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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. So in essence, you are sayin SA for what he's achieved at Bolton.....one league cup final, one season of europe.....and we say sven for Gothenberg, Uefa Cup, Benfica CL final, Lazio- title, CWC amongst other things.....you still sure?


    Yep. 100%.  O0


    :lol: :lol: Well done. You are brilliant evidence of the kind of fan that deserves the likes of Souness and Roeder.


    Why, bearing in mind the actual facts of achievement, would you rather have Fat Heed?


    Given a straight choice between Allardyce and SGE for NUFC right now - I'd choose Allardyce every time.


    The club needs an entire overhaul and dragged into the 21st century. I think Allardyce can do this and SGE can't. I may be right or I may be wrong. If you think SGE would be a better choice  - fine. That's up to you.


    My money's on the big man. Don't like it? Tough s***.  :lol:


    Come on, then. What are YOUR targets/milestones. So far, SA fans seem to duck the question,as if in admission that he won't actually do anything quantifiable.


    Winning more points in the league each season. Losing fewer games and conceding fewer goals. More points away from home. There's 4.


    Cups are difficult to judge due to the pure randomness of the opposition you may or may not face. Although a canny run in either domestic cup would be nice like... :thup:




    SA - the ideal man for conceding fewer goals!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!11111


    Ssssshhhhh..... don't mention our goal difference. :lol:


    no, no, he's the man to improve us/sort things out/take us to 4th/turn water into wine...... :lol:

  2. Red Bulls coach Bruce Arena is being lined up by English Premiership side Newcastle United to take over control of the struggling club.


    Arena is seen as the man to take the club forward in a ground breaking change of direction.


    Arena who has only coached the Red Bulls since August 2006 has been in talks with the United consorteum in a secret UK location since yesterday and advisors were quoted as being very optomistic towards an outcome. Arena has managed a number of former Premiership stars including Claudio Reyna and Juan Pablo Angel and is known to be a huge admirer of the United Kingdom.


    Arena, former US head coach is set to take over the club at the end of the English Premiership season on Sunday following Uniteds last match against fellow North East strugglers Watford City. Arena, known for his fast talking and no nonsense approach to management is expected to carry out a blow out within the club clearing out many of the big name stars including England star Michael Owen in favour of bringing in his own players. Angel is expected to be the first player to follow Arena across the Atlantic.


    Red Bulls fans were less enthusiastic about the move, many feeling that Arena has let down the club by moving so early into his contract and after the sterling work he carried out for the National side taking them to the brink of the World Cup final he was seen as the coach to propel the club to the top of the worldwide rankings. Red Bulls Chairman Phil Anschutz was unavilable for comment yesterday




    you should be barred for posting this.

  3. nah, a dont choose ma teams. a support them and want them to do well, if they acheive something am happy if not theres always next season


    Choose your "teams". What the fuck?????


    You don't choose any teams, if you hae the least bit about you. You support where you come from/have a strong familial link to,and (if you choose to) your country. Nothing else. imo.

  4. So in essence, you are sayin SA for what he's achieved at Bolton.....one league cup final, one season of europe.....and we say sven for Gothenberg, Uefa Cup, Benfica CL final, Lazio- title, CWC amongst other things.....you still sure?


    Yep. 100%.  O0


    :lol: :lol: Well done. You are brilliant evidence of the kind of fan that deserves the likes of Souness and Roeder.


    Why, bearing in mind the actual facts of achievement, would you rather have Fat Heed?


    Given a straight choice between Allardyce and SGE for NUFC right now - I'd choose Allardyce every time.


    The club needs an entire overhaul and dragged into the 21st century. I think Allardyce can do this and SGE can't. I may be right or I may be wrong. If you think SGE would be a better choice  - fine. That's up to you.


    My money's on the big man. Don't like it? Tough shit.  :lol:


    Come on, then. What are YOUR targets/milestones. So far, SA fans seem to duck the question,as if in admission that he won't actually do anything quantifiable.


    Winning more points in the league each season. Losing fewer games and conceding fewer goals. More points away from home. There's 4.


