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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. You just seem to find a negative in everything, I bet if you just found out you won the lotto your first thought would be "oh fuck my relatives will probably want some" or something along those lines. If we appointed Wenger instead of Allardyce and he found out Drogba has a secret release clause that allowed him to leave for £3m you would moan that Wenger is french so would probably treat us like the others have and Drogba isnt good enough for us because he dives.


    I honestly don't think you could be positive and remain positive for more than 3 posts.


    Ooh, there's a challenge i'm obligated to rise to. Not, clearly.


    You are again making judgements of someone you know fuck all about, but you just continue if it makes you feel better.


    I am not comfortable joining in the hero worship and ridiculous statements, and no doubt i will continue to be accused of being negative - as opposed to honest - for it. Hey ho.


    You are quite clearly, well to most people at least over negative. It would be a stupid thing to do now but I am confident if we had a poll on the forum asking people to choose one word to describe you "negative" would piss all over "realistic" in the voting.


    I like how i get a public kicking for putting forward my honest opinion.


    Because it doesn't match yours, i get character-assassinated, or at least the nearest thing you can get on here. :lol:


    This is nearly as good as when that idiot asked to know where i lived, to come and "sort me out". Happy days.......

  2. I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


    People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.


    But i'm still in the wrong to point out the near-hysterical hero worship.


    It's commonly known as optimism. Some people have some for the first time in years.


    And realists are castigated. Fantastic.


    In a roundabout way I think you're the one who is being unrealistic, in that you're so incessantly and overly negative.


    Why must everything to do with the club be negative in your eyes? Some of us are optimistic about things for once, none of us are saying he'll transform the entire squad, but for once a lot of us think we've actually got a future to look forward to. No-one is exaggerating what effect he could have on the club, as it stands no-one knows. But the signs are good, that's all.


    It's called hope.


    You've no idea what is positive or negative "in my eyes", other than what i have posted here. You think i am "overly" negative. Well i disagree, but i'm clearly in the wrong, because you obviously have a formal scale of allowed negativity.

  3. You just seem to find a negative in everything, I bet if you just found out you won the lotto your first thought would be "oh fuck my relatives will probably want some" or something along those lines. If we appointed Wenger instead of Allardyce and he found out Drogba has a secret release clause that allowed him to leave for £3m you would moan that Wenger is french so would probably treat us like the others have and Drogba isnt good enough for us because he dives.


    I honestly don't think you could be positive and remain positive for more than 3 posts.


    Ooh, there's a challenge i'm obligated to rise to. Not, clearly.


    You are again making judgements of someone you know fuck all about, but you just continue if it makes you feel better.


    I am not comfortable joining in the hero worship and ridiculous statements, and no doubt i will continue to be accused of being negative - as opposed to honest - for it. Hey ho.

  4. anyone else got a bad feeling that titus is gonna come good next season?? Put him next to campbell and i honestly tink we'll be seeinig a new bramble. Campbells not gonna let him rest on his laurels for 2 seconds.


    Doesn't matter how much campbell has a go at him, you can't polish a big stupid monkey of a turd. You just end up with s**** smeared all over yourself.

    racist tbh


    I'm not sure its polite, or indeed allowed, to accuse someone of racism.


    Oh, and you might note that my username is Northern Monkey - so if i'm black, presumably you're right, and if i;m not, you're going around openly accusing people of a very offensive crime for fuck all reason.

  5. I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


    People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.


    But i'm still in the wrong to point out the near-hysterical hero worship.


    It's commonly known as optimism. Some people have some for the first time in years.


    And realists are castigated. Fantastic.

  6. I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


    People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.


    But i'm still in the wrong to point out the near-hysterical hero worship.


    You just don't seem to be able to accept positives so have to throw in a dig or sarcastic comment if others seem to be talking about anything that could potentially be good for Newcastle United.


    Don't seem to be able to accept perceived positives as fact? Yup, thats one of my problems.



  7. None of the current team have proven that they deserve to be captain, particularly.



    Butt has done ok, but lets face it, he could go back to his first season form. He's the best bet we have out of the current squad NOW, though, i reckon. Taylor maybe in the longer term, but not for now.

  8. I agree with him on this thread, like. People are talking like Allardyce can transmute any old lump of base metal into pure, shining gold.


    People are probably going a bit OTT but Allardyce has proved time and time again that he can get the best out of players who are coming to the end of their careers or who have been struggling for one reason or another. Given how the majority of our team have underperformed its no suprise this subject will be brought up again and again.


