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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. To think we almost sold Milner to Villa for 4m(?)


    We should snap anyone's hands off who offer us 4m for Milner. He's the new Lee Hendrie, mediocre in the extreme, but willing and hardworking.


    And who would you play on the right? And for fucks sake, don't say Dyer, you don't want to seem like an absolute cretin.

  2. Alan Shearer said: I believe Sam Allardyce has the sort of strong personality to sort out Newcastle and set them in the right direction again. The job he has done at Bolton has been unbelievable. It is clear he can motivate players. He comes across as a straight-talking manager who gets his message across to the players. And he will not take any messing around either. That is what you need at a club someone single-minded and strong.


    Shearer added: He has taken players from all sorts of clubs and from all different parts of the world. Just look at some of the names he has had who have played at the very top, like Djorkaeff, Anelka, Campo. He has got them playing for Bolton and helping to make the club into a Premiership force. He has also discovered some great players as well and reinvigorated those who looked on their way out. He went into that club and laid down the foundations for success and this is what Newcastle needs. I dont claim to know the man well personally. But I am good friends with Gary Speed at Bolton and he is a massive fan of Sam.


    Crumpy Gunt said: "I'm gonna s*** in an empty crisp packet then chuck it at him - he'll not forget that and get the message on day 1."


    Two slightly differing opinions there then. Who do you think has the better grasp of the significance of the appointment? :)


    Aye, shearer always speaks from the heart, never a towing-the-line load of shite from him. This is the same fella who validated Roeder, or are you ignoring that, as it contradicts your pathetic point?

  3. Big Sam will already know who he wants to keep/let go methinks , so there will be no pissing about , wave bye bye to; Shola, Titus, Owen,Pav,Baba,Pattinson,Luque,Terry Mac,Duff,Butt,Emre,Pearson,Clarkie,St James Park Tea lady,Nobby,Moore, and Uncle Tom Cobbley and all!


    And you know this because.....oh, yes, becaus eyou just made it up.


    Mind, there are only 4 on the list i'd like to keep, and plenty more who deserve to go.


    The badge with NUF and then the "C" upside down at the bottom was shite mind.


    you must be joking




    That was shit, that one. Lazy and shit.

  5. If your so concerned about that, why not ask them how they know this player you have never heard about is any good? Have they seen him with their own eyes many times?


    Regarding your continuous goes at people rating Luque based on his performances in Spain, I would only like point out that people who might have seen the likes of Shawn Wright Philips and Damien Duff just seasons ago would have presumed they would be very useful players for effectively a midtable team such as us. It´s not because a player is not up to it at this moment, he has therefore always been crap by definition..


    yeah, all those people have seen Luque in spain enough to see what a great world class player he is, my mistake.


    Some of them have, others may not have.. What is your point, other than you haven´t seen enough Spanish football to have a balanced opinion yet you can´t stop ridiculing people who actually may have?


    My point is that almost certainly these soft cunts have seen a few games and assumed he was great. Probably decided to watch the showreel and pretend they were experts.

  6. If your so concerned about that, why not ask them how they know this player you have never heard about is any good? Have they seen him with their own eyes many times?


    Regarding your continuous goes at people rating Luque based on his performances in Spain, I would only like point out that people who might have seen the likes of Shawn Wright Philips and Damien Duff just seasons ago would have presumed they would be very useful players for effectively a midtable team such as us. It´s not because a player is not up to it at this moment, he has therefore always been crap by definition..


    yeah, all those people have seen Luque in spain enough to see what a great world class player he is, my mistake.

  7. Has anyone ever done this?


    f****** exactly. But hey, I suppose if you've been here three days you'll have seen loads of it.


    I am always here. I live in the rafters.


    Seeing as you claim there's loads of this going on, I'm sure you won't have any trouble pointing out a few examples..?





    Bloody hell. A couple of Scandinavians talking about a couple of Scandinavian players, is that what you are having a go at his forum and its posters for? Maybe this is news to you, but there is actually football being played and watched by people outside of the UK. Being from Holland I could tell you ten or so Dutch players I would one day like to see at SJP, just because I know the league much better than you might. Just because YOU don´t know these players doesn´t necessarily mean others can´t..


    you honestly don't think some of the muppets do that though, with CM/FM??

