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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Why are there so many Emre bashers about? In fact why are there people so willing to see the back of so many players, i.e Parker, Emre, Martins etc. Has anyone heard of squad building??


    you build on strength, not medicority/weaknesses/potential.

  2. Emre going?  Or you hope he is?  Why?


    his disappearing act when we're against big clubs or losing?


    the lack of actual end product?


    Never/very rarely used properly in his time here. Could be so good for us and i really hope Sam gets the best out of him.


    let me guess, you used to watch a lot of Italian league and Turkish internaitonal football, so you know just how fantastic he is.


    :lol: :lol:

  3. So let me get this right - i can only be reserved about a new manager if I have another name that i'd rather have?? I can't just have some reservations, no? I can't just try to add a little realism into the mass frenzy?


    Since when do fans have to be able to name an alternative just to be able to voice an opinion?


    What opinion? Opinion by definition is weighing up the pro's and con's. Since when did bitching and whining count as 'opinion'?




    bored now. you get questionned on your ridiculous policy, and you change your tack. what a shock.

  4. This forum would be a lot better if it only let people on who actually knew football. Shorey is completely left footed and cannot play on the right. Also Viduka is not better than Martins, Owen or LUQUE!


    Whats the deal with Ben Haim aswell, surely we can get someone better??


    Ironic really - chastising people for knowing nothing about football - then with the next breath saying Luque is better than Viduka. Wake up, take your Albert Luque pyjamas off and join us in the real world.



    Viduka is lazy, and does not seem all that bothered, same with Luque, but Viduka has been given a chance in English football, Luque has not!


    There attitudes are similar, but Luque has for more ability.


    Utter, utter, utter drivel and bollocks. :)


    you.re right, of course. Viduka has shown himself to be a poor-to-decent striker. Luque has shown himself to be a shithouse.

  5. Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




    Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


    Do you even know what hope means?




    You don't feel any bitterness towards Souness or Roeder? Good for you, then.

    Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




    Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


    Do you even know what hope means?




    You don't feel any bitterness towards Souness or Roeder? Good for you, then.


    Not really. I thought they were poor appointments in the first place. I am very happy with the appointment of Allardyce though and I will happily raise his flag right now.


    Who's your answer? Or are you good for carping only?


    So let me get this right - i can only be reserved about a new manager if I have another name that i'd rather have?? I can't just have some reservations, no? I can't just try to add a little realism into the mass frenzy?


    Since when do fans have to be able to name an alternative just to be able to voice an opinion?

  6. Anyone know of any sites (or shops based in Newcastle) which has the Official shirt for the best price?


    I fancy LIVING THE DREAM this season and thought I'd give Sam a little bit of my dosh to get him a few players this summer O0


    Grainger market shoplifters?

  7. If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.

    White people havent had the word 'monkey' used as a metaphor for their roots for the last few hundred years.

    Like I say, go to Harlem or Brixton and see if it amuses people.



    rather just send you to find out tbh

    That is the point. I simply wouldnt say it tbh. I'll leave that for the knuckle draggers.


    Again with the abuse.


    Jebus, mate. Leave it alone. You jumped to a conclusion, for whatever reason/motivation. You were wrong, and that was made clear. Its getting old now, to be honest.


    Just walk away from it. It's like last nights donner kebab - it stinks, you probably wish you hadn't started it, and any life it has left is not anything a person in their right mind would touch.

  8. hargreaves and carrick a bit simialar to play together? both a bit defensive


    No, i think Hargreaves plays deeper.


    However, it doesn't smack of the most dynamic, exciting midfield, does it??


    I still get the impression Carrick was a desperation buy.


    ......... and a big name signing that chelsea didn't want


    Which has to be a one-off!!


    Clearly Roman hadn't heard of him......

  9. hargreaves and carrick a bit simialar to play together? both a bit defensive


    Sisoko (sp?) and Alonso work fairly well together.


    Because like Carrick and Canadian Owen, they are different types of player.

  10. hargreaves and carrick a bit simialar to play together? both a bit defensive


    No, i think Hargreaves plays deeper.


    However, it doesn't smack of the most dynamic, exciting midfield, does it??


    I still get the impression Carrick was a desperation buy.

  11. If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.


    i did. And i have done in the past. The fact that a player is black is irrelevant. The fact that he plays like a monkey is the relevant thing.


    Anyone still assuming that i was being racist just because the player happens to be black, despite my pointing out clearly that it was the ABILITY i was referring to, is the racist, not i. Or at best, a fucking idiot.


    Agreed. You are a moody bastard but havent said anything that makes me believe you are a racist :D


    Cheeky - albiet MODERATELY accurate - cunt. :lol:


    Anyway, i'm not moody, i'm just on the darker side of pragmatic.

