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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. We're blaming this on Parker AGAIN?


    Parker's DMFing yesterday was at least as good as Butt's best day, you know, the days when everyone is pissing all over themselves to call him Godly.


    We got slightly out-posessioned yesterday because they were Man-Frigging-United and we're just an average squad missing half our first team. NOT because of Parker. How does Scholes scoring goals immediately correlate to blame on Parker?


    Sorry, but jumping on some comments made about Parker being to blame for a goal is too simplistic.


    When I talk about Parker I'm talking about his contribution over the entire time he's been at the club. During that time it's clear his passing isn't up to the role of anchorman, he is nowhere near as good as Butt in this role and never will be because he doesn't have the range of pass, he doesn't have the ability to read the game as well and see the pass before he's even received the ball. This is what really good anchormen do. Butt does this and also like really good anchormen he does it in an unspectacular style that goes largely unnoticed. Meanwhile, Parker dives into last ditch challenges, wonderful 100% blood and thunder stuff, but he twirls as though he's drilling for oil and passes the ball backwards 90% of the time, slowing down our attacks in a ridiculous fashion.


    All in my opinion of course.


    I can only think of one midfielder who could hold their head up high on that point, and evan THAT'S a tenuous one.

  2. Parker couldn't hold his position if his life depended on it, it's like when you see people kicking a ball around in the park with their dog, he just runs after everything without putting any thought into it whatsoever, their first goal is a good example of that.


    He does. As does Dyer. Neither of them have any fucking clue about playing in position.


    That, for me, is why Emre and Parker never look good together (another lesser reason being Emre's obvious deficiencies). Parker wanders around, and Emre isn't disciplined enough to cover it. When Emre plays with Butt, a player who knows how to play in a position, Emre looks a lot better.

  3. dont think its roeder setting any pressure.


    owen talked about a return in march, himself.   I think he IS feeling guilty about how little hes played and how much hes been given in return.

    probably owen is bored out of his skull and is desperate to play footy again.


    Doubt he feels guilty, he's probably just bored.

  4. WHY DUFF!!


    wtf did he do to deserve a place in the team?!


    Well, he is at least half decent on the left. Unlike Dire, and even Milner, who is better on the right.


    If all were fit, The Zog would be my first pick. Our next best is Duff.

  5. http://skp36.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/retard.jpg.w300h341.jpg


    calm down mate we'll get some CL quality players soon enough


    HAhahahaahahahahahahaha. Yeah, they'll be queueing up to play for a shit manager like Roerder, in a bottom-half Premiership team.

  6. didnt we say the exact same thing in the souness days?


    at least souness had a good plan in mind,made some good signings and he was just an idiot for letting bellamy and robert out of the club,but roeder,he is an idiot by nature,our season objective is to reach europe,and rite now this seems like a VERY long shot..


    bluelaugh.gif bluelaugh.gif


    This forum is great. They say laughing keeps you young.


    Keep 'em coming......


    i really hated the F***IN t*t but to be honest,even he couldn't do worse then roeder,wasn't he the one who brought emre,parker,owen to our club,he was planning to play a 4-3-3 with owen-shearer-luque but he never really got the chance to do so,sacking him was a good decsion,but we couldve at least hired hitzfield or o'niel,a guy who at least know what he is doing ....


    i mean here with roeder,we will be more then lucky if we finish 10th-15th in the league,and trust me,those easy games he wasted vs sheff united,charlton and others will soon be regreted,hopefully not..



    Luque, Boumsong, Moore, Faye.


    Souness. Worst. Manager. Eve*.


    Oh, and we won't win the UEFA Cup.



    * Not really, but he was absolutely fucking shite.

  7. Sure there are shortcomings in Parker's play, but there are also advantages brought by Parker to our team. The "grip" is significantly better with Parker around. And that's exactly Parker's job.


    Is Nicky Butt any better? His passes are wayward often. Of course I appreciate his vision and initiation. But if the ball falls to Parker's leg, I would rather Parker use the ball wisely, ie keep the ball and not giving the ball away. After all, long range passing, throughpassing etc is not biggest strength.


    Stop blaming players who have given 100%. They can't do what they cannot do.


    We lose the game, in my opinion, due to the conservative play of Glenn Roeder.


    He should have taken the ineffective Dyer off and put in Rossi, who play admirably against Chelsea recently. And no I don't agree that Sib should start. Against a narrow powerful midfield Roeder did well by playing both Butt and Parker in the middle. We frustrated Chelsea and our wing play by Milner and Solano  are constant threat. However, Dyer is not playing well as a winger. Either put him upfront with Martin, or put him in the middle ahead of Butt and Parker.


    If you were at the game you would have seen that Dyer was actually outstanding tonight as a man marker.


    Wherever Bridge went, Dyer went.


    Meant he had no attacking threat, but did the job he looked to have been ordered to do superbly.


    Oh aye, and Scott Parker is f***ing GASH.



    Dyer was pretty shite, tbh.

    Did he spill your drink?


    I doubt it, he was playing football (although not very well, granted).


    I don't think i've ever had a drink spilt by a footballer. Not a professional one, anyway.


