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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. He hasn't been amazing but if it wasn't for Dyer, Martins would be half the player/performer that he is at this moment in time. See my earlier uber-post on Page 3... Dyer has brought Martins on significantly.


    I disagree. I think Martins is better alongside a proper forward


    You can't surely be referring to the likes of Ameobi and Sibierski?


    I know statistics aren't everything, but it is clear to see that Obafemi has blossomed since he has been partnered with Dyer who, unlike Shola and Sibi, is on the same wavelength - and crucially, has the speed to keep up with him.


    Point out where i sais Ameobi or Sibierski, please.


    i said a "proper forward". By this i mena a forward with intelligence, goiod movement, striking ability and power. Not any of the two you mentioned, or Dyer. Dyer has done a job up to a point, but it woudl be absolute madness to think he can play the role of first team striker for us. He simly isn't that good at it. He's very fast, yes. SO was Des Hamilton. Didn't make him a great player.


    Dyer is great at getting the ball and running at defenders. But his end product, historically, is piss poor.

  2. Dyer still gets on my tits, he literally doesn't have a position. I'm not going to let 15 or so decent games overshadow all his s*** performances in the past, which included upfront. He's done better up with Martins than he has with other strikers, but he's still a headless chicken. Runs all day, does very little.


    This season included, Ally?


    Kieron Dyer is a key figure in our revival this season, and has consequently brought on the performances of other players - notably Martins. Martins, since the return of Dyer, has scored 8 goals. As apposed to the three that he scored in the two/three months before Dyer's return. I'm not saying all of those Martins goals involve Dyer, but it's a knock-on effect. Initially, they all did, and this has improved Oba's confidence and appetite in general.


    Plus, in the past, whenever he has been fit, Kieron Dyer has generally been a key player for us - and never a bad player. Unfortunately for him in the Bobby days, we had lots of quality players, and you could say that he was overshadowed.


    Key player and one of our best, in my opinion!


    Sorry, can't have that. He hasn't done that much to draw MArtins into the game!


    Martins would benefit from playing alongsode a good striker, not just someone who is quick with the ball at their feet but provides little else in the medium/long term.


    As for Sibierski, what is all this absolute shite about him "earning" a 1 year extension?? No,he hasn't. He has done pretty well for us when required, thus earning his CURRENT salary. He's done no more than this. The fact that this idiot Roeder is talking about a 2 year deal just shows how out of his depth this certinous, pathetic, talentless manager is.

  3. He hasn't been amazing but if it wasn't for Dyer, Martins would be half the player/performer that he is at this moment in time. See my earlier uber-post on Page 3... Dyer has brought Martins on significantly.


    I disagree. I think Martins is better alongside a proper forward, and was less impressed recently.


    It might be different with a GOOD quick forward, but Dyer has too many failings in that role to maximise what Martins can offer.

  4. In the Premiership, I don't think a striker needs to be good at everything, but there needs to be something in his game that will trouble top defenders. I've never seen that in Chopra.


    agreed, he always looked to get physically dominated by any premiership defense worthy of the name, his goal vs sunderland makes for a nice memory, but it had more to do with fortunate timing and sunderland's ineptitude than with any bit of skill on his part...


    Yup. Not like Sun'luns defence was watertight, was it.

  5. this team has made a season out of bouncing back from poor losses like this one, and although i don't hold out a ton of hope against liverpool, i haven't seen much this season to leave me despairing about the prospect of going on a vindicating run after that....


    We were lucky against Spurs and Villa. Then not so lucky against Fulham. Thats the kind of run i fear Roeder is mainly going to be capable of taking us on.

  6. HTL,


    I said that you nit-picked because...


    You chose to comment on the opening 6 words of my entire post which, like i say, included 7 or 8 lengthy and detailed paragraphs, with plenty more relevant things worth quoting on. The opening line was even mis-worded - something i clearly pointed out later on. I know you didn't know that at the time, but still. It was just something so pointless and barely worthy picking up on, out of the entire post. That's why i said you were nit-picking.


    Why you chose to overreact about that is beyond me, calling me 'paranoid', etc. And about me being 'childish' in my response to your first post, it's hardly as if i blew up about it. I said it was 'disappointing' that you had decided to do that. That's all.


    And, regarding the other note, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and although i agree with you to some extent (i don't believe Parker should be a regular starter), to say that Scott Parker is 'inept' is simply nonsense.


    I selected the bit to comment on because that was the bit I wanted to comment on. I think it is very, very risky not signing a striker, something you appear to support because you want to see Martins up front with Dyer.


    I don't see why you have a problem with me quoting it, tbh.


    Jesus Wept. Read my fucking posts for God's Sake.