  12. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2083818,00.html


    Robben to Bayern and bad news for you lot- Ben Haim to Chelsea according to the Guardian


    Not that bad of a news to me, he is decent but we can get better, don't believe he is going to Chelsea though..


    We can get better by splashing out a few million.


    I am sure Sam can find some random African for less then 500k who can do a decent job in our defence tbh :lol:


    He could look to the 2nd tier in THIS country and find better than what we just discarded, in fairness.

  13. If NM had called a white person a monkey I doubt there would have been a responce.


    i did. And i have done in the past. The fact that a player is black is irrelevant. The fact that he plays like a monkey is the relevant thing.


    Anyone still assuming that i was being racist just because the player happens to be black, despite my pointing out clearly that it was the ABILITY i was referring to, is the racist, not i. Or at best, a fucking idiot.

  14. Light hearted racism is the way forward then? Another interesting way of putting it.


    So a black fella is a 'stupid monkey'? Clever  :rolleyes:


    A word of advice: choose your words more carefully in future. I'm certain youre simply dim rather than racist. The two don't always go together, just usually.


    You're deliberately missing the point, presumably to get me banned.


    Pathetic, tbh.


    I think i'll ignore your advice on the choosing my words, ta. But cheers anyway.


    By the way, Shambles IS a stupid monkey. So is Ameobi. So is Babayaro. And so is Steven "Stupid Fat Slow Monkey" Carr.  And Luque is a lazy, overrated Spanish monkey.

  15. £17m is too much for that player, i think.


    The press were absolutely convinced that he wasn't going to Man Utd not long ago. Just goes to show what a bunch of cretins they are, really.

  16. :rolleyes: Ok.

    Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


    We're not in Harlem, nor is the players colour an issue. Despite the fact that you are trying to make out that i am a racist - which i very much do not appreciate - you may at some point have something useful to post, so thats something to look forward to.


    And i can call any player anything i like, regardless of their colour, if it is about their ability and that alone. You clearly have little knowledge, understanding or experience of the various ways racism can manifest. 


    :lol: You think calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' is a relection of their ability?


    Amusing way of looking at it.


    No, i think calling a player a big stupid monkey was accurate as a light-hearted metaphor of his ability.


    The fact that he is black is irrelevant, and the fact that you keep brining it up is tantamount to trying to get someone banned for racism, imho. Let me type it slowly, so it sinks in:


    His. Skin. Colour. Is. Irrelevant. He. Is. A. Stupid. Monkey.


    I work with a fella i call my IT Monkey. He isn't black. I have shouted and heard shouted "Southern Monkey" at cockney opposition fans in the past (i got my username from a heated "debate" in a pub at West Ham).


    So wind your neck in, in summary.

  17. The way I understand it is that the clause is triggered only if we don't qualify for Europe, and only if a club in the Champions League comes in for him.


    A club in Europe of any kind, i thought. Although it'd probably have to be a CL team for him to go anyway, i suppose, unless he took a gamble on Spurs or the like.

  18. Arteta for £8m eh?


    f****** hell.


    In reality Everton wouldn't even consider anything below £10m.


    And the rest. Not that he'd leave Everton for Newcastle.


    I can't see Bridge going anywhere either. Nor is splashing out £6m for a full back Sam Allardyce's usual style. He'll more likely get a decent but obscure foreign player for cheap. Old habits...


    Sad but true. Everton have the best central midfield outside of the top 4, by a good way.

  19. Don't worry I wont be trying to find out where you are to "come sort you out" :lol: I just think you are often too negative but if its what you honestly believe then fair enough you negative bastard :D


    As long as everyone has the right to post about how wrong i am, how overly negative i am, and how i would still be negative if [insert pathetic, unrealistic, not-at-all-point-proving load of shite] happens, amd i have no right to reply other than to be called all that again, then everyone is happy, yeah.

  20. :rolleyes: Ok.

    Calling a black fella a 'big stupid monkey' isnt the brightest thing to say though? Go to Harlem and try it if you like.  Really!! If you can ask someone to take a video of it and email it back here then all the better!  :lol:


    We're not in Harlem, nor is the players colour an issue. Despite the fact that you are trying to make out that i am a racist - which i very much do not appreciate - you may at some point have something useful to post, so thats something to look forward to.


    And i can call any player anything i like, regardless of their colour, if it is about their ability and that alone. You clearly have little knowledge, understanding or experience of the various ways racism can manifest. 

  21. I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


    People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.


    He also chooses the players he thinks he can get more out of carefully, even to the point of psychological profiling. He's not a magician who can wave his magic clipboard at any old donkey and transform him into a footballer.


    But he is someone who can get the best out of someone players so its perfectly acceptable that some people might have a little hope that he may get some of our vast number of underperforming players playing a lot better. As Melan said, NM, as usual is being over negative.


    And again.

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