    Cups are difficult to judge due to the pure randomness of the opposition you may or may not face. Although a canny run in either domestic cup would be nice like... :thup:




    SA - the ideal man for conceding fewer goals!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!11111

  5. So in essence, you are sayin SA for what he's achieved at Bolton.....one league cup final, one season of europe.....and we say sven for Gothenberg, Uefa Cup, Benfica CL final, Lazio- title, CWC amongst other things.....you still sure?


    Yep. 100%.  O0


    :lol: :lol: Well done. You are brilliant evidence of the kind of fan that deserves the likes of Souness and Roeder.


    Why, bearing in mind the actual facts of achievement, would you rather have Fat Heed?


    Given a straight choice between Allardyce and SGE for NUFC right now - I'd choose Allardyce every time.


    The club needs an entire overhaul and dragged into the 21st century. I think Allardyce can do this and SGE can't. I may be right or I may be wrong. If you think SGE would be a better choice  - fine. That's up to you.


    My money's on the big man. Don't like it? Tough s***.  :lol:


    Come on, then. What are YOUR targets/milestones. So far, SA fans seem to duck the question,as if in admission that he won't actually do anything quantifiable.

    uefa via the legue (TARGET)



    thought you'd have done better than sven NM


    I wouldn't say he's my favoutie choice. It was just a comparison thing.


    Timescale for UEFA via the league? And is that the ONLY target you have? If so, please never work in any kind of business improvement/director capacity. No firm deserves that (except Vaux).

  6. lol, then in essense he got Celtic to the CL final and Rangers to the UEFA cup final.....he achieved what Rnieri couldnt do at england and What Jose is doing in england and has won minor cups with teams like fior, roma pretty much cosistetly throughout his career.

    uefa cup final,aye it would be nice but hardly proves much(steve mclaren)


    the scandinavian stuff???????

  7. So in essence, you are sayin SA for what he's achieved at Bolton.....one league cup final, one season of europe.....and we say sven for Gothenberg, Uefa Cup, Benfica CL final, Lazio- title, CWC amongst other things.....you still sure?


    Yep. 100%.  O0


    :lol: :lol: Well done. You are brilliant evidence of the kind of fan that deserves the likes of Souness and Roeder.


    Why, bearing in mind the actual facts of achievement, would you rather have Fat Heed?


    Given a straight choice between Allardyce and SGE for NUFC right now - I'd choose Allardyce every time.


    The club needs an entire overhaul and dragged into the 21st century. I think Allardyce can do this and SGE can't. I may be right or I may be wrong. If you think SGE would be a better choice  - fine. That's up to you.


    My money's on the big man. Don't like it? Tough shit.  :lol:


    Come on, then. What are YOUR targets/milestones. So far, SA fans seem to duck the question,as if in admission that he won't actually do anything quantifiable.

  8. 'My great-grandmother used to say, "A Russian is a Russian even when you boil him in butter." She meant those in power, of course, not the man in the street.'




    although the latter is also true.


    Of tramps, at least. I don't know about Russians.

  9. Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Bernard, Gooch, Dyer, Luque, and maybe even Owen if he isnt happy should be shipped out, this would free up a hell of a chunk of the wage budget


    Then if we can get a few in on bosmans such as the afore mentioned Tuncay, Ben Haim, Distin and Viduka, and a few more maybe Nolan and Hunt or O'Brien (from Bolton) and dare i say it El-Hadji Diouf  >:D

    if diouf comes here i may not be going anymore




    But you'll go if Dyer stays. :lol:

    yes,don't recall dyer spitting or stamping on anyone


    Oh, thats alright, then. As long as he's crap, but doesn't spit.


    The fact that he is an absolute c***, and an at best average player, who put in the worst captains performance i can recall for us EVER, makes Dyer much better.


    No chance of the stamping, in his defence. He doesn't get near enough to the man with the ball to stamp normally.

    hey you're getting the hang of it,a football club is more than its results,as a player i dont mind dyer moving on,no doubt you'd be happy with a multiple rapist if he'd guarantee us a trophy.


    Yes, i love rapists, you stupid twat.


