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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. P Ramage

    C Babayaro

    C N’Zogbia

    T Bramble

    S Harper

    D Duff

    C Moore  

    O Bernard 

    S Carr  

    S Ameobi  

    M Owen


    Worse than I thought....


    There's only 3 of them i'd have in the starting 11, though.

  2. There are many LB's out there for not too much money that are alot better than baba...


    Because they aren't big name players they can still be good.


    I bet there is quite a few LB's in other leagues around that are not too expensive or well known to us...



    Im sure i have seen a few that would play alot better than Baba has for us (for what it's worth)



    What im trying to say here is that some players (especially players in the PL) are really overpriced and can only be signed for inflated (sp?) prices...


    I think you could get a lot more quality for money by signing players from abroad. Especially in the situation we are in now




    throwing out £6-7m on someone like Bale would just be insane imo...





    I wonder how many times i have been thinking through the years seing many other clubs sign good players for a really fair price and wondering why weren't we after him and him.



    We could save so much money having good scouts with great knowledge in the different leagues around europe...Getting the right players before others do get them, instead of buying them later for a price of 100 times more than they cost a couple of years ago..


    We've got players who can play out of position and do better than Babayaro, in fairness.


    Still, at least Roeder isn't going to rush into any short-term signings, thats not his style. (best not mention Bernard, a late, ill-thought out, short term signing).

  3. I get up every morning probably like a lot of you on this board, switch teletext 338 on to see what the latest word is from the papers. It dosnt really matter who we get linked with i am just always excited to se Newcastles name within a story.


    After reading Roeders quotes today about bringing players in for the sake of it on long contracts and then not wanting them, i believe he is going about this transfer window in the right manner. We need cover in defence and another striker, but who is availible at a decent price, and which clubs would be willing to sell. I like Distin and think he would be a good addition, however why pay 3-5 million for him now when you can get him for nothing in the summer. The same principle goes for Sidwell, Viduka, Barton and probably a whole host of others. Roeder is very careful, and very sensible with money, and for this i am grateful. If i was Roeder i would get them on pre-contract agreements, whereby they come to us in the summer, and we pay no fee.


    When all our squad is fit, we have a decent starting 11 that would get us a top 8 premiership position, easily, and Roeder knows this. What can he achieve spending 15 million in this transfer window, any decent player will be cup tied in europe, would cost more know than they would have in the summer, and we still wouldnt qualify for europe for next year. Roeder knows he is a strong back line away from competing with the top 4, and this is an issue better addressed in the summer as opposed to January


    Whatever Roeder/Shepherd did wrong in the summer, they shouldn't try and make a mense in this transfer window, they will pay inflated prices, which wont make a hell of a difference to our season know anyway.


    I have faith in Roeder and urge fans not to be too dissapointed if little money is spent during this window!


    Cover? No. We need actual first team defenders. preferably 3, at a minimum 2.


    The squad we have now is not a top 8 one.

  4. Can't believe some people seriously want to sell him. I hope they're on the wind-up.


    If they are being 100% serious then the numb C***s need their heads looking at imo.... :roll: :roll:


    In their defence, some people thought Souness should get more time, that Faye was an acceptable player, and that Ameobi is good enough for a first team start.


    Care in the community has a lot to answer for.

  5. he can't perform if motivated. This is mainly due to his absolutely hilarious lack of pace, requirement to foul persistently, and his lack of general defending ability.

  6. Forwards: 7 players, 2 injured, 5 available, 2 genuine quality.


    Who are these?


    Dyer, Milner, Martins, uh.. Carrol, Sibierski


    2 of them aren't strikers.


    There's a difference between a forward and a striker imo.


    Really? Possibly there is, but I wouldn't say they are both forwards, either.

  7. 10m on two fullbacks. Forget about the strikers for now man, we're not going to do much in the league anyways. We have to stay lucky with injuries (which probably won't happen) if we're to have any chance of making a big run and move up the table. I say just let's start over and consider this season a one of transition, one that we can use to sort out the defence for the next few years. Then the summer will arrive where we can evaluate Shola's and Owen's respective physical conditions, then proceed on from there knowing we'll still have Martins who is quality. Much better than spending 5m+ on someone who'll have to sit on the bench when Mickey comes back. Our potential striking partnership has costed us 27m to assemble, no need to spend more money. Just start over. Obviously some people might point out the fact that we're one injury away from being plunged into the relegation dogfight, well, you know what, buying a shit striker for 2m isn't the answer. We need to spend big on a striker if we're to spend because we need goals, and I don't think it's a good idea to spend 10m on a striker who'll have to sit on the bench.


    PS. 'You can't lose if you don't concede' 'Defence wins championships' etc. etc. Defenders people, defenders!


    You can't win if you don't score, and it's better to win 1 game and lose 2 than draw 2 games and lose only 1. Plus we're a long way off needing a good defence to win the league! The defence we have may not be great but it is easily good enough for a European place finish. Even this season where the defence has been absolutely decimated by injury, the reason we're in the lowly position we are now is because at the start of the season we weren't even looking like scoring in some games, much more than because of defensive frailties. Before December we only scored more than 1 goal in the league twice in 14 games.


