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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Don't know how accurate this team is, it'll probably change when i've seen the squad.


    ----------------------------- Given ------------------------------


    Huntington --------- Taylor ---------- Ramage --------------- Duff


    Dyer ---------------- Butt ----------- Emre ---------------- Milner


    ------------------- Martins ---------- Rossi ----------------------


    Subs: Srnicek, Edgar, Luque, Parker, Sibierski



    Seen the squad, and i'm sticking with that. Fantastic that Nobby has returned so quickly from injury... we can save him for Spurs now. I'd probably have him on the bench and start Huntington, just to protect Nobby.


    Who will be on Spurs' left wing? Because he's going to have a field day, whoever it is, the amount of time Dire will be out of position.

  2. Robinson


    --- Chimbonda -- Dawson -- King -- Leee ---


    ---------------- Huddlestone -------------------


    --- Ghaly/Teemu ------------------- Steed ---


    ------------------- Lennon ---------------------


    ----------- Berbatov ----- Defoe -------------


    taken from ggchat.................if that is their line up i'm more confident than before.i'd think butt can tie up lennon and they'd push him back wide to get him some ball.we can dominate midfield and they have a lack of pace from huddlestone through to dawson and king.we can stop the supply to their forwards but be wary of defoe dropping off the centre halves with malbranque and ghaly both keen to push on.


    hope emre's fit,that midfield is made for him to play against.


    Yeah, and Lennon, Defoe and Berbatov are going to HATE the idea of playing against Babayaro and Ramage, aren't they.

    thats lennon in the middle,he'll be up against our midfield first and spurs problem all season away has been creating chances,i think our midfield is good enough to stop theirs.


    And we KNOW thats the formaiton they'll play? Even if they do, it's still going to cause us problems.


    We were lucky against Watfird that they weren't good enough to exploit the massive gaps Dire was leaving by wandering around, and we didn't need Martins to be linking up particularly well with the midfield for most of the game. Spurs will be different.


    My prediction: 0-2.


    Same result as last year aye? Or not? Oh we beat them 3-1 didn't we!


    We'll definatly get beat 0-2 this year then!





    I don't get it. What does last years result have to do with this years?

  3. Doesnt even make the bench for Fulham and Physioroom.com havent got him down as injured, I rate him very highly and would love for us to bid for him in Jan. He's only young and has bags of potential, Under the right manager i think he'd become a superb player.


    Anyone know if he's fallen out with his manager or anything?


    So we need a decent manager as well?

  4. Robinson


    --- Chimbonda -- Dawson -- King -- Leee ---


    ---------------- Huddlestone -------------------


    --- Ghaly/Teemu ------------------- Steed ---


    ------------------- Lennon ---------------------


    ----------- Berbatov ----- Defoe -------------


    taken from ggchat.................if that is their line up i'm more confident than before.i'd think butt can tie up lennon and they'd push him back wide to get him some ball.we can dominate midfield and they have a lack of pace from huddlestone through to dawson and king.we can stop the supply to their forwards but be wary of defoe dropping off the centre halves with malbranque and ghaly both keen to push on.


    hope emre's fit,that midfield is made for him to play against.


    Yeah, and Lennon, Defoe and Berbatov are going to HATE the idea of playing against Babayaro and Ramage, aren't they.

    thats lennon in the middle,he'll be up against our midfield first and spurs problem all season away has been creating chances,i think our midfield is good enough to stop theirs.


    And we KNOW thats the formaiton they'll play? Even if they do, it's still going to cause us problems.


    We were lucky against Watfird that they weren't good enough to exploit the massive gaps Dire was leaving by wandering around, and we didn't need Martins to be linking up particularly well with the midfield for most of the game. Spurs will be different.


    My prediction: 0-2.

  5. Robinson


    --- Chimbonda -- Dawson -- King -- Leee ---


    ---------------- Huddlestone -------------------


    --- Ghaly/Teemu ------------------- Steed ---


    ------------------- Lennon ---------------------


    ----------- Berbatov ----- Defoe -------------


    taken from ggchat.................if that is their line up i'm more confident than before.i'd think butt can tie up lennon and they'd push him back wide to get him some ball.we can dominate midfield and they have a lack of pace from huddlestone through to dawson and king.we can stop the supply to their forwards but be wary of defoe dropping off the centre halves with malbranque and ghaly both keen to push on.


    hope emre's fit,that midfield is made for him to play against.


    Yeah, and Lennon, Defoe and Berbatov are going to HATE the idea of playing against Babayaro and Ramage, aren't they.

  6. Given: 6 - Not bad, needs to communicate with his defence better.


    Huntington: 5 - Predominantly acceptable, but occasionally caught out.

    Taylor: 7 - Fine performance, remains our best defender.

    Ramage: 5 - Average game - some good, some bad.

    Babayano: 3 - Out of position umpteen times, not watcing the bal OR his man repeatedly. A disgrace to the side.


    Milner: 6 - Struggled to get into the game at times, but he's a grafter once he does.

    Butt: 7 - should never be allowed to pass the ball over 5 yards ever again. Good defensive work though.

    Emre: 7 - good game, doesn't always react well to being tackled.

    Dyer: 4 - clearly not match fit. Bursts of pace, but little end product. Out of position an incredible amount of the game.


    Martins: 7 - Nicley taken goals, but lost the ball a lot. Very poor response to being tackled, nearly every time.

