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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Link


    MAGPIES boss Glenn Roeder says he would love to see the Toon Army recreate the atmosphere from the last home game when Reading visit Gallowgate on Wednesday.


    Fans were handed free black and white scarves as they entered the stadium for the Portsmouth clash, and they recreated the amazing scenes from Alan Shearer's testimonial by twirling the scarves around their heads as the teams emerged from the tunnel.


    And Roeder has urged the fans to create a similar scene for the visit of Steve Coppell's Royals.


    Roeder said: "The scarf waving helped the atmosphere at the last game, and it was great to see it again after the first time it happened in Alan Shearer's testimonial game.


    "It does give the boys an extra lift, they love it and they have spoken about it in the dressing room after the game.


    "It would be great to see those scenes on a regular basis, but we know it is up to us to get the fans right behind us.


    "We need to start games well to get them behind us, and that is the aim against Reading on Wednesday."



    Yeah, just think, we could be out of the bottom 3!!! Glenn Roeder - football management genius.

  2. Good news for NUFC.


    Speak for yourself, not all of us please.


    Thats what i was doing. Failry obviously, pretty much anything anyone posts on here is THEIR OPINION, not guaranteed fact, or the opinion of anyone but themselves. Unless you claim to speak for the masses, of course.


    Like i say - good news.

  3. I have given up on him every becoming consistantly good but he is decent back up and its not as if the squad is bursting with players!


    If he does go to Pompey I bet we will see a good player develop alongside Campbell!


    Unlikely unless they go out and buy him some ability as well.

  4. "Why do you really think he's been away?? poorly leg? or something about libelous claims"  bluebigeek.gif bluebigeek.gif bluebigeek.gif



    Scandalous accusation. Can you back it up with anything more than heresay? KD lawyers are poised by the phone.


    No they're not.

  5. Newcastle United (from): Given, Srnicek, Carr, Solano, Taylor, Ramage, Huntington, Babayaro, Butt, Emre, N’Zogbia, Milner, Pattison, Troisi, Gate, Edgar, Martins, Sibierski, Luque, Rossi, Carroll.


    Squad announced: no Parker or Dyer

    :( No Dyer=No 3 pts


    I'm afraid you're right..


    yeah, cos he contributes so much.  bluelaugh.gif

  6. Little Mickey Owen regards our training sessions as the worst he has had in his career (not specified if pre Roeder or not...). Also commented that pearson has turned around the defensive sessions by a country mile! He thinks we might be fighting for a UEFA place by the time he returns (on drugs I suppose), contrasts with what he said earlier?

    I'm back in the UK at the moment and have been talking to a couple of lads who do work for him and their crack was along those lines. He also said he's here for the long run as he likes it up here...


    Thus discounting everything else he says.

  7. Same what he said:











    But think Rouder might rock in Carr and move Nobby to RW and then bench Milner but hope not.


    I know Roeder is a stupid, incompetent cretin, but he isn't THAT bad.

  8. i will sell him,and pay money to pompy to get carr as well..


    sure we are lacking in the defenders,but i am more then ready to give huntington and edgar a run in the team then those fu**ers



    Damned right. Huntington and Edgar haven't proved they aren't fit to wear the balck & white. Carr and Shambles have, umpteen times.

  9. Season Apps Mins Goals Shots on Crosses Assists Offside Conceded Clean Sheets

    06/07 3 238 1 3 3 0 2 1 1

    05/06 11 489 0 2 3 1 9 4 1

    04/05 23 1854 4 14 9 0 2 28 4

    03/04 25 2253 1 8 20 4 12 21 10


    He's ace, him.  bluelaugh.gif

  10. We don't have much choice really.










    What he said.


    it's a shame that a number of the players aren't up to the jpb at a team like NUFC (with reference to where we THINK we should be), but they are the best we have (fit) for now.

  11. I'll pay the fuckers train fare myself.


    Anything to get rid of the overpaid, overrated, amatuer piece fo shite.


    Moore is not a Premiership player fit for a team with aspirations of the top 10, but he's better than Shambles.

  12. "This is for the safety of the site after receiving warnings."


    Could an admin please elaborate on the warnings Newcastle-Online have received? Just curious as to what the copyright nazis are playing at.


    AFAAA, the many other Premiership club forums I frequent never seem experience such threats. The posting of videos and links at times is prevalent. Are NUFC intentionally and actively observing sites such as this with a view to closing them down. Do they see NO as a threat? And haven't NUFC.com experienced similar troubles?


    I think the fact the site has been shut down before is why we're so edgy about it.  There was a whole debate on the issue a few months back. 




    Since then we've been told to watch ourselves, by other sites that have received similar heat.  It may all just be hot air, but we're not risking it.  We also wouldn't do this just for the sake of it, despite what people may thing.  I mean, they're bloody YouTube clips. :lol:  Who gives a shit?


    But as pointless as these clips are, it would be equally as pointless, and stupid, to get the site in shit over it. 


    Do they see us a threat?  I doubt it.  We're not the only NUFC site to receive the threats.


    So, just to clarify, there have been no warnings from the plc, the Premier League, or anyone else?

  13. No chance in getting Sheva here, absolutely no chance.


    Haven't you noticed the super strong relationship with Chelsea.. they have done us alot of favours in the past, thing about it.  he's not settled doesnt suit there playing style/mourinho's tactics.. and Fat Freddy always goes for the sometimes audacious swoops Rooney, Ronaldinho, Kluivert.. think about it !


    saying there is no chance is sooo off the mark


    funniest post. Ever.



  14. Just because Taylor has 1 or 2 good blocks does not mean that he plays well. Bramble has more timely interventions, including a few that saves Taylor's arse. Bramble's contributions are less spectacular, and his mistakes more glaring, but his positionings, readings of the game are better than Taylor's last night.


    Wrong. There were numerous times when Shambles fucked it right up. A decent pair of forwards would have made him pay. He was very very lucky tonight.


    He is our 4th best centre back.

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