    Bit what i DON'T like is very average platers who provide fuck all. Like Dyer. Who is also a cunt, on and off the pitch. Diouf is a cunt, no doubt, but he's not a lot worse than our very own diseased little prick Dire.

  10. So in essence, you are sayin SA for what he's achieved at Bolton.....one league cup final, one season of europe.....and we say sven for Gothenberg, Uefa Cup, Benfica CL final, Lazio- title, CWC amongst other things.....you still sure?


    Yep. 100%.  O0


    :lol: :lol: Well done. You are brilliant evidence of the kind of fan that deserves the likes of Souness and Roeder.


    Why, bearing in mind the actual facts of achievement, would you rather have Fat Heed?

  11. Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Bernard, Gooch, Dyer, Luque, and maybe even Owen if he isnt happy should be shipped out, this would free up a hell of a chunk of the wage budget


    Then if we can get a few in on bosmans such as the afore mentioned Tuncay, Ben Haim, Distin and Viduka, and a few more maybe Nolan and Hunt or O'Brien (from Bolton) and dare i say it El-Hadji Diouf  >:D

    if diouf comes here i may not be going anymore




    But you'll go if Dyer stays. :lol:

    yes,don't recall dyer spitting or stamping on anyone


    Oh, thats alright, then. As long as he's crap, but doesn't spit.


    The fact that he is an absolute cunt, and an at best average player, who put in the worst captains performance i can recall for us EVER, makes Dyer much better.


    No chance of the stamping, in his defence. He doesn't get near enough to the man with the ball to stamp normally.

  12. What seriously impresses you in that career spanning nearly 30 years?


    are you baiting us??? What doesn't impress you??


    No. Nearly all of it tbh.


    And what DOES impress you about SA's career??

    managed to get a club with smaller resources to be regular top halfers using tactical nouse and clever managemnet.



    not my first choice (wenger) but a very good realistic choice and we are the experiment to see if allardyce is a long ball merchant or get the best from your squad however merchant.


    so the stuff that SGE did at smaller clubs gets ignored, because it doesn't fit your model answer?


    I don't want us to be an "experiment", i want a manager who is actually capable.

  13. Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Bernard, Gooch, Dyer, Luque, and maybe even Owen if he isnt happy should be shipped out, this would free up a hell of a chunk of the wage budget


    Then if we can get a few in on bosmans such as the afore mentioned Tuncay, Ben Haim, Distin and Viduka, and a few more maybe Nolan and Hunt or O'Brien (from Bolton) and dare i say it El-Hadji Diouf  >:D

    if diouf comes here i may not be going anymore




    But you'll go if Dyer stays. :lol:

  14. Babayaro, Carr, Moore, Bernard, Gooch, Dyer, Luque, and maybe even Owen if he isnt happy should be shipped out, this would free up a hell of a chunk of the wage budget


    Then if we can get a few in on bosmans such as the afore mentioned Tuncay, Ben Haim, Distin and Viduka, and a few more maybe Nolan and Hunt or O'Brien (from Bolton) and dare i say it El-Hadji Diouf  >:D


    What's your obsession with Nicky Hunt?


    You want to make your defence better, not worse!


    Some people see one game, or read The Sun, then just start spouting.......

  15. Born in Torsby, in Värmland, Eriksson had an unremarkable playing career in the lower divisions of Swedish football before being forced to retire prematurely due to a knee injury in 1975. After retirement, Eriksson became first a coach, and then manager of Degerfors IF, taking the side from the Third Division to the First Division in three years.


    His success with Degerfors IF attracted the attention of much larger clubs, and Eriksson joined IFK Göteborg in 1979. He won the Swedish Cup in his first season, and a "treble" of League, Cup and UEFA Cup (Göteborg beating Hamburger SV 4-0) in 1982.


    Eriksson's European success led to him being head-hunted by Portuguese club SL Benfica, and he had a similarly quick impact there, Benfica winning the Portuguese Championship, the Portuguese Cup and finishing runners-up in the UEFA Cup. After a second Championship the following year, Eriksson moved on to Italy, becoming boss of AS Roma. He was not as immediately successful at Roma as he had been before, but he still won a Coppa Italia in 1986.