    I said i misworded it. I'm not happy that we didn't sign a striker. I clearly stated that afterwards. I said that if there was to be any reason at all for me to be glad, it was so that Martins and Dyer could play together.


    Fucking pulling teeth.


    But it'd be better to have 2 strikers, rather than one striker and a midfielder who can't do a job there for more than a game or two.

  7. Don't we have a right to say no to friendly call ups?


    If so fuk off.


    If we do then the situation is obviously different. My argument was about the pathetic non-injuries that are used by clubs to worm their players out of international duty.


    You can GUARANTEE at least one Man Utd player will "pick up a knock" before an England friendly.

  8. I can't see how people could get more excited by Scott Sellars then Robert. Some of the Do, do, do, the funky gibbon Robert pulled off was mind-boggling: the most exciting player we've had for donkeys.


    Has some tit put a filter on to replace something with do do do the funky gibbon?

    I can't see how people could get more excited by Scott Sellars then Robert. Some of the Do, do, do, the funky gibbon Robert pulled off was mind-boggling: the most exciting player we've had for donkeys.


    Has some tit put a filter on to replace something with do do do the funky gibbon?


    Worst thing is, someone almost certainly thought that was cutting edge humour.

  9. I'd agree that Roeder got his selection wrong, although usually I find myself agreeing with his decisions. He had a decision to make about which two to play out of Onyewu, Taylor and Bramble, and tried to get out of it by playing all three. It gave us the advantage of aerial power, but really we'd have been better off with Solano's constructive play from full back.


    But on the other points, Huntington and Edgar look promising, but aren't ready yet. The defence has looked anything but solid in recent weeks.


    Very rarely does a centre back go through an entire game without a single mistake. It always seems to me that no matter how Bramble performs, if he puts one foot wrong then his entire display is written off. That's regardless of whether the mistake leads to a goal. There are only 2 or 3 centre backs in the entire Premiership who would survive that kind of judgement.


    Carr seems to have taken over Shola's mantle as the player who gets the 'he'sabsolutelyuseless' treatment. He's not great, but he's not useless either, and he can still do a reasonable job for us. He can't really be blamed for Fulham's second goal, because realistcally 90% of defenders would have been muscled off by Diop's challenge, which would have been called a foul if Fulham had been the away side.


    I disagree with everything apart from para 1 - quite incredible the arguments people will put up to try and justify Bramble's ineptness!  Very rarely does a centre back go through a whole game without a mistake??? Unless your're watching some 3rd division sunday league game, thats a load of tosh!  I've seen plenty of centre backs go through a game without making a mistake.


    Maybe you should have used the description - 'spectacular mistake' because Bramble is a master of those! 


    This 'judgement' you speak of hasn't been some knee jerk reaction - its from a continued, consistent run of mistakes and poor performances - oh wait, apart from a few games one season when suddenly the blinkered thought he was an England internationalist!!! 


    Why won't some people just admit the truth - they guy has been a big waste of money and if we want to move forward we have to stop making excuses for players such as Bramble who have never filled the 'supposed' promise they had in the first place - I say supposed because every Ipswich fan I have ever talked to thanked me for the cash and sniggered a lot!


    As for Carr, go away, there are not many worse defenders in the whole league.  He got murdered for that second goal!  Stop talking about other defenders, you don't know what any other defender would have done, unless your GOD!  Its totally irrelevant and hypothetical, he was the defender and he was the one who f*cked up!


    The guy has been overall, a pale shadow of the player he was at Tottenham, and since he has come back he doesn't even look like a Premiership footballer, to say anything different, is in my opinion, painfully deluded!


    Spot on, that man.

  10. Nigeria have every right to expect to play him, every other country play friendlies.  He's got as much right to play for his country as Parker and Dyer have a right to play for England.


    Arguably even more right, as HE is actually international class.


    You must be pleased Dyer's been called up for England? Another chance to 'what a sandwich!! himself right up' eh?


    I want what's best for my club/country, same as anyone. I just don't think Dire fits that bill for either in the medium/long term. And as an individual, i think he is a loathsome little cnut. My prerogative.


    That's fair enough, but do you really think that Dyer VW Beetle driving himself up asap is what's good for us now? I know you don't really rate him, and that's fair enough, but would you not say he's deserving of a place on the bench even when everyone is fit at the moment?


    Bearing in mind that Martins and Owen would start up front, I know I'd certianly rather bring Dyer on up top ahead of Shola or Le Sib if we needed a goal - even if he doesn't play that well with pace like his he'll always be scaring the defenders, and he seems to be forging something of an understanding with Oba. Granted we could do with a new striker, but couldn't you adapt to that by changing your sig to "Here's hoping that Dire fucks himself up as soon as our squad has adequate cover up front'? ;)


    I agree, as long as i can state (in the centr of midfield", because i'd rather play Le Sib up front, as Dire is no more a striker than he is a winger.

