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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. I like the way no-one really knows anything about Pearson apart from he sat down in his chair once but he isn't good enough, obviously :lol:


    What more do we need to know, other than he isn't good enough?


    Please explain to me why he isnt good enough? Or do you actually have no clue about him at all but because we didnt win enough games under Roeder he must be shit?


    Well, he must have an input into the team and coaching, and if he did that under Roeder, he did a shite job.


    What do we know about him to prove that he IS worthwhile?

  2. All this 'never good enough' SHITE from a club that has continually bankrolled some of the most underperforming bags of SHITE for years


    So we should keep players on now because we have made mistakes on the past??


    Thats some good change management, that.

  3. It's a fucking disgrace Liverpool only get 17,000 tickets having said that.


    Aye, and then gave 6k of them to their corporate monkeys*.





    * Note - i have no idea what colour the corporate recipients are. If any of them are black, this is coincidental. I'm not a racist.

  4. One of the Premier League strikers going on a free this season. Experienced, superb finisher, worked with Owen before - possibly worth a gamble.


    Not my cup of tea personally, but others might reckon it'd be a good signing.




    i didn't think even some of the fans on here would be that mental but yes, at least 2 of them are. Incredible.


    Your view on this topic is irrelevant because he isn't Samuel Eto'o.


    very funny, for a child.


    Oh, and get to fuck. Cheers.


    And well doen for a thread worse than the Boumsong one.


    Says the guy who finds constant little digs at a youngster, via the internet, a good laugh. :)


    Yes, says me, welll noticed.


    Although i note than i am not the one telling someone else that their opinion doesn't count. As it happens, i think YOURS does, more than some, even if you are a little cretin at times.

  5. Answer me this, of all those game you saw us play against the big teams, was there a single attacking minded player who actually did shine out to you? Cos if it was the defenie minded players that seemed to have the better perfomrance, wouldn't that of been a relection of the game, i.e constantly defendng.  Surely that isn't what emr is good at??


    Correct, Emre isn't any good at defending at all.


    From reading stuff written by people who go to away games it seems he's no good at anything in away games and only does something in home games. Generally that is. Perhaps geordiesned will pipe up here since he goes to away games? Or anyone else? If this is true, then ultiimately Emre needs to go as well but I'd shift Parker first because he's just a liability and a big lead weight around how the team plays.


    BTW the only midfield/attacker we have who can defend at all is Butt and there are some on here who wouldn't even select him. :)


    :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2:



    Pretty much spot on tbh.


    Yes, I am.


    I was referring to you. Parker's got no shining attributes whatsoever.


    Another football genius...


    You think Parker is a good player?


    What do you liek the best? His long-range, foul-guaranteeing sliding tackles, or his pointless, ball-losing twisting and turning in the centre of the pitch.


    Personally, my favourite is his inability as captain to inspire, lead or influence the team.

  6. One of the Premier League strikers going on a free this season. Experienced, superb finisher, worked with Owen before - possibly worth a gamble.


    Not my cup of tea personally, but others might reckon it'd be a good signing.




    i didn't think even some of the fans on here would be that mental but yes, at least 2 of them are. Incredible.


    Your view on this topic is irrelevant because he isn't Samuel Eto'o.


    very funny, for a child.


    Oh, and get to fuck. Cheers.


    And well doen for a thread worse than the Boumsong one.

  7. One of the Premier League strikers going on a free this season. Experienced, superb finisher, worked with Owen before - possibly worth a gamble.


    Not my cup of tea personally, but others might reckon it'd be a good signing.




    i didn't think even some of the fans on here would be that mental but yes, at least 2 of them are. Incredible.

  8. The media rarely manufacture player moves. They may play a part in the process, but its blinkered to think that the vast majority of high profile moves aren't engineered by the players and their agents, or bigger clubs just coming alongwith their chequebooks.

    I know but a lot of it is down to the Media and the agents i.e. Player reads press about how he should move clubs so he will get picked for England/play in Europe/etc, agent tells player he should move, agent tells the media to start dropping the hints.


    But that isn't the media engineering it. Its the agent and usually the player using the media as a tool, nothing more.

