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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Bramble may do okay with better coaching and alongside a decent experienced defender. Birmingham are supposedly interested in Bramble and that's Steve Bruce's team. He should know a thing or two about center halves. However, before my head gets bitten off, I'm not saying we should keep him.  We should get the decent experienced defender in, but get him to play with Taylor who's crying out for guidance.  He's got more far more potential than Bramble.


    The nufc.com site is getting a bit ridiculous with the ads for certain.  The betting ones in the main column are massive.


    erm, he's 26 in 2 months time. He's not a raw kid anymore. he's a proven shithouse.

  2. Currently have a £20m overdraft, no sponsorship money due as we took it early to buy Owen, the extra Sky money comes at the end of next season as a reward for your finishing position, the Sky money received this year is £3m less than a year ago. Don't see us having much cash to play with in the summer                                      .


    You reckon the bank won't kickin some more on the back of the football money next year?


    dunno. If they look back at how well the club has managed its money over the last few years it may be quite nervous about taking the overdraft any higher than £20m. Th eother potential downer woudl be a drop in season ticket sales. Even a 10% drop would mean £3m less cash in the bank, and the club having to borrow even more money just to pay the players through the season.


    There won't be a 10% drop in ticket sales, and i supsect that wages are going to be looking better soon too.

  3. I just want to confirm my theory that on one of the toons biggest message boards anywhere in the world, we have more fans that aren't from the NE than that are. 


    Poll results say otherwise...


    Now, HTT doesn't make up excuses for bad maths, but........

  4. Currently have a £20m overdraft, no sponsorship money due as we took it early to buy Owen, the extra Sky money comes at the end of next season as a reward for your finishing position, the Sky money received this year is £3m less than a year ago. Don't see us having much cash to play with in the summer                                      .


    You reckon the bank won't kickin some more on the back of the football money next year?

  5. Fuck me. Hope that isn't true, I've certainly never read it anywhere. If I did, I must have punched myself in the head repeatedly until I forgot it, which isn't entirely implausible given the distressing nature of receiving such a piece of news.


    Bearing in mind some of the other salaries we shell out........

  6. Norway, Stavanger.


    Why the hell does it say Norway/Finland in the poll?


    Don't have anything to do with each other...


    Little countries where people talk alike?

    They don't though tbh. The languages aren't even related to one another.


    They're both ScandaForeign, though.


    Anyway, never try to figure out what was going on in Stevie's head. That way, madness lies.

  7. Pav, send Krul on loan so he can get regular football.


    need three keepers on the books


    Interesting idea.


    Also, don't remember who said it, but I'd be absolutely amazed if Bramble was on a 'reported' £50kpw. Where the fuck has that even been reported?! Would be surprised if he was on as much as 20, but that's still too much.


    Thas was I. I can't remember where i heard it, but its ringing HUGE big bells about £45-50k a week.


    the problem i think that we all have is the fact that they claim to be the 'fans voice' and are as backward as the rest of the press.


    Oh aye. Where do they "claim to be the 'fans voice'", then?


    i think everyone knows exactly what i meant.



    OK, so they don't claim to be "the fans voice".


    Or they do, in a REALLY subtle, cunning way, by not actually doing so. Subliminal messaging, its the new black.

  9. Why isn't Dyer's name in that list? :D


    Because he isn't out of contract? Same with Carr etc...


    Both hopefully in Wave Two out of the door.

  10. When I first stared logging on to the web, they were my first port of call, but I just find their stuff boring now. Whereas they used to be reliable with regards transfers now they just take pot shots like other media.


    I click on there during the day but here is my first stop now.


    They bore me!


    this. it seems they've moved from articles with a bit of their own person opinion/bias in, to articles made purely to put across their own opinions. They're within all rights to do this, but it basically means the website becomes very boring so no doubt they'll lose users. Whether they care, I dont know but its just a little annoying that they can own .com and still pedal such bias.


    all opinion is about bias.

  11. As always, its nothing but heresay (pure and simple).


    We haven't a fucking clue who will be coming in, or who SA wants.


    Lets not forget the "Sidwell nailed on for the toon" and "Roeder will 100% be in charge in August" bollocks. Much as i love the internet's ability to get full of shite written by fools, trying to pretned that we know about who a manager wants when the fella has been inside SJP for about an hour, and is pretty savvy in his dealings, is a joke.


    Fair enough say who you want and why, but going on like nay of us have some kind of inside line is comedy at best.

  12. Strange feeling, cant believe Titus is gone, he has been quite a staple at this club, good or bad for so long. Ive stuck up for him, Ive ripped into him, but now I will wish him all the best for his future.


    I believe he quite easily could have been given a new short term contract and become a squad player, but thats not what it is about.


    Its a new regime, a new start and unfortunately for Bramble, the scapegoat and focus of all our undoings over the past years since he arrived, has been him. Its a bench mark, its the first step in irradicating the problems.


    Worse players will stay, but removing Bramble is like taking off the dodgy defence name tag. Enjoy the South coast weather and wave to Sol Campbell on the train going the opposite way.


    nah, Babayaro won't last.