    But i'm still in the wrong to point out the near-hysterical hero worship.

  9. Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




    Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


    Do you even know what hope means?




    You don't feel any bitterness towards Souness or Roeder? Good for you, then.

  10. Sam Allardyce - the best manager in the world, ever, and the answer to every single probelm that faces NUFC and its variety of players - even the s**** ones will be Premiership class within weeks.




    Your signature suggests a lot of bitterness towards our former managers. Are you Sam-bashing because you can't bear to be disappointed by yet another Big Hope?


    Do you even know what hope means?




    NM wouldn't be happy if he couldn't moan about something. If everything went right at Newcastle and somehow he couldn't find something to pick at and slag off I honestly don't think he could go on with following football.


    Thankyou for the analysis, but don't give up the day job.

  11. The best thing about this years final was listening to Terry Christian crying like a baby on talksport afterwards. O0


    He slagged off people from Dublin who supported Chelsea - this from a die hard Manure fan :2funny:


    Then he accused Chelsea of spending over the top - conveniently forgetting how many times Man U have broken the transfer record.


    He claimed the 1999 treble was won with 'home grown players' like Jaap Stam, Andy Cole and Dwight Yorke :))


    His parting shot was 'how many trebles have Chelsea won'?


    Brilliant to see the arrogant Manc arsewipe tying himself in knots.



    PS the game was shite mind




    At least he's from Manchester.

  12. Wouldn't give Essien MOM, like. Number of times Rooney had him on toast, like. Vidic probably MOM, but I though Rooney worked as hard as anyone out there today.


    He worked as hard, but with little end product.


    He made a twat of himself arguing with bloody blatant offsides, and for claiming a penalty when Cech took the ball off his feet.


    Tbh, that's what forwards do.


    Really? I prefer ones who score goals, not try to cheat. But i'm odd, me.

  13. He would be better than sibi as back-up. Has found it difficult to adjust to the Russian lifestyle. If he was cheap then he could be an ok squad player.


    You seen him play much then?


    Yeah quite a lot. More of a holding up type striker, got a bit of strength but an average finisher. Would add a bit of strength and power to the front line though.


    The power is what we need. Bearing in mind Lil Mikey and Martins (if they stay!) aren't the biggest, Ameobi is a pile of steaming donkey shite, and Le Sin is way past it, and we need someone to do the strength and power thing.

  14. Where can i get odds on not one these predictions being even remotely close to our starting line up?


    I understand the concept. I just fail to see the point.


    Wait and see, eh?


    No, you misunderstand. There are people on here who, based on watching Newcastle (and some of them don't even manage that but still feel qualified as experts on everything), have the mystical ability to know who Allardyce was after at Bolton, who he will sign for us, and the future of all of our players.


    Don't cross them, they are football genii (thats the plural).

  15. Wouldn't give Essien MOM, like. Number of times Rooney had him on toast, like. Vidic probably MOM, but I though Rooney worked as hard as anyone out there today.


    He worked as hard, but with little end product.


    He made a twat of himself arguing with bloody blatant offsides, and for claiming a penalty when Cech took the ball off his feet.

  16. anyone else got a bad feeling that titus is gonna come good next season?? Put him next to campbell and i honestly tink we'll be seeinig a new bramble. Campbells not gonna let him rest on his laurels for 2 seconds.


    Doesn't matter how much campbell has a go at him, you can't polish a big stupid monkey of a turd. You just end up with shite smeared all over yourself.

  17. I just want to confirm my theory that on one of the toons biggest message boards anywhere in the world, we have more fans that aren't from the NE than that are. 


    Poll results say otherwise...


    How do you work that out?


    30.9% are North East, so 69.1% are not...


    If you look at it that way, which I don't.


    The North East is represented higher on here than any other part of the world and therfore the core user base of the site reside here in the North East, with the rest scattered all over the world.


    Semantics I know but we get a lot of "not even a local site" when quite clearly the biggest representative of users is the North East.




    Thats a kin to a politicians work, that, well done.


    The majority of people in the poll don't come from 'round here, is a fact.

  18. oh dear god. please no viduka, please.

    I hear kovac (juventus) is looking for a club. that would be good signing.


    only negative i can see about the guy is if


    1- he started wanting to play for the national team again

    2- he wanted mega high wages

    3- he is comming from boro


    other than that he has been emmence for them sinse xmas.


    so a player we all slated for being fat and lazy has 4 good months, and sudenly he's the man for us?

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