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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.



    I don't really want Allardyce, Houllier would be my first choice.


    However I know full well that Shepherd isn't going to employ him, or any other foreign manager for that matter so Allardyce is the best out of the managers he's likely to be interested in, I'm not thrilled about his appointment however I'm prepared to give him time, something I never did for Souness or Roeder.


    Can he win us something? I doubt it, as long as he sorts this club out behind the scenes and can make us at least look like a professional setup rather than the Worlds biggest pub team I'll be happy.


    And how long do you give him? What milestones/targets are you setting him?


    Please god don't say that you'll give him 3 years "to sort us out", because that is the worst kind of incompetent stupidity.


    You give him until he can't take us forward anymore, if we stagnate or go backwards then he'll have to go.


    And how do you measure that. Because he has to be measured form day one, or we can't se how far we have gone/when his time is to go.


    We'll have to see where we are at the end of next season, if we look better as a team and are heading in the right direction then he'll be doing a good job.


    If we're still s**** and struggling to avoid relegation then of course we'll have to look for another manager.



    "look a better team"? Not good enough for me. If you can't quantify it, we shouldn't employ ANYONE.


    There are too many cretins who thought Roeder should have more time/Bramble had pace, potential, anbility/Dyer is world class/whatever, proving football fans are morons. So unless we can set milestones or targets, there's no f****** point. Its a basoc function of appraising managers: give them immediate, medium term and long term goals, and request a roadmap for the latter two, and an action plnn for the first, immediately.


    A lot of that can be transferred to football.


    Well what do you think would be a reasonable target for a manager here in his first season? Whether it be Allardyce or Sven.


    A net reduction in the wage bill, the removal of key underperformers, the introduction of a number of new players, a clear plan for future player purchases, use of proper tactics/team selections.


    Most are relatively easily quantifiable/easy to evidence.

  2. SAM ALLARDYCE will be given around £40million to rebuild Newcastle yet his first signing is likely to cost nothing.



    The ex-Bolton chief will be unveiled as Toon boss within the next few days.


    He has agreed to replace Glenn Roeder and been promised a war chest to launch the Geordies into the top five.


    Allardyce will get £15m up front and can re-invest cash generated by sales.


    I understand Toon will listen to offers for Kieron Dyer, Scott Parker, Emre and Oba Martins and that could generate a further £25m to invest.






    Yet Big Sam's first signing is likely to be striker Mark Viduka.


    The Aussie star is out of contract and has so far rejected a new deal at Middlesbrough, so would cost nothing.


    Allardyce told Toon chairman Freddy Shepherd at a meeting on Friday in London that he will take the reins.


    Yet the club refuse to comment publicly until the deal is finally complete.


    Shepherd is acutely aware his attempts at landing his previous top managerial targets backfired spectacularly at the last minute when he was rejected by both Steve Bruce and Martin O'Neill.


    But Newcastle are hoping to officially unveil Allardyce as their new manager by Wednesday.



    Exclusive by Walter Mitty?

  3. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.



    I don't really want Allardyce, Houllier would be my first choice.


    However I know full well that Shepherd isn't going to employ him, or any other foreign manager for that matter so Allardyce is the best out of the managers he's likely to be interested in, I'm not thrilled about his appointment however I'm prepared to give him time, something I never did for Souness or Roeder.


    Can he win us something? I doubt it, as long as he sorts this club out behind the scenes and can make us at least look like a professional setup rather than the Worlds biggest pub team I'll be happy.


    And how long do you give him? What milestones/targets are you setting him?


    Please god don't say that you'll give him 3 years "to sort us out", because that is the worst kind of incompetent stupidity.


    You give him until he can't take us forward anymore, if we stagnate or go backwards then he'll have to go.


    And how do you measure that. Because he has to be measured form day one, or we can't se how far we have gone/when his time is to go.


    We'll have to see where we are at the end of next season, if we look better as a team and are heading in the right direction then he'll be doing a good job.


    If we're still shite and struggling to avoid relegation then of course we'll have to look for another manager.



    "look a better team"? Not good enough for me. If you can't quantify it, we shouldn't employ ANYONE.