  9. SA has to give him another proper chance.

    He must, because that is the only way to end the endless luque debate. Whether you support or hate him, i feel that there is no concrete evidence if he is the same player as seen on youtube/crap/shitty attitude/lazy/in the wrong league etc yet. Luque must play to clear up all threads/posts about him, not just here but every nufc forum.


    How about Allardyce just gets rid, and we forget about him? That would be preferabe, rather than once again painting poor Luque as the martyred hero.

  10. Emre going?  Or you hope he is?  Why?


    his disappearing act when we're against big clubs or losing?


    the lack of actual end product?


    Never/very rarely used properly in his time here. Could be so good for us and i really hope Sam gets the best out of him.


    let me guess, you used to watch a lot of Italian league and Turkish internaitonal football, so you know just how fantastic he is.


    :lol: :lol:


    Erm, no mate. I've watched Emre the Newcastle United player for the past two seasons, and have managed to pick up that he is far better for us, and on the whole far more effective, when played in an advanced position - somewhere where he simply hasn't played enough. Rather than deep central mid or out on the left.


    Hope that answers your query.


    so you've seen him go missing agianst the big clubs, and when we were losing. And thats whose fault exactly?


    To say he 'goes missing' isn't really a very good observation, if he isn't in the game already. Which he very rarely was when Roeder played him - largely down to how he was utilised and the tactics used. Emre needs to be in a flowing, attacking, passing team, with him being in an advanced position penetrating the defense - not deep in a long, defensive team.


    so, surprisingly, its not his fault. he shouldn't have any responsibility to get into the game, or anything else. and th away games that he's never even seemed arsed?


    oh, and if you accept he has not been involved, to the point of it not being his fault he has not turned up against the big teams, how can you claim to have seen enough since he's been with us to know what a great player he is??

  11. Why are there so many Emre bashers about? In fact why are there people so willing to see the back of so many players, i.e Parker, Emre, Martins etc. Has anyone heard of squad building??


    you build on strength, not medicority/weaknesses/potential.


    So why would you not want them in your squad?? Which one of those 3 players that i have mentioned is mediocre?




    You think parker is mediocre?? Now, i agree that he isn't the best of players, and has hada poor season, but to call him mediocre seems a tad OTT, its clear hes a good player, how he fits into te first team am sure would have a lot of bearing on his performances. The only type of players i would want to see leave would be the bad ones, the ones causing all the discontent, the ones who aren;t commited and the ones who aren't actually good players. But parkers is a good solid player to have.


    in your opinion. from what i've seen, we could do without him.

  12. This forum would be a lot better if it only let people on who actually knew football. Shorey is completely left footed and cannot play on the right. Also Viduka is not better than Martins, Owen or LUQUE!


    Whats the deal with Ben Haim aswell, surely we can get someone better??


    Ironic really - chastising people for knowing nothing about football - then with the next breath saying Luque is better than Viduka. Wake up, take your Albert Luque pyjamas off and join us in the real world.



    Viduka is lazy, and does not seem all that bothered, same with Luque, but Viduka has been given a chance in English football, Luque has not!


    There attitudes are similar, but Luque has for more ability.


    Utter, utter, utter drivel and bollocks. :)


    you.re right, of course.




    Viduka is not lazy. He puts himself about and is an absolute menace in the box. Only the cynics call him lazy, but the truth is he's given everything to Boro.


    Viduka is very much bothered, again - the cynics say that he doesn't care, he's playing for contracts and whatnot - but he's been scoring goals prolifically so season after season. He's not pushing himself to the limit just to play for contracts, he's just a damned good player.


    Viduka's attitude and Luque's attitudes are not in the slightest bit similar.


    I wouldn't say that Luque had far more ability either, but it's difficult to judge because they are two entirely different sorts of players.


    define prolific.


    oh, and quote in context, cheers.


    You said i was 'right, of course' - then put a full-stop. I picked up on that piece of information, whether it was sarcastic or not; the rest of the post was irrelevant - i wanted to pick up on that bit.