    After a trophyless two years at Fiorentina, Eriksson moved back to Benfica for a second stint in 1989, where he led the team to the final of the European Cup (losing to AC Milan 1-0) in 1990, and another League title in 1991. In 1992 Eriksson returned to Italy to try his luck again, with Sampdoria, but he only managed another Coppa Italia in 1994.


    Eriksson found major success in Italy when he joined Lazio in 1997 (after controversially reneging on a deal to join English club Blackburn Rovers); with Lazio he won the Coppa Italia in 1998 and 2000, the European Cup Winners' Cup (1999 - the very last tournament), and the Serie A title (the Scudetto) in 2000 only the second time that the Roman club had won the Italian championship in their history. The statistical success of Lazio under Eriksson's coaching remains unmatched to date


    Eriksson resigned from Lazio to manage the England national team from 2001 to 2006.



    He is the only coach to have won the Double (league and cup) in three different countries, Sweden, Portugal and Italy. He also won the UEFA Cup with IFK Göteborg, and took Benfica to the European Cup Final

    so in portugal he won it with the man u of portugal,in italy he won the league and nearly bankrupted them.



    i hope you dont hate me for not taking euro domestic cup comps too seriously,after all they dont!


    didn't really build much did he ?


    Not being funny, but did he bankrupt Lazio or was it the chairman? surely the finances had to be sanctioned by chairman, for example risdale at leeds, surely o'leary wasn't the one who bankrupt them. The bottom line is that he won things, he did that at all the clubs...to me that sounds like a great formula for a manager.

    would he have won the scudetto without that bankrolling ?


    isn't bankrolling part of the game?


    and didn't he win things at smaller clubs (like what we are) with less money?

  16. Born in Torsby, in Värmland, Eriksson had an unremarkable playing career in the lower divisions of Swedish football before being forced to retire prematurely due to a knee injury in 1975. After retirement, Eriksson became first a coach, and then manager of Degerfors IF, taking the side from the Third Division to the First Division in three years.


    His success with Degerfors IF attracted the attention of much larger clubs, and Eriksson joined IFK Göteborg in 1979. He won the Swedish Cup in his first season, and a "treble" of League, Cup and UEFA Cup (Göteborg beating Hamburger SV 4-0) in 1982.


    Eriksson's European success led to him being head-hunted by Portuguese club SL Benfica, and he had a similarly quick impact there, Benfica winning the Portuguese Championship, the Portuguese Cup and finishing runners-up in the UEFA Cup. After a second Championship the following year, Eriksson moved on to Italy, becoming boss of AS Roma. He was not as immediately successful at Roma as he had been before, but he still won a Coppa Italia in 1986.


    After a trophyless two years at Fiorentina, Eriksson moved back to Benfica for a second stint in 1989, where he led the team to the final of the European Cup (losing to AC Milan 1-0) in 1990, and another League title in 1991. In 1992 Eriksson returned to Italy to try his luck again, with Sampdoria, but he only managed another Coppa Italia in 1994.


    Eriksson found major success in Italy when he joined Lazio in 1997 (after controversially reneging on a deal to join English club Blackburn Rovers); with Lazio he won the Coppa Italia in 1998 and 2000, the European Cup Winners' Cup (1999 - the very last tournament), and the Serie A title (the Scudetto) in 2000 only the second time that the Roman club had won the Italian championship in their history. The statistical success of Lazio under Eriksson's coaching remains unmatched to date


    Eriksson resigned from Lazio to manage the England national team from 2001 to 2006.



    He is the only coach to have won the Double (league and cup) in three different countries, Sweden, Portugal and Italy. He also won the UEFA Cup with IFK Göteborg, and took Benfica to the European Cup Final

    so in portugal he won it with the man u of portugal,in italy he won the league and nearly bankrupted them.



    i hope you dont hate me for not taking euro domestic cup comps too seriously,after all they dont!


    didn't really build much did he ?


    Domestic cups. Things that we, and SAm haven't managed. Can you see the issue there?

  17. There are good players who haven't performed well, is it because of the previous management or because they don't care?  I think Allardyce will need time to decide and evaluate all the players.