    There are too many cretins who thought Roeder should have more time/Bramble had pace, potential, anbility/Dyer is world class/whatever, proving football fans are morons. So unless we can set milestones or targets, there's no fucking point. Its a basoc function of appraising managers: give them immediate, medium term and long term goals, and request a roadmap for the latter two, and an action plnn for the first, immediately.


    A lot of that can be transferred to football.

  4. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.


    does a name come with that ?


    I didn't know it had to. Are we only allowed to have an opinion if we can supplement a name, now? Is that a new rule??


    I think Bramble is utter s****. Do i have to name a replacement for him?


    The point is that i don't think SA is the right person. Why does that mean I have to name someone else? Thats f*** all to do with what i'm saying.

    we all want that,i want us to get a forward big strong quick skillful full of movement clinical finisher with creativity aswell,works his bollicks off aswell,excellent defending at set peices and buys all the fans a half toime pint aswell


    Don't fully get you. Are you infering that we should accept a very mediocre manager in SA, because anything actually GOOD is unachievable?

    i'm saying he's as good as we can get right now,who would you have ?


    Why do you think he's as good as we could get?


    I would say Sven is a better club manager, for one.


    Not saying i want the Swede, but i think he's a better club manager than SA.


    I have no idea who we could get, as i have no idea wat wages, contract, terms, etc, we are offering. Clearly you DO, so i better bow down before your superior knowledge.

    oh you do play a game don't you ,you old tart,.



    do you mean sven would be better for us in our present situation ? what makes you think this ?


    What makes you think he wouldn't?


    He's won stuff at club level. Many times. SA has not.


    So why would SA be better?

  5. "He contacted Bolton chairman Phil Gartside yesterday. Gartside did not pick up the call so Shepherd left a message."



    If thats true, then how petty is gartside!!


    AM sure hes pissed to lose samA, but thats really whiney, thing to do.  


    You want whiney, wait till SA starts here.


    And you don't know Gartside ignored the call, thats a load of shite.

  6. If you swap us Parker for Nolan, I'd carry Nolan there myself.


    He's been nothing but fat and lazy this season.


    Anelka for Dyer?


    No chance. Dyer's name sums him up.


    The fact that one is a good striker, and the other a very average central midfielder, is also a hint as to the stupidity of the post.

  7. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.



    I don't really want Allardyce, Houllier would be my first choice.


    However I know full well that Shepherd isn't going to employ him, or any other foreign manager for that matter so Allardyce is the best out of the managers he's likely to be interested in, I'm not thrilled about his appointment however I'm prepared to give him time, something I never did for Souness or Roeder.


    Can he win us something? I doubt it, as long as he sorts this club out behind the scenes and can make us at least look like a professional setup rather than the Worlds biggest pub team I'll be happy.


    And how long do you give him? What milestones/targets are you setting him?


    Please god don't say that you'll give him 3 years "to sort us out", because that is the worst kind of incompetent stupidity.


    You give him until he can't take us forward anymore, if we stagnate or go backwards then he'll have to go.


    And how do you measure that. Because he has to be measured form day one, or we can't se how far we have gone/when his time is to go.

  8. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.


    does a name come with that ?


    I didn't know it had to. Are we only allowed to have an opinion if we can supplement a name, now? Is that a new rule??


    I think Bramble is utter s****. Do i have to name a replacement for him?


    The point is that i don't think SA is the right person. Why does that mean I have to name someone else? Thats f*** all to do with what i'm saying.

    we all want that,i want us to get a forward big strong quick skillful full of movement clinical finisher with creativity aswell,works his bollicks off aswell,excellent defending at set peices and buys all the fans a half toime pint aswell


    Don't fully get you. Are you infering that we should accept a very mediocre manager in SA, because anything actually GOOD is unachievable?

    i'm saying he's as good as we can get right now,who would you have ?


    Why do you think he's as good as we could get?


    I would say Sven is a better club manager, for one.


    Not saying i want the Swede, but i think he's a better club manager than SA.


    I have no idea who we could get, as i have no idea wat wages, contract, terms, etc, we are offering. Clearly you DO, so i better bow down before your superior knowledge.

  9. I heard Titus Bramble will be free this summer, Maybe we should try and sign him..


    (Whats going on in the minds of most Confrence managers at the moment )


    Nah, we should keep him.


    He's strong, fast, great tackler, bags of potential........ :lol:

  10. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.



