.


    "Horrible news, Shola should never ever play for us again" x1000


    "Pointless news, Owen will be useless coming back from injury anyway." x1000


    Three cheers for the optimism of the Toon Army O0


    leave off shola you fannypack ???


    People will, as soon as he's fucked off to a club he should be playing at - i.e. a Championship one.


    Straight swap for Chopra!  O0


    Good call. Replacing big tall shite, with little tiny shite.

  11. Keefaz, as long as heading the ball is permitted, big, tall, physically intimidating central defenders like Gooch are going to be highly valued. He's almost impossible to win a header off of and will go a long way towards shoring up our central defense and clearing out all those crosses that our defenders usually muck up and let bounce around our box. And while his technique isn't terrific, he is not on of those defenders who panics with the ball at his feet and just hoofs it up the pitch. Think of him as someone who with a year or so of good coaching will become as good as Rio Ferdinand or Sol Campbell were in their primes. That's how promising he is.


    Ah yes but this is our coaching staff.


    So you're saying Pearson is over-rated? 


    I didn't know he was rated at all, never mind over-rated.


    Was he not tipped to take over the U21's?  I, like you, have no clue, but others around here

    seem to think he's a genius. 


    Tipped by who, the Chronicle?


    The FA clearly went nowhere near him.


    Nowhere near him in the sense that he's now England's U-21 assistant manager?


    I would have said that's quite close personally.


    Is he really?? Fuck me. Not literally. Thats a surprise. And not a particularly good one, to be honest.


    You think he's a good assistant manager for us? time will tell, but i don't have a lot of faith in anyone Roeder brings in.

  12. It will be said, so might as well get it out of the way.


    "Horrible news, Shola should never ever play for us again" x1000


    "Pointless news, Owen will be useless coming back from injury anyway." x1000


    Three cheers for the optimism of the Toon Army O0


    leave off shola you fannypack ???


    People will, as soon as he's fucked off to a club he should be playing at - i.e. a Championship one.

  13. Keefaz, as long as heading the ball is permitted, big, tall, physically intimidating central defenders like Gooch are going to be highly valued. He's almost impossible to win a header off of and will go a long way towards shoring up our central defense and clearing out all those crosses that our defenders usually muck up and let bounce around our box. And while his technique isn't terrific, he is not on of those defenders who panics with the ball at his feet and just hoofs it up the pitch. Think of him as someone who with a year or so of good coaching will become as good as Rio Ferdinand or Sol Campbell were in their primes. That's how promising he is.


    Ah yes but this is our coaching staff.


    So you're saying Pearson is over-rated? 


    I didn't know he was rated at all, never mind over-rated.


    Was he not tipped to take over the U21's?  I, like you, have no clue, but others around here

    seem to think he's a genius. 


    Tipped by who, the Chronicle?


    The FA clearly went nowhere near him.


    Some people on here think Luque is world class. You do the math, as the Americans probably don't say as much as i like to think they do.

  14. Keefaz, as long as heading the ball is permitted, big, tall, physically intimidating central defenders like Gooch are going to be highly valued. He's almost impossible to win a header off of and will go a long way towards shoring up our central defense and clearing out all those crosses that our defenders usually muck up and let bounce around our box. And while his technique isn't terrific, he is not on of those defenders who panics with the ball at his feet and just hoofs it up the pitch. Think of him as someone who with a year or so of good coaching will become as good as Rio Ferdinand or Sol Campbell were in their primes. That's how promising he is.


    Ah yes but this is our coaching staff.


    So you're saying Pearson is over-rated? 


    I didn't know he was rated at all, never mind over-rated.

  15. Very good news!!


    Our choice of strikers then Owen, Martins, Dyer, Ameobi, Le sib we also have Duff and Milner who can play up  there too if needs be.


    We just need a LB desperately now and a CB if a really good one is actually available.







    Car?        Moore                                    Bernard

    Edgar    Ramage Bramble ?                  Baba

    Nobby   Taylor   NewCB/Hunty/ Edgar  New LB


    Troisi              Pattison?      Zoggy     O'brien

    Milner/Dyer    Parker/Butt   Emre      Duff/Zoggy


                        Shola            Le Sib

                        Dyer              Martins


    Good squad if we get at least one really top quality LB!


    so 2 decent strikers. Thats brilliant.


    If we are relying on Ameobi in the first team, we are totally fucked.


    If Roeder seriously thinks Ameobiis good enough, he's a bigger fool than i thought.

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