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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. We have some top quality players in depth in our midfield, i'd stick with Parker and Emre personally, Parker in a defensive role and Emre more forward creating.



    Dyer   Parker   Emre   Duff     When we get Owen back i'd start with these four (untill then its Dyer and Martins up top imo and Milner on the RW) and if anyone's not up to it we have Butt and Zoggy too!


    No crosses from the right, then.

  2. I've seen Babel play a couple of times in the flesh and a lot on TV and as far as I'm concerned he's the real deal. He's strong, he's quick and he's got stacks of skills. He scored a number of magnificent individual goals in the last few seasons and gets the odd tap in as well.


    At Ajax they have an addiction to 4-3-3 which means Babel ends up playing on the left wing trying to provide service to Huntelaar in the middle. To these English eyes Babel has the build and mentality to be an out an out striker, the kind of number 9 the Dutch don't like to produce (even Van Nisterlrooy has always said he wanted to be a number 10 like Bergkamp/Cryuff), and looks wasted on the wing.


    Bearing in mind that he's only 20 I'd suggest that he's not going to be quite in the Martins class the moment we sign him, but he'll certainly be able to do a job up front. Within a few years if he develops well he could easily be a regular 20 goals a season player.


    Sadly I can't support this move as my wife (Ajax fan) will never forgive me. Especially if we give them Luque.


    What class do you think Martins is in, exactly?

  3. Does anyone actually KNOW how good this fella is, or are we all going of FM2007 and sketchy internet reports?

    I've seeen him for the US a couple of times but that's it.


    And you'd love it to be true?


    I remember seeing Marcelino once in Europe. He looked ace.


    And we've all seen the "Luque is world class" showreel.


    I just worry about this sort of thing. We've been burnt too often before, and i have zero faith in Roeders ability.

  4. Disgrace if he doesn't play for us before that date.


    you WANT him to play for us??

    Better than a few of our other defenders.


    Doubtful, i reckon. He's maybe as good a defender as Ramage, and about as consistent. But slower.

  5. We always knew he'd be a decent-to-good Championship player. That's his level.


    He got a premiership recored tbh..  :lol:


    I wouldve kept him with us,at least he is better then Ameobi and Rossi..



    Any c**t woudl be better than that pile of shite Ameobi. And Rossi? He'll be a good player in a few years. Us getting him when we did, then not using him properly, just highlighted what an idiot Roeder is.


    Can't agree more..

    chopra is not and will never be a prtemiership quality forward.


    Huh? Neither of them were saying he was.

    if he's not a prem player why was roeder an idiot for letting him go


    You didn't really read that one through, did you.

  6. We WILL get 1 or 2 loan signings in by wednesday! Have to accept there is NO MONEY at the club....and i do fear for the future. Think the board and glenn are taking a massive gamble relying on the injuries to clear up and make do till summer, but will it get any better then?? Should we write the season off now?....how depressing! Anyone got a time machine i wanna go back ten years when we was the force in British football!!!!!


    Erm, you should have done that as soon as we made Roeder permanent.

  7. The more i read his guff, the more i'm concerned that NE5 has a severe learning abnormality. Poor guy.


    Why not stick to football?  There's really no need for you to stick your oar in with an insult, but you do tend to do this a lot, contributing nowt to the discussion. As you've moved the thread off topic with an insult I'll say that the more off topic interjections you post to insult other members the more I'm sure you're really a soft shite acting tough from behind the safety of your computer.


    Aye, Leazes Parrot would never do that.   ;D


    Good job YOU'RE above all that, eh.

  8. I just hope people are a bit patient. He is a raw talent but he has got great potential and is an excellent character.


    As both our manager and assistant manager are former defenders he will definitely fulfil that potential because he will work hard.




    yeah, those two geniuses are BOUND to make him great.

  9. We always knew he'd be a decent-to-good Championship player. That's his level.


    He got a premiership recored tbh..  :lol:


    I wouldve kept him with us,at least he is better then Ameobi and Rossi..



    Any cunt woudl be better than that pile of shite Ameobi. And Rossi? He'll be a good player in a few years. Us getting him when we did, then not using him properly, just highlighted what an idiot Roeder is.


    Richard Dunne is a good player  >:(


    One of the worst defenders in the league? FFS man, have a word with yourself. Him and Distin are one of the best partnerships outside the top 4.

    dunne and distin are quality

    No, they f*cking are NOT.

    No better than what we have - and I cant slag them off worse than that.

    Dunne is SH*TE, and Distin only mediocre.


    So STILL better than what we have.

  11. If we had no money then Glenn should've made signings like Campbell on a free at the start of the season.


    But that is more like taking one step forward and two back when you are trying to build a young squad that will challenge for honours.  It is a short term fix that sets you back in the long term.


    Roeder isn't trying to build a young squad. He's incapable of building anything, and he knows it.

  12. ho hum the saga continues, guess glennie boy didn't hear what he wanted from his top notch central defender today :uglystupid2:


    "Titus? Titus, how are you mate?.....good, good......you got any ability yet?....no? still utter shite?......alright, mate, no bother, cheers"

  13. Contrary to what some of you think, Roeder is not to blame for the lack of signings.  It is the remit of the club chairman to negotiate for and to sign players, not the manager, and with FS having failed yet again, to bring in any reinforcements in the transfer window, if our defense happens to fall apart again after the transfer window slams shut, I predict a lynch mob will be itching to get their hands on our fat chairman outside SJP.


    Is this incitement? No just an opinion!


    It's bollocks, tbh. In actual fact. it's up there with the most stupid posts I've ever read.


    Explain why! In small syllables please as I am obviously too stupid to understand joined up words.


    Explain why Fred has failed.


    By appointing a bad manager in Souness, then compounding his own arrogance by throwing £50m at a bad manager.  We are reaping the rewards of that arrogance now by scrapping around for loan players because we cannot afford to compete with the "big clubs".


    Employing a slightly lesser idiot to replace Soumess wasn't particularly clever, either, in fairness.



  14. Richard Dunne is one of the worst defenders in the league. If roeder had ever entertained the idea of buying him I'd support sunderland.


    Bright lad.


    Dunne is better than all of our defenders bar one, anyway.


    Doesn't mean he's good enough.


    No, but neither is 3/4 of the team. But he would improve us. If Shambles coming back is our best hope, we're completely fucked.

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