  13. Bramble




    FFS Bramble had his chance, he's shi*e


    He is better than what we are left with and if Allardyke is as good a man manager/motivator as he is being bigged up to be why shouldn't we think he could have got the best out of him?


    Should have been given a 12 month contract imo.







    He is better than what we are left with and if Allardyke is as good a man manager/motivator as he is being bigged up to be why shouldn't we think he could have got the best out of him?


    Should have been given a 12 month contract imo.


    Wrong. How many times have you actually seen Bramble play? Seen his positioning, lack of pace, inability to concentrate, inability to read the game, stand and ball watch??? jesus.


    Any ex-pro who's seen us a bit and has been asked, has said that Taylor can be a great player; ask them about Shambles, and they seem to snigger.


    FFS Bramble had his chance, he's shi*e



  14. All needed shifting off the wage bill TBH


    That's no reason as none of the players were high earners.  The wage situation would be eased at least three times that much by selling Owen(for example but I hope that's not going happen) plus the probable 9 million pounds transfer income...


    So you'd rather pay Shambles a reported £50k a week, and the rest probably a total of £30-40k a week (thats about £4m a year), JUST FOR BEING TOO POOR TO PLAY?


    <deep breath> hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!!!

  15. Can't believe people are slagging off getting rid of Bramble. Stopped going on .con a few years ago, more like a giant advert these days, and like someone else said, I imagine they get a fair living from the club these days. If we see 2 or 3 of the likes of Campbell, Ben Haim & Distin, I can't see there being many complaints.


    One of them boys would be better than Moore and Shambles combined, frankly.


    .com has its uses, but lets not pretend its the voice of NUFC fans, its two lads who some people agree with at any given time, and some don't.

  16. The Bramble decision wasn't made for footballing reasons, it was made (or carried out) to score popularity points. We all know that physically, Titus is one of the most gifted (readas: best) defenders in the league, he just lacks the mental capacity (under certain management styles) to carry that out for 90minutes. Seeing as Allardyce is supposed to be able to 'get the best out of players', it is perhaps rash to get rid of a guy who would walk into our first team when performing at his best.


    What an absolute, unadulterated pile of gibbon piss.


    Physically, Titus is one of the worst defenders in the Premiership, and his "potential" is based on one good season about 7 years ago.


    Utter, utter shite he is, and i for one am very happy to see the best of him.


    If it was SA - and it could have been, every PL manager has seen Shambles fuck up repeatedly - then well done, you big headed gum chewer, you made a good decision at the first time of asking.


    If it was FFS - nice one fat bloke, you finally did something compeltely right.


    All in all, a big fat plus for someone.

  17. Lets face it, some of us didnt want sam AT ALL  but Sam is the manager, so he needs faith and backing from the fans.




    My point was the lack of Top Club experience showed in the press conference regards the Michael Owen situation remember this is a guy who has spent his life at a club like Bolton doubts about him not having a enough of a Big Club experience is a perfectly valid one the situations that have happened at this club political and press wise for the last 5 years will be a whole new thing for Sam Allardyce and his managerial skills to deal with.


    But as i said there were positives in his press conference such us a new structured and constructive back room stuff which will provide a good support for the players to prosper.


    He's not at a "Big Club", though. Teh hope is that he validates us in showing that we can BECOEM one.


    "Big Club" in recent history for me is a club thats experienced High finishes in the Premiership 2nd, 2nd (Keegan) 3rd, 4th, 5th (Robson) and played Champions League football and has had World Class players, Alan Shearer greatest premiership goal scorer of all time and one of England's greatest ever centre forwards and Michael Owen one of England's highest ever goal scorers.


    No club outside the "Big 4" has had that since the Premiership has began we are the 5th biggest club and are a "Big Club" due to our Premiership history.


    There is no doubt the Newcastle United experience will be a big test for Sam Allardyce because it involves "Big Club" pressures managing "Big Club" players (Michael Owen).


    Sam Allardyce has proven he can managed a small club pressures to get them 8th, 9th and 6th ect ect whether he can achieve Freddy Shepherd aims of bring back 3rd, 4th and 5th and European football consistently is something Sam Allardyce will have to prove.


    So we are a "big club" based on a couple of decent seasons over the past 15 years, ONE current (wantaway, only here for the cash/move back to the PL) player and one EX player. Jesus.

  18. Lets face it, some of us didnt want sam AT ALL  but Sam is the manager, so he needs faith and backing from the fans.




    My point was the lack of Top Club experience showed in the press conference regards the Michael Owen situation remember this is a guy who has spent his life at a club like Bolton doubts about him not having a enough of a Big Club experience is a perfectly valid one the situations that have happened at this club political and press wise for the last 5 years will be a whole new thing for Sam Allardyce and his managerial skills to deal with.


    But as i said there were positives in his press conference such us a new structured and constructive back room stuff which will provide a good support for the players to prosper.


    He's not at a "Big Club", though. Teh hope is that he validates us in showing that we can BECOEM one.

  19. Pav, Gooch, Bramble, Bernard & Moore.  :thup:


    hopefully the first wave, and the next we get some cash for, even if its not as much as some would pretend they are worth.

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