  8. Here i get to see almost every single major league in euope + ... well honestly i am able to watch almost any major game anywhere :lol:


    Mostly because there are just 2 networks that require subscribtion and they got the German, Italian, English, Spanish, French leagues


    So all the other free channels (almost 15) were left with the other leagues,such as league from Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Belguim, USA, etc..


    And i remember going through this "football craze" period from 2001 untill after last years world cup were  i used to watch almost 4 or 5 games per day! , used to be a big fan of the la-liga aswell but lost intrest in it basically because the EPL is much better to watch, before that i only watched Newcastle's games (hints why i rate Luque so highly)


    But now i hardly watch any football, just some premiership and champions league games, but i have to say during that period when i used to watch alot of football i used to check every new player i see in CM/FM and i have to say its amazing how accurate the game can be, but still i consider it as more of the Wikipedia of football players/clubs/anything else related, a fairly decent source but not one to fully trust.


    Football complations/videos on the other hand are never to be trusted, i can make a 5 min video of Titus Bramble and make him look like the next John Terry tbh..

    even with the technical ability to watch every game how long would it take to watch,say,the top 6 in each league,then often enough to make an informed opinion on a player....................not to mention how much you can gauge on tele.


    You know there are people on here who claim that Luque is the bets player since Jesus pulled on a replica kit down the park, because they "have watched loads of Spanish football", and you knw most of them are full of shite, everyone else knows they are. Doesn't stop them, though.

  9. We don't want foreigners at our club, especially if they are almost black.


    Wouldn't want him anyway as i don't think he'd hang about long term.


    well what about roy keane....the sunderlands fans can live with it


    We need something long term to develop.  Phil will not stay here long term


    So is SA the man to do it LONG TERM??

  10. NM I get the impression you wouldn't be happy with anyone tbh.


    Is it just the brand of football?


    I've posted on here about Roeder and Souness as our managers, and Fat Heed as a potential, so you're not basing your impression on much.


    Not the brand of football, i don't think Bolton actually play as much bad football as they get accused of. They are a physical side, certainly, sometimes too much so in todays game, but its not all Route One stuff as far as i can see.


    i just don't hold out much hope that he will do what we need in the medium term.


    Just messing man, I'm sure we'll get some positive comment from you one day ;)


    Your last point is interesting because I doubt any manager can, not one we can attract anyway or would go for but long-term which is what it is going to take - time - I think SA will sort most of it out. IMO anyway.


    Here's a positive one for you - i'm POSITIVE we won't be challenging for 4th next season.


    Maybe i'm being overly harsh, but i juts don't get the impression that Sam has the right stuff. too much whining and avoiding the blame. I'm scared in case it gets a bit deja vu. again.

  11. FM/CM is so yesterday, YT is where it's at.


    Youth Training?


    Keep guessing.


    .....erm..........no, i'm dry. Sorry.


    Youtube, howay, these fucking old gets ;)




    Fuck that, i'm 31, thats far too hip for me, that.


    Very much like MySpace and mopeds, i leave that shite to the young 'uns.

  12. I bet the Northern Irish are well f***** off with him.


    Have to say I think its a bad decision on his part - he was doing really well with NI and I thought he would have had the professional decency to see the job through. Such a loyal man.

    I can seem him struggling next year.


    Still. I cant help but be relieved. At the back of my head I had visions of FFS giving him a call !!!



    I am seriously pissed off at him but I always knew this was going to happen once he took the job. He was our only chance of reaching the 2008 Euros, we aren't like England in that we can throw money at another 'quality' manager we have a small budget and realisticly I don't know of anyone who can replace him.


    Chris COleman needs a job.

  13. NM I get the impression you wouldn't be happy with anyone tbh.


    Is it just the brand of football?


    I've posted on here about Roeder and Souness as our managers, and Fat Heed as a potential, so you're not basing your impression on much.


    Not the brand of football, i don't think Bolton actually play as much bad football as they get accused of. They are a physical side, certainly, sometimes too much so in todays game, but its not all Route One stuff as far as i can see.


    i just don't hold out much hope that he will do what we need in the medium term.