    Sibiersky: 4 - Poor. More than the journeyman pro many felt at first, but not much more.


  7. Yawn...It's an old story. Roeder isn't the one who usually does the barking, it's Pearson.


    People need to stop trying to pick faults with Roeder.


    He's a crap manager, who is nowhere near good enough for NUFC. You can't blame people for not liking him.

  8. f***ing F***!!! tbh


    where would you play him though? drop sib? or milner? or butt? or emre?


    On tonights performance i'd drop Milner.

    gave away possession a lot and never really beat his man or got a cross in all night.



    have you SEEN Dyer cross the ball???


    Yes have you? or are you blinded by hatred. Remember the cross for Owen when he came back against west brom and the one which he hurt his leg doing.  I can`t think of many more recently because he has been injured for most of his career but he can cross.


    Back to the serious posts, I wouldn`t have risked Dyer against a physical team like Blackburn anyway.


    How many assists has Dyer provided in the league for us? Ever, i mean.

  9. Baba shouldn't be anything other than cover after January.  We'd be so much stronger with decent pacy full backs who can defend.  You get a glimpse of the benefit we'd get with Nobby's playing at right back - not a regular right back but so much better than Carr imo.  Also my impression is that Carr and Baba are injured a lot, so it's not as if they're even dependable, and we can play a settled back 4 with them around.

    If Roeder thinks Baba is good enough, he shouldn't be coaching let alone managing, imo. 


    Nail on head.

  10. Babayaro can't defend and never has been able to.


    Ramage would be my first choice left-back purely on the basis that he can defend, despite not being able to go forward. That doesn't matter when we've got Dyer, Martins, Zoggy, etc all playing well though.


    Babayaro's a liability and always has been.


    Ramage can't defend at LB, he hasn't got a clue. He's totally shit at LB.


    But still better tahn Babayaro.

  11. Given 5 - must be hard playing behind a back four containing absolute wank like Babayaro.

    Nobby 6 - our formwe Best Right Winger is now our Best Right Back. Intelligent play. To all those who (wrongly) think Shambles can pass the ball - THAT is proper passing.

    Taylor 4 - Not his best game, but still fewer fuck ups than Moore or Shambles.

    Ramage 5 - Not too bad. trying to marshall the defence at times. Good job, cos Given won't.

    Babayaro 2 - Didn't fuck it up royally EVERY time, so gets two marks. Awful player.

    Milner 6 - Some poor passing at time, but undoubtedly our best right winger.

    Butt 7 - Good game. Very few errors, and got all over the midfield.

    Emre 7 - Seemed to be drifting out of the game (usually his trick in Away games), but picked up again. Lovely goal.

    The Zog 4 - Poor game by his standards. Not helped by that pile of Nigerian shite behind him.

    Martins 5 - Who is his Ball Control coach, Ameobi? Very fast, but yet to show £10m value.

    Sibgierski 6 - more than just the journeyman pro we thought? Maybe. Not a top class player, but gets in the right places, and can control a football. Far, far better than Ameobi.



  12. Butt played very well, and Emre - for a large chunk of the game - did too.


    But still we are talking about Parker as if he is a DM - he's not, really. his game is different to that. Our coaching isn't good enough to get Parker and Emre to play well together, because idiots liek Roeder try to make Parker a holding player.

  13. i won't be bringing mine. I'm not spending a couple of hours in the pub after looking like (even more of) a tool.




    I just don't do scarves. They just seem fundamentally Wrong.

    I NEVER wear a scarf but when I come up next week the first thing I'll be doing is buying a scarf from the club shop.


    Even if you just stick it in your pocket try and bring it along as firstly it looks great and secondly it gives the players a boost, which they are gonna need tonight. 


    If they can't win wothout 47000 people waving scarves at them, they're worse than even I thought.



  14. Newcastle United (from): Given, Srnicek, Carr, Solano, Taylor, Ramage, Huntington, Babayaro, Butt, Emre, N’Zogbia, Milner, Pattison, Troisi, Gate, Edgar, Martins, Sibierski, Luque, Rossi, Carroll.


    Squad announced: no Parker or Dyer

    :( No Dyer=No 3 pts


    I'm afraid you're right..


    yeah, cos he contributes so much.  bluelaugh.gif


    Do you think, based on what you've seen from Dyer this season, we'd do better or worse with him in the team tonight?


    I don't think he makes much of a difference to the result we get, tbh.

  15. We don't have much choice really.










    the only way to go - bring on rossi if we not doing well.


    the only thing i fear is roeder bringing back carr - which imo would be the most stupid thing he could do.


    if zoggy, emre, milner and martins are up for it we can nick it - else i fear the worst...


    Other than playing Shambles as soon as he is fit......not getting a left back.........not buying good enough central defenders......not getting rid of Carr in summer.....buying players we don't need at the expense of positions we do.......

  16. bluesigh.gif


    Any of you ever had a wound like that before? If he plays before it heals completely the wound will open up, then he's just gonna be out for longer. What's the point then?


    Even better.

  17. I think we could be WORSE if we were only half full..................................   



    Interesting point tho that if teams went away and ATTACKED they'd do a lot better


    Can't see how we'd be worse. At least fuckwits liek Babayaro and Bramble would have fewer people to biff up in front of.

  18. Doesn't matter how many fans go to the game and shout, though, if the team is simple not good enough. Look at us, for example. Full (nigh-on) stadium at home, loud away support, awful manager, half of the team Championship-quality.

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