    Anyhow, Viduka's record in Britain, in all competitions:


    Celtic - 47 Apps, 35 Goals


    Leeds - 162 Apps, 72 Goals


    Middlesbrough - 80 Apps, 42 Goals


    And, for the three seasons that he has been at Boro - he has reached double figures. That's fairly good going... pretty much consistently prolific to me. But he's fat, lazy and only an decent-to-poor striker.


    league goals is the only real comparitor. a really good player gets 1 in 2, say. 1 in 4 is nowhere near good enough for the main man.


    this season - 1 in 2.

    last season - 1 in 4

    season before - 1 in 3.

    season before - 1 in 3.


    he's not a great player. he's had a cracking season, but a player who is 32 at the start of next season? no ta.

  13. http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:nPVanwF1-U49UM:http://www.hat.net/album/middle_east/004_egypt/day_44_bahariyya/023_donkey_shit_s.jpg




    I'm not a racialist. Its just that in footballing terms, he IS a big pile of steaming donkey shite.

  14. Emre going?  Or you hope he is?  Why?


    his disappearing act when we're against big clubs or losing?


    the lack of actual end product?


    Never/very rarely used properly in his time here. Could be so good for us and i really hope Sam gets the best out of him.


    let me guess, you used to watch a lot of Italian league and Turkish internaitonal football, so you know just how fantastic he is.


    :lol: :lol:


    Erm, no mate. I've watched Emre the Newcastle United player for the past two seasons, and have managed to pick up that he is far better for us, and on the whole far more effective, when played in an advanced position - somewhere where he simply hasn't played enough. Rather than deep central mid or out on the left.


    Hope that answers your query.


    so you've seen him go missing agianst the big clubs, and when we were losing. And thats whose fault exactly?

  15. Why are there so many Emre bashers about? In fact why are there people so willing to see the back of so many players, i.e Parker, Emre, Martins etc. Has anyone heard of squad building??


    you build on strength, not medicority/weaknesses/potential.


    So why would you not want them in your squad?? Which one of those 3 players that i have mentioned is mediocre?



  16. If he does eventually go, then Michael Owen will be the biggest shit bag fuck face liar in the game of football!


    Total fucking disgrace if he's even looking elsewhere, after all the shit we've dealt with!


    I don't know why clubs dont start putting clauses in the players contract so they can't fuck over the club that's put their trust in them!


    Players have too much power, and the balance needs to be re-addressed or footie will die!


    you genuinely think that all of our players give a fuk about NUFC?



  17. This forum would be a lot better if it only let people on who actually knew football. Shorey is completely left footed and cannot play on the right. Also Viduka is not better than Martins, Owen or LUQUE!


    Whats the deal with Ben Haim aswell, surely we can get someone better??


    Ironic really - chastising people for knowing nothing about football - then with the next breath saying Luque is better than Viduka. Wake up, take your Albert Luque pyjamas off and join us in the real world.



    Viduka is lazy, and does not seem all that bothered, same with Luque, but Viduka has been given a chance in English football, Luque has not!


    There attitudes are similar, but Luque has for more ability.


    Utter, utter, utter drivel and bollocks. :)


    you.re right, of course.




    Viduka is not lazy. He puts himself about and is an absolute menace in the box. Only the cynics call him lazy, but the truth is he's given everything to Boro.


    Viduka is very much bothered, again - the cynics say that he doesn't care, he's playing for contracts and whatnot - but he's been scoring goals prolifically so season after season. He's not pushing himself to the limit just to play for contracts, he's just a damned good player.


    Viduka's attitude and Luque's attitudes are not in the slightest bit similar.


    I wouldn't say that Luque had far more ability either, but it's difficult to judge because they are two entirely different sorts of players.


    define prolific.


    oh, and quote in context, cheers.

  18. errr......why would anyone want Joey Barton here? The boy is a thug and is precisely what nufc dont need, if anyone is idiotic enough to write off any ofhis past mis demeanours on the basis that he' a good player, then they need slappin. It ridiculous, the boy clearly has no respect for anyone..his team mates, his manager, even players who are a class above him(although it was a fair point) it was extremely unproffessional. Why would anyone wqant nufc name dragged through the mud AGAIN with some idiotic thuggish behaviour that Barton would undoubtably bring? Isn't this exactly what nufc are tryig to avoid.??


    we shpuldn't build a squad on thugs, any more than we should on poor players.

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