  14. He's obviously a very good manager but I'd be worried about his lack of real club experience outside of Brazil and while his record at international level speaks for itself, it is far easier to achieve things and work with world-class players like Ronaldinho and Ronaldo et al so I wouldn't be convinced at all by Big Phil Scolari, despite being a big name manager with a successful CV.


    So you'd rather have "Big" Sam than a big name manager with a successful CV?


    Aye, in this case anyway.


    "Big Name" and "Successful CV" doesn't always mean "Right Man For Newcastle"


    Dalglish, Souness?


    Like I said Scolari is a very good manager, that much is obvious but his lack of club experience outside of his own country would concern me not to mention whether he would be able to identify all the things that need overhauled at United, much less be able to carry out this vital aspect of the job which to be fair to Sam Allardyce, at least he has shown himself more than capable of doing both.


    Anyway, I wouldn't use international football as any barometer given the ropey standard of it these days. Brazil deserved to win the World Cup under him but the competition was hardly challenging where as Portgual for all the stats, rarely perfom, much like England under Sven, but with better penalty takers.


    You've not just decided on Fat Heed, and aren't prepared to consider anyone else, even if they are better?


    I would consider a host of other managers ahead of "Fat Heed" but there's not much point debating these things when SA is our new manager, furthermore most of the managers I rate more wouldn't come anywhere near us/or FS would go for.


    I know he probably is, but the last few remaining shreds of hope remain that he won't be......

  15. I'm beginning to think more and more that it would be better if the little twerp just packed his bags and left.


    1. Its unlikely he really wants to be here. Sven told the Fake Sheik ( bluelaugh.gif) that Owen wasnt happy with NUFC but was loving the money.


    2. The money we receive could help an incoming manager restructure his side.


    3. Would save a huge wedge on wages that we probably cant afford.


    4. I have huge reservations whether he and Oba can play together.


    5. Remains to be seen whether he's the same player after nearly two years on the sick bed.


    6. IF he stays, its likely to be only for another year, so hardly part of the managers long term plans.


    7. Very prone to picking up niggles that keep him out for 2-3 weeks at a time.


    Owen is unquestionably a good player, but we are about to enter a new era and the playing staff need a radical overhauling. I just cant see the point keeping someone who's probably got an eye on bigger things and until he's sold it will be a constant tale in the press of Club X or Y wanting to buy him.


    He was a reckless gamble that sadly hasnt worked and I think it will be in our best long term interests if we just took the money and ran. Fingers burnt once more.


    Thats exactly how I feel.


    Much as he is, by a country mile, the best of the (two) Premiership strikers we have, he has to go, like.


    If he doesn't, he'll be a weight hanging around the next managers neck, unable to build a team around him cos he's bound to go at some point, unable to give him what he wants (we can't turn into a big club and won't be challenging for a CL place for the foreseeable), waiting to be dropped in it. And we'll get less than £9m next summer.



  16. He's obviously a very good manager but I'd be worried about his lack of real club experience outside of Brazil and while his record at international level speaks for itself, it is far easier to achieve things and work with world-class players like Ronaldinho and Ronaldo et al so I wouldn't be convinced at all by Big Phil Scolari, despite being a big name manager with a successful CV.


    So you'd rather have "Big" Sam than a big name manager with a successful CV?


    Aye, in this case anyway.


    "Big Name" and "Successful CV" doesn't always mean "Right Man For Newcastle"


    Dalglish, Souness?


    Like I said Scolari is a very good manager, that much is obvious but his lack of club experience outside of his own country would concern me not to mention whether he would be able to identify all the things that need overhauled at United, much less be able to carry out this vital aspect of the job which to be fair to Sam Allardyce, at least he has shown himself more than capable of doing both.


    Anyway, I wouldn't use international football as any barometer given the ropey standard of it these days. Brazil deserved to win the World Cup under him but the competition was hardly challenging where as Portgual for all the stats, rarely perfom, much like England under Sven, but with better penalty takers.


    You've not just decided on Fat Heed, and aren't prepared to consider anyone else, even if they are better?

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