    I don't really want Allardyce, Houllier would be my first choice.


    However I know full well that Shepherd isn't going to employ him, or any other foreign manager for that matter so Allardyce is the best out of the managers he's likely to be interested in, I'm not thrilled about his appointment however I'm prepared to give him time, something I never did for Souness or Roeder.


    Can he win us something? I doubt it, as long as he sorts this club out behind the scenes and can make us at least look like a professional setup rather than the Worlds biggest pub team I'll be happy.


    And how long do you give him? What milestones/targets are you setting him?


    Please god don't say that you'll give him 3 years "to sort us out", because that is the worst kind of incompetent stupidity.

  11. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.


    does a name come with that ?


    I didn't know it had to. Are we only allowed to have an opinion if we can supplement a name, now? Is that a new rule??


    I think Bramble is utter s****. Do i have to name a replacement for him?


    The point is that i don't think SA is the right person. Why does that mean I have to name someone else? Thats f*** all to do with what i'm saying.

    we all want that,i want us to get a forward big strong quick skillful full of movement clinical finisher with creativity aswell,works his bollicks off aswell,excellent defending at set peices and buys all the fans a half toime pint aswell


    Don't fully get you. Are you infering that we should accept a very mediocre manager in SA, because anything actually GOOD is unachievable?

  12. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.


    does a name come with that ?


    I didn't know it had to. Are we only allowed to have an opinion if we can supplement a name, now? Is that a new rule??


    I think Bramble is utter shite. Do i have to name a replacement for him?


    The point is that i don't think SA is the right person. Why does that mean I have to name someone else? Thats fuck all to do with what i'm saying.

  13. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???




    It's a simple question.


    Who would you prefer to see in charge?



    Ok, but first: Why do you want SA?


    As for who i want: i want a manager from whom i get the gut feeling that he can actually do something with us, can create the squad, the mentality and the structure that we need to actually be uccessful. I want a manager who has a track record of achievement, and one who has the ability to make the right changes.


  14. He wants to win silverware so he joins us :nope:


    He'll no doubt give us some small amount of hope that we can win something.

    NM kind of approves..........................."HALLELULIAH,,,,,,,HALLELULIAH.......HALLELULIAH,HALLELULIAH,..HALLEEEELUUULIAH"


    .......before his naturally negative instincts kick in, and we win f*** all. ;)



    Didn't want to let anyone down, like.



  15. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Exactly the same as we have.


    So why would he do better here?

  16. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?


    Well who would you prefer to see in charge?


    Is that the only response there is to anyone who doesn't tow the party line???



  17. really?? lol, you've blown me apart there, pretty shocked by that, in 5 years time you'd be happy with stillbeing a mid table team?


    So in essence you'd prefer a team like spuds when george graham was in charge to newcastle when SBR was in charge???


    I'd like us to win as many games as possible. Don't care how we win them.


    I'm not kidding myself, it'll take a few years to sort this club out but if he puts things in place - success in the League will follow. While we're waiting, a Cup win would be much appreciated.  :cheesy:


    Would you rather us play pretty football, finishing 5th and winning nowt? f*** that - want to celebrate something.


    that is shockingly blingsighted, of course i would prefer the cosistent top 5 with great football. Do you not see how important it is to estabilish the club for the future. Making this club more attractive to any top class manager is my priority, one who would take usto that next step on wininng that important trophy. But to say you'd prfer crap football with mid table prosperity is absurd at which point are we realising our potential???






    Erm, aye!


    I'd prefer crap, effective winning football and I've already said if he gets it right, we'll finish high enough in the League. All I'm saying is - I wouldn't mind seeing us pick up a trophy in the next few years. We played some of the best football in Europe for a few years under Keegan without winning a thing.


    And what has Fat Heed won?

  18. Jesus. He's not a particlularly great player, so who cares if he signs for someone else??


    We shoudl be worrying about ourselves, not some avergae player who some people linked to us under a previous manager.

  19. Hung around to see if they'd have the cheek to stick about themselves.  They did, so got an earful.  f****** clapping seals down the front?  Sheep.


    sheep hahah. if wed won 3-0 there would have been 40,000 left clapping.


    Not that many, there aren't that many fucking idiots at SJP.

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