    A number of our injured defenders are close to regaining fitness, but we only have 2 fit forwards for the next 3 months minimum (I'm not counting Luque, and Dyer is no more a forward than Nicky Butt is a central defender). Our priority has to be to get at least 1 more forward in (if only to give us an option on the bench to change a game). Personally I don't mind if it's only a loan, but we need someone.


    PS Where's the "We can't afford to spend anything, the club's hemorrhaging money, we're doomed" option for Macbeth and everyone who usually agrees with him?



  8. Emre is not good enough to cover for Parkers ball-chasing. But Emre is not poor enough to put his midfield partner in that sort of position himself.


    All in all, Emre is probably a better player, but he DOES go missing.


    Neither of them is ideal - Emre's invisible man act vs parkers long range slidign "tackes" - different problems, but still problems.


    Ideally, i wouldn't have either in the side, but we don't have a lot else, other than Dyer, who is at least as bad as Parker for wandering around, and Roeders "genius" substitution Pattinson.

  9. one if the top 3 keepers in the league.


    and of the main reasons we are not a Championship side.


    His kciking may be shite, and his command of his box poor, but we would NOT get a better keeper to come here.

  10. If Roeders moves for anyone before he moves for defenders and a striker, he's a bigger c*** than i thought.


    I tend to agree, but availability has to be taken into account. If he knows Emre is leaving then we do need a replacement, for example. If on the other hand this could be a swap for Parker I'd snap their bloody hands off. I'd be chuffed to bits if Parker wanted to move back to London, or somewhere. Anywhere really.


    Don't get me wrong, we need to look at the midfield (Parker is clearly good enough for US, but only because we are, at best, a mid table side). Its just that we need to prioritise. Roeder showed with Duff that this is not one of his strengths, but i can't stress enough how important it is that we don't start next season with the idea in our heads that Babayaro or Ameobi are first team players.


    I'd extend that beyond Babayaro and Ameobi.


    Very, very much so (i can only think of 6 or so existing players who, when fit, i'd CHOOSE to have in our side). It was just for explanatory purposes.

  11. We're blaming this on Parker AGAIN?


    Parker's DMFing yesterday was at least as good as Butt's best day, you know, the days when everyone is pissing all over themselves to call him Godly.


    We got slightly out-posessioned yesterday because they were Man-Frigging-United and we're just an average squad missing half our first team. NOT because of Parker. How does Scholes scoring goals immediately correlate to blame on Parker?


    Sorry, but jumping on some comments made about Parker being to blame for a goal is too simplistic.


    When I talk about Parker I'm talking about his contribution over the entire time he's been at the club. During that time it's clear his passing isn't up to the role of anchorman, he is nowhere near as good as Butt in this role and never will be because he doesn't have the range of pass, he doesn't have the ability to read the game as well and see the pass before he's even received the ball. This is what really good anchormen do. Butt does this and also like really good anchormen he does it in an unspectacular style that goes largely unnoticed. Meanwhile, Parker dives into last ditch challenges, wonderful 100% blood and thunder stuff, but he twirls as though he's drilling for oil and passes the ball backwards 90% of the time, slowing down our attacks in a ridiculous fashion.


    All in my opinion of course.


    I can only think of one midfielder who could hold their head up high on that point, and evan THAT'S a tenuous one.


    Rob Lee, Ginola, Solano, Gary Speed... That took me barely 10 seconds to think of. You might also be able to add Robert and maybe some of the underrated ones such as Acuna in as well.


    2 things:

    1) I meant current players.

    2) "Contribution", not "committment".

  12. If Roeders moves for anyone before he moves for defenders and a striker, he's a bigger c*** than i thought.


    I tend to agree, but availability has to be taken into account. If he knows Emre is leaving then we do need a replacement, for example. If on the other hand this could be a swap for Parker I'd snap their bloody hands off. I'd be chuffed to bits if Parker wanted to move back to London, or somewhere. Anywhere really.


    Don't get me wrong, we need to look at the midfield (Parker is clearly good enough for US, but only because we are, at best, a mid table side). Its just that we need to prioritise. Roeder showed with Duff that this is not one of his strengths, but i can't stress enough how important it is that we don't start next season with the idea in our heads that Babayaro or Ameobi are first team players.

  13. Parker couldn't hold his position if his life depended on it, it's like when you see people kicking a ball around in the park with their dog, he just runs after everything without putting any thought into it whatsoever, their first goal is a good example of that.


    He does. As does Dyer. Neither of them have any f***ing clue about playing in position.


    That, for me, is why Emre and Parker never look good together (another lesser reason being Emre's obvious deficiencies). Parker wanders around, and Emre isn't disciplined enough to cover it. When Emre plays with Butt, a player who knows how to play in a position, Emre looks a lot better.


    To play as a DM you need discipline though. I don't mind Dyer running around because he is suppose to be 'floating around'. I also don't mind it when he's playing in the AM position because it shouldn't affect the way we defend that much if the rest of our midfielders are disciplined (which they clearly aren't btw - Emre can't even stay on the left when he's supposed to, Parker doesn't understand the word 'controlled aggression' etc.).


    Parker isn't REALLY a DM though, is he.


    As for Dyer, his inability to stay in the vague area he is supposed to is one of the reasons we commonly lose our shape when he plays. And neither he nor most of the rest of the team are good enough to react to that and change things - we just end up with Dyer and Parker chasing the ball like schoolkids, and the defence being left under pressure they are ill-equiped to cope with.

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