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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Flog him, it shows how desperate our season is when a bloke who can't beat his man or cross can be lauded to high heaven simply because he's young and tries quite hard.


    So who else would you flog from midfield?

  2. My Suggestion: Get rid of Owen as soon as possible. Has not even made half the impact on the team itself than Dyer did when he returned from injury.




    Christ, stop it. I just laughed so hard fruit-shoot nearly came out of my nose.




    Full of sugar tbh. But cheers for the completely unecessary and unfunny edit. Good lad.


    I did snigger tbh.


    hear that? Thats me resting my case.


    Christ, you wouldnt think you were an adult :D


    Sshh, don't spoil my grooming.

  3. My Suggestion: Get rid of Owen as soon as possible. Has not even made half the impact on the team itself than Dyer did when he returned from injury.




    Christ, stop it. I just laughed so hard fruit-shoot nearly came out of my nose.




    Full of sugar tbh. But cheers for the completely unecessary and unfunny edit. Good lad.


    I did snigger tbh.


    hear that? Thats me resting my case.

  4. Scampi & Chips, Spam Fritters, and a plate of cheese. Twice.


    You know the pair of fat twats would have ended up scrapping over the last spam fritter.


    Thats why The Fat Man employed Roeder. He knew the little pinchy-faced cockney could be sent down to Greggs without fear of him eating all the pasties on the way back.

  5. Don't get me started on badges. Jeebus H Christ.


    This one:




    Is obviously the best. Obviously. The circle ones are the proper ones IMO, none of this ponsy animals spouting latin shite for me.


    But someone had the bright idea of selling it to Umbro to raise a bit of money. Therefore when that kit deal ran out, with the new supplier we needed a new badge. End result is the current monstrosity.




    Not only is it undeniably shite - It has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Allegedly based on the coat of arms of Manchester - Where the eagle comes from, I don't know - But comes with 3 stars that are there for "decorative purposes" (Seriously, they have no significance whatsover). I don't know what the fook these designer twats are trying to do to football. :knuppel2:







  6. He's obviously a very good manager but I'd be worried about his lack of real club experience outside of Brazil and while his record at international level speaks for itself, it is far easier to achieve things and work with world-class players like Ronaldinho and Ronaldo et al so I wouldn't be convinced at all by Big Phil Scolari, despite being a big name manager with a successful CV.


    So you'd rather have "Big" Sam than a big name manager with a successful CV?

  7. NM thinks even the NUFC crest is rubbish. :D Quality.


    I don't think its particularly great, no. I didn't know you had to.


    Does it make me not a superfan? Oh well.


    NM is :idiot2:


    So you have to love everything about the club, just to be a fan? :lol: :lol: :lol:


    no but it is one of the nicest


    Nicestness is in the eye of the beholder.

  8. NM thinks even the NUFC crest is rubbish. :D Quality.


    I don't think its particularly great, no. I didn't know you had to.


    Does it make me not a superfan? Oh well.


    NM is :idiot2:


    So you have to love everything about the club, just to be a fan? :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. his crossing is exellent with both feet, so i'd play him on the wing, but with the opportunity to get into the middle to shoot once in a while


    No it isn't.


    he's right - it really isnt.


    but i wouldn't play him through the middle anyway - he is a winger


    Exactly right. Swapping people round where they aren't suited is how we end up with mediocre players like Dyer being played on the left and doing badly.

  10. Personally I'm heartily sick of the Chairman and his mis-management of the club.


    I can understand fans wanting not to renew Season Tickets and can also see the dilema of fans who have waited a long time to get Season Tickets.


    I'm personally hoping that the majority of like minded fans will continue to attend games (home and away) and sing their hearts out in support of the team, but at the same time to make it plainly clear for all to see that we no longer care for Shepherds stewardship of the club.


    I would love to see him hounded and brought down at every opportunity until such time as he will somehow disappear from this once great club of ours.


    aye, all those decades pre-1992 were simply golden trophy laden years






    Pre-1992, that's when we sold major England Internationals isn't it?


    Good job that isn't the case these days.


    When did we last sell a major England INternational?



    Watch this space.




    Off the top of my head i think the last one major England International we sold was David Batty.



    Aye, so we definately aren't going to sell one now, are we? Oh no, no chance. In fact i'd say its actually impossible now.

  11. I think in the long run, losing Martins would become a bigger loss than losing Owen. Martins has got years left. Michael's got only a couple before he's finished if you know what I mean.


    As long as we ignore the fact Owen is x10 the striker, this sounds good.


    Owen is just better at positioning, creativity and reading the game. Things that all experienced players have. Martins will learn that when he fully adapts to the game. Pluss Oba's faster, stronger has a great shot and a hell of a leap...

    But at the moment, Owen is the better player. But in a year or two...


    He has a great shot? He also has a fucking terrible shot. He seems to use the former once for evert 4 or 5 times he uses the latter.


    Oh, and the idea that suddenly, because he wants away, Owen is just a simple finisher, or an average player, is absolutely shite. What next, "we're ok because we've got Shola and Oba"???? :lol: :lol:

  12. Lets not pretend he had any reason to coem here other than money, and a way out of where he was.


    He doesn't owe us fuck all, he doesn't feel he owes us fuck all, and he'd go to a bigger club (of which there are many) without any hesitation at all. (imho, etc etc).


    Aye, spot on unfortunately.


    This get-out clause is an absolute disgrace though, and is evidence if any more was needed of Shepherd's incompetence.  As soon as Owen and his agent started asking for a get-out clause at that sort of reduced price, alarm bells should have been ringing, and Shepherd should have kicked the pair of them out and told Owen to go and rot in Madrid's reserves.


    We'll still have some utter cretins on here blind to his incompetence though because "we were worse than this pre-1992".


    The Fat Man SHOULD have said that, but he is the same as sime fans (we're a massive club, BOUND to get into Europe, etc), and he was deseprate, because he had to prove his 'member of the Geordie nation' tag and provide an annual sacrifice to appease the fans.




    Aye, it was definitely an ego signing.  From a business point of view inserting a "sell player on at a huge loss" clause was.....well....just beyond any level of stupidity we've previously seen from Shepherd.


    I'm not sure about THAT. I think the annual "try to fool the fans before the season ticket renewal, and keep them off my back" routine.....a la NUFC going to sign Ronaldo/Rivaldo/Rooney; build a casino and flats made out of solid gold, with diamonds coming out of the taps...yadda yadda.

  13. I don't think the media slag us off so much as we (fans and chairman) make twats of ourselves, to varying degrees.


    This thread is evident of that. Big Sam over Scolari? Jesus wept!


    And he has every right to weep.

  14. Lets not pretend he had any reason to coem here other than money, and a way out of where he was.


    He doesn't owe us fuck all, he doesn't feel he owes us fuck all, and he'd go to a bigger club (of which there are many) without any hesitation at all. (imho, etc etc).


    Aye, spot on unfortunately.


    This get-out clause is an absolute disgrace though, and is evidence if any more was needed of Shepherd's incompetence.  As soon as Owen and his agent started asking for a get-out clause at that sort of reduced price, alarm bells should have been ringing, and Shepherd should have kicked the pair of them out and told Owen to go and rot in Madrid's reserves.


    We'll still have some utter cretins on here blind to his incompetence though because "we were worse than this pre-1992".


    The Fat Man SHOULD have said that, but he is the same as sime fans (we're a massive club, BOUND to get into Europe, etc), and he was deseprate, because he had to prove his 'member of the Geordie nation' tag and provide an annual sacrifice to appease the fans.



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