    Thanks for asking though. Its nice that people care about my drink)

  8. A*


    A- Martins and Taylor

    B+Sibierski and Butt

    B Ramage and Solano

    B- Emre and Dyer

    C+ Parker and Huntington

    C Milner

    C- Duff, Zoggy,Ameobi and Moore

    D Baba and Rossi

    E Carr and Bramble

    F Luque









    Typical Northern Monkey post. Instead of "EH" can you not ask a question like "Why is Dyer getting a b-?" which is what i assume you would like to know.


    Typical Northern Monkey post, i like it.


    I think i made my confusion over his grade quite clear. If i didn't make it clear enough, i CAN spell it out for you, but i thought even you had the cpaacity to work it out without crying like a smacked bitch.



  9. Roeder - 1. Poor manager, poor tactics, poor substitutions policy. Go now, please.


    We lost 1-0 to a lucky goal agaibst a strong Premiership champion's line-up. I don't think we (Roeder as manager takes the blame for the team as a collective in this case IMO) were THAT bad.


    The players who started did themsleves no harm in the first half.


    Roeder as a manager is unable to make decisions to change games.

  10. Sure there are shortcomings in Parker's play, but there are also advantages brought by Parker to our team. The "grip" is significantly better with Parker around. And that's exactly Parker's job.


    Is Nicky Butt any better? His passes are wayward often. Of course I appreciate his vision and initiation. But if the ball falls to Parker's leg, I would rather Parker use the ball wisely, ie keep the ball and not giving the ball away. After all, long range passing, throughpassing etc is not biggest strength.


    Stop blaming players who have given 100%. They can't do what they cannot do.


    We lose the game, in my opinion, due to the conservative play of Glenn Roeder.


    He should have taken the ineffective Dyer off and put in Rossi, who play admirably against Chelsea recently. And no I don't agree that Sib should start. Against a narrow powerful midfield Roeder did well by playing both Butt and Parker in the middle. We frustrated Chelsea and our wing play by Milner and Solano  are constant threat. However, Dyer is not playing well as a winger. Either put him upfront with Martin, or put him in the middle ahead of Butt and Parker.


    If you were at the game you would have seen that Dyer was actually outstanding tonight as a man marker.


    Wherever Bridge went, Dyer went.


    Meant he had no attacking threat, but did the job he looked to have been ordered to do superbly.


    Oh aye, and Scott Parker is f***ing GASH.



    Dyer was pretty shite, tbh.

  11. Given - 5. Should have done better with the goal. His distribution is shite.


    Solano - 6. Not too bad at all. Not fast enough for the likes of Chelsea though.

    Taylor - 7. Played well. Every game widens the gap between him and all the rest of our defenders

    Ramage - 6. Ok, did his job.

    Huntington - 5. Did alright in a testing game.


    Dyer - 3. Once again, no end product. Lightweight player, not even average last night. Disappeared.

    Parker - 4. Poor. Undeniably a good player, but needs too much time, and distribution is shocking.

    Butt - 5. Was alright, passing needs work.

    Milner - 6. Played pretty well, starting to becoem a good player i reckon.


    Emre - 6. Better than some recent games. SOem nice touches.

    Martins - 5. Needs support - he's not a target man.


    Roeder - 1. Poor manager, poor tactics, poor substitutions policy. Go now, please.

  12. F***ing hell. Didn't see much of the game as I was working, but it seemed we were the better team.

    And all this bullshit about Parker? Jesus Christ! You are really looking for a scape-goat aren't you? How many of you were praising Parker last year? Someone get the results of them polls that were made, I'm pretty sured Parker scored quite high! And they were from when? September or something? Now he's suddenly the worst thing that has happened since we signed Souness or something?


    People might want to have a look at how many games Parker has played this season and how many of those games we have lost. The bloke is a superb tackler but unfortunately his passing range seems to be that of a crab/Lee Clark.

    His passing isn't worse than Butts. And tbh, the reason we've been better is NOT because Parker's been injured. More likely that Ameobi isn't playing, if we're going to pinpoint it to one man.


    I disagree. I think the preceeding 3 games have shown that Butt can be a very good passer of the ball.


    Siting Ameobi's absence as a reason why we're playing better is complete and utter bollocks tbh. I don't think I even need to justify that with an explanation.


    Ameobi not playing IMMEDIATELY improves us.


    Butts passing in the past 2 or 3 games has been poor.

  13. Get in you Blues!


    F***ing great day again for us, we've got a habit of beating the big boys (as thats what Charlton are to Wycombe) in the cups.


    It would make my year if the Toon knocked out Chelsea tomorrow and got Wycombe in the semis. That way even if Newcastle lost I'd at least have a chance to see my hometown club play in the final of the league cup no less!






    Jermaine Easter is a f***ing legend.




    Eh? How can you support two teams?


    Genuine question.

  14. left back, centre back, striker, right back.


    In that order.


    We have NO left back worthy of a premiership place. We only have ONE CB of note. We have one fit striker who is good enough, and only one unfit one who is. And our best right back is a rapidly-slowing winger. Other than him, we have NO right back fit for the Premiership, and the excuse of Taylor is a shite one, as he is the only good centre back we have.


    So that 'rse Roeder will probably buy a central midfielder and a left winger.

  15. Back page of the Times today, that George Caulkin (one of The Times' worst sports journos) did a piece on Shepherd and the takeover talk etc, following from the AGM.


    Shepherd appeared to be questioning the validity of some of the interest recently. And, staggeringly, he seemed to be inferrig he was a better, more serious businessman than some of the 'big players' who have expressed an interest. Amazing.

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