  11. Nigeria have every right to expect to play him, every other country play friendlies.  He's got as much right to play for his country as Parker and Dyer have a right to play for England.


    Arguably even more right, as HE is actually international class.


    You must be pleased Dyer's been called up for England? Another chance to 'what a sandwich!! himself right up' eh?


    I want what's best for my club/country, same as anyone. I just don't think Dire fits that bill for either in the medium/long term. And as an individual, i think he is a loathsome little cnut. My prerogative.

  12. Cambodia has banned foreign players from taking part in its cup competition for being "too good", the country's soccer chief said on Friday.


    Most of the 30 teams competing in the Hun Sen Cup favoured the ban because they had an unfair advantage over local players


    "They're taller, stronger and more experienced, so it's unfair if we let them play. They're too good compared with Cambodian players."


    The ruling means North Korean, Nigerian and Brazilian imports will have to sit it out until May before the new league season begins.


    Sao Sokha said the ban did not violate FIFA rules and that it was the wish of the country's powerful premier to develop local soccer talent.


    "We are not discriminating against foreigners, but the prime minister wants to give our Khmer players a chance to win and to gain some national pride,"


    Hun Sen has offered $10,000 of his own money to the winning team with prizes of $5,000 for the runners up.


    Coach Los Salakhan, whose team Khemara won last year's Cambodian Premier League with the help of Brazilian and North Korean players, said he had to accept the decision.


    "If they let them play then they play, if not they just stand and watch the game,"


    adding that his North Korean players had not kicked a ball since December and had already left the country.


    Cash-strapped Cambodia is one of South East Asia's least successful soccer nations and are currently 176th in the FIFA rankings.


    They failed to reach this year's ASEAN championships after finishing behind minnows Laos and the Philippines in the pre-qualifying tournament.







    imagine if they did that for the cup in this country


    Carr, Babayaro, Shambles and Butt would still be allowed to play, i reckon.

  13. Harper (6)- did alright. Doesn't deserve to play behind that show of shít we laughingly call a defence.


    Carr (3)- Not good enough. Lets not evem pretend, for one second, that this waste of a shirt is good enough for even our team. Shouldn't have been playing.


    Gooch (6) - OuStarted to crack in the second half. But playing next to Shambles is not fair on ANYONE. Impossible to tel if he's any good yet, but he was the best of a bad bunch.


    Titus Bramble (3)- "had a good game apart from one mistake"? Fúck you. He made a number of huge ricks, his positioning was an absolute disgrace, and if anyone thinks he's good enough for a team with aspirations of a top half finish, then they are clearly thinking of the lad with "potential" we bought umpteen years ago. Shouldn't have been playing.


    Steven Taylor (4)- Not a great RB (still better than Carr, obviously). Shouldn't have been playing there, should have been at Cb.


    Nicky Butt (3)- About what i expect of a player who is past his best, and was never great on the first place. Not good enough.


    Scott Parker (5)- Kind of performance that shows the true Parker - decent enough, solid, but nothing special. he's not an International class player, but he's obviously good enough for us.


    James Milner (6)- Our best midfielder, again. Best crosser of the ball until Nobby came on, but thats really a default thing.


    Damian Duff (4)- Poor. If The Zog was fit, and Duff got a game ahead of him, it would be a crime against NUFC.


    Oba Martins (6)- Well taken goal. Not the best control at times, and needs to remember how fast he is - he should NEVER be caught offside.


    Kerion Dyer (4)- Poor. He's been pretty decent in recent games, but Jesus, he's no striker. Too many of his trademark blind alley-running.


    Overall team peformence (4)- Poor peformence today,we were outplayed through out the game and it couldve been more then 2 for Fulham,Roeders team selection was absouloutly ridicouls,Looking forward for his excuse today..


    Manager (1)- Ex-defender, he'll sort us out. Great coach, nice fella. Brought in Pearson too, genius, he's another great coach. Tactically, beyond naive, awful team selection. Fuck off now, please.

  14. Thing is, thats Ameobi's level as well.


    Then by your own admission, isn't he overachieving here in the big wide world of the Premiership, given that he has made a career in the league for himself, even, at times, scoring goals and playing well. Not bad for a Championship player. See, there is hope for Chopra yet.


    Not by my admission, no. I question the playing well thing, and his EPL goal tally is not, from memory, much to look at. There is massive hope for both Ameobi and Chopra. Just not at a consistent PL club.

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