    Name the good players who haven't played well?


    And if SA needs time to realise that Carr, Babayaro, Bramble, Moore and Ameobi are shite, and that Dyer and Parker are at best average, then he is a fucking idiot, and must have never watched a game all season. We are led to believe that managers watch all the other games, so he'll know.

  18. Born in Torsby, in Värmland, Eriksson had an unremarkable playing career in the lower divisions of Swedish football before being forced to retire prematurely due to a knee injury in 1975. After retirement, Eriksson became first a coach, and then manager of Degerfors IF, taking the side from the Third Division to the First Division in three years.


    His success with Degerfors IF attracted the attention of much larger clubs, and Eriksson joined IFK Göteborg in 1979. He won the Swedish Cup in his first season, and a "treble" of League, Cup and UEFA Cup (Göteborg beating Hamburger SV 4-0) in 1982.


    Eriksson's European success led to him being head-hunted by Portuguese club SL Benfica, and he had a similarly quick impact there, Benfica winning the Portuguese Championship, the Portuguese Cup and finishing runners-up in the UEFA Cup. After a second Championship the following year, Eriksson moved on to Italy, becoming boss of AS Roma. He was not as immediately successful at Roma as he had been before, but he still won a Coppa Italia in 1986.


    After a trophyless two years at Fiorentina, Eriksson moved back to Benfica for a second stint in 1989, where he led the team to the final of the European Cup (losing to AC Milan 1-0) in 1990, and another League title in 1991. In 1992 Eriksson returned to Italy to try his luck again, with Sampdoria, but he only managed another Coppa Italia in 1994.


    Eriksson found major success in Italy when he joined Lazio in 1997 (after controversially reneging on a deal to join English club Blackburn Rovers); with Lazio he won the Coppa Italia in 1998 and 2000, the European Cup Winners' Cup (1999 - the very last tournament), and the Serie A title (the Scudetto) in 2000 only the second time that the Roman club had won the Italian championship in their history. The statistical success of Lazio under Eriksson's coaching remains unmatched to date


    Eriksson resigned from Lazio to manage the England national team from 2001 to 2006.



    He is the only coach to have won the Double (league and cup) in three different countries, Sweden, Portugal and Italy. He also won the UEFA Cup with IFK Göteborg, and took Benfica to the European Cup Final

  19. Born in Torsby, in Värmland, Eriksson had an unremarkable playing career in the lower divisions of Swedish football before being forced to retire prematurely due to a knee injury in 1975. After retirement, Eriksson became first a coach, and then manager of Degerfors IF, taking the side from the Third Division to the First Division in three years.


    His success with Degerfors IF attracted the attention of much larger clubs, and Eriksson joined IFK Göteborg in 1979. He won the Swedish Cup in his first season, and a "treble" of League, Cup and UEFA Cup (Göteborg beating Hamburger SV 4-0) in 1982.


    Eriksson's European success led to him being head-hunted by Portuguese club SL Benfica, and he had a similarly quick impact there, Benfica winning the Portuguese Championship, the Portuguese Cup and finishing runners-up in the UEFA Cup. After a second Championship the following year, Eriksson moved on to Italy, becoming boss of AS Roma. He was not as immediately successful at Roma as he had been before, but he still won a Coppa Italia in 1986.


    After a trophyless two years at Fiorentina, Eriksson moved back to Benfica for a second stint in 1989, where he led the team to the final of the European Cup (losing to AC Milan 1-0) in 1990, and another League title in 1991. In 1992 Eriksson returned to Italy to try his luck again, with Sampdoria, but he only managed another Coppa Italia in 1994.


    Eriksson found major success in Italy when he joined Lazio in 1997 (after controversially reneging on a deal to join English club Blackburn Rovers); with Lazio he won the Coppa Italia in 1998 and 2000, the European Cup Winners' Cup (1999 - the very last tournament), and the Serie A title (the Scudetto) in 2000 — only the second time that the Roman club had won the Italian championship in their history. The statistical success of Lazio under Eriksson's coaching remains unmatched to date


    Eriksson resigned from Lazio to manage the England national team from 2001 to 2006.


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