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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    Where did he say that?


    I think his point is that we are an unpolished gem, and anyone who won something for us would rightly take ridiculous acclaim.


    Well why not take over at Gateshead? That'd be an even bigger achievement.


    Excuse the sarcasm, but can anyone think of an example of a manager, who has the option of either staying at or joining a bigger club, deciding to join a smaller one because it's more of a challenge? It doesn't happen.


    So we accept mediocrity forever, or do we, as a club, try to get someone better?


    its a progression thing it wont happen over night, in an ideal world the next manager will take us to another level and stabilise it all. After all that once we are looking like a good option then you can think about attracting class to the club, right now like many have admitted we wont be pulling in world cup winning managers any time soon with the state we are in. It isnt being negative trying to find a manager that will improve the team but possibly wont be good enough to push us into title contenders in an ideal world they would but as we all know we arent living in fairy land .


    I don't think anyone apart from that mental PArky thinks we'll be top 4 in a year, but i don't think Allardyce will do anything at all, beyond mid table.


    Saying we can challenge for top four and BEING top 4 are different things. Is there something wrong with your reading skills?




    Sorry, i mis-represented your - still absolutely insane - previous posts.


    You think we'll be challenging for a top 4 spot, don't you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I guess that's the differance between us. ;)


    Yes, you are clearly a mental, i am realistic.


    Challenging the top 4.... :) ......ah, thats gold, it really is. Thats geniunely making me smile, thank you.


    On that happy note, i'm off, and your nurse will be round soon with your night time medication to make the delusions go away for a bit.


    Is your posting style just based on insults or do you have actual arguments?


    Little bit from column a, little bit from column b.


    We will not be challenging for 4th next season, that is a nailed on certainty. Assumption.


    Our first team cannot be filled with Premiership-level players, it'll be impossible to buy enough to make this the case, and to get better than teams who will br in the 5th-8th positions. We finished 7th with a side run by Roeder which flirted with relegation. ;)





    "Cheers"...Yeah that works. I'm sure in your head you've said all that needs saying. :lol:


    I bet you're the type that never buys a lottery ticket. Just a guess. ;)


    my assumption that we won't be challenging for 4th is a damned sight more realistic than yours that we will.


    But, you keep up with your ideas thta we have a good enough squad (you probabky genuinely feel we are a "big club" as well, bless you), and keep your myopic view of the potential we have. If thats what keeps you happy and relatively stable, you go for it. Me, i choose a more realistic approach. But hey, thats just me, and my crazy pragmatic ways.



    Wont happen 100% sure.

    Especially Arsenal finishing 1st.They will be lucky to be in the top 4 next season.Remember my word.

    It will be something like this:



    Man Utd






    West Ham





    If you think we'll finish under Everton and Spurs with Big Sam you are off your head. :)


    I think he's right, they will.


    We will NOT get into the top 4 next season, or the one after, or the one after.


    Where we finish with regard to Everton and Spurs next season will not be relevant to the top 4!


    ps I bet you thought the same thing about us breaking into the top 4 shortly before Bobby took over. I know I did. There's no way of predicting the future in football that accurately - we probably won't make it there, but it's a bit much to [seemingly] state it as fact that we won't.


    Its a statement of fact as I see it, the same as anyone else's opinion is.


    You're right, there is no way of accurately predicting the future in anything, really, but IN MY OPINION, we will be nowhere near the top 4 next season (and after one game, if we beat some shite and end up top, that clearly doesn't count).  I don't see why that is such a difficult opinion to acdept someone can have,

  3. I think whatever Shepherd do he will be slated after that.

    Its like whatever Bramble or Carr do they will be slated after that.

    Its obvious that the most of the opinions on this board are not objective.

    Im behind Shepherd about this one.

    He is defending the clubs interests

    Its obvious that Owen is thinking about leaving the club and Shepherd is trying to express his opinion about this and also the fans opinions too.

    If Owen leaves he will be the biggest cunt in the world.He will show no morale,no loyalty about the club after everything we did for him.

    God nearly 20 thousand fans welcomed him when he sign for us.And he played only 13 games for us.

    Yes,the club is in big mess but there are indications that we might get better if we appoint some serious manager.

    If Owen is loyal person he will wait after we appoint the new boss he will see how next season will go and if we still are shit and cant compete for the top 6 then he can go.

    But to leave the club in this hard times is just like the rats do when the ship is sinking.

    We showed him full support when he had his serious injuries,we sticked to him during this hard times for him and now he must do the same if he is man enough

    If he doenst then he is a cunt and Shepherd is right to be angry and to say this things in public.


    Because wht they do is almost universally shite.

  4. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    Where did he say that?


    I think his point is that we are an unpolished gem, and anyone who won something for us would rightly take ridiculous acclaim.


    Well why not take over at Gateshead? That'd be an even bigger achievement.


    Excuse the sarcasm, but can anyone think of an example of a manager, who has the option of either staying at or joining a bigger club, deciding to join a smaller one because it's more of a challenge? It doesn't happen.


    So we accept mediocrity forever, or do we, as a club, try to get someone better?


    its a progression thing it wont happen over night, in an ideal world the next manager will take us to another level and stabilise it all. After all that once we are looking like a good option then you can think about attracting class to the club, right now like many have admitted we wont be pulling in world cup winning managers any time soon with the state we are in. It isnt being negative trying to find a manager that will improve the team but possibly wont be good enough to push us into title contenders in an ideal world they would but as we all know we arent living in fairy land .


    I don't think anyone apart from that mental PArky thinks we'll be top 4 in a year, but i don't think Allardyce will do anything at all, beyond mid table.


    Saying we can challenge for top four and BEING top 4 are different things. Is there something wrong with your reading skills?




    Sorry, i mis-represented your - still absolutely insane - previous posts.


    You think we'll be challenging for a top 4 spot, don't you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I guess that's the differance between us. ;)


    Yes, you are clearly a mental, i am realistic.


    Challenging the top 4.... :) ......ah, thats gold, it really is. Thats geniunely making me smile, thank you.


    On that happy note, i'm off, and your nurse will be round soon with your night time medication to make the delusions go away for a bit.


    Is your posting style just based on insults or do you have actual arguments?


    Little bit from column a, little bit from column b.


    We will not be challenging for 4th next season, that is a nailed on certainty.


    Our first team cannot be filled with Premiership-level players, it'll be impossible to buy enough to make this the case, and to get better than teams who will br in the 5th-8th positions.



  5. NUFCJMC....I don't really give a hoot about whether our next manager is Premier League proven? Were Sir Alex, Wenger, Mourinho, Houllier, Benitez, or Jol "Premier League proven" when they were hired? No. But they had all achieved results elsewhere. There is absolutely no sensible reason to limit ourselves to manager with Premier League experience.


    And please explain to me why you don't think we can finish 5th next year. Or have you forgotten that we did the double over Spurs this year, drew twice with Arsenal, beat Liverpool, and drew with Man. United this year. Our squad has just as much talent on it as the clubs that are going to finish 5th-7th (Everton, Spurs, Bolton), if not more. We just need a better manager who knows how to organize that talent.


    No, our squad doesn't. Its not even got 11 premiership-quality players in it.

  6. Some good signings there! But no to Viduka! Keep Dyer, sure we have onlt got him fit now! I would agree with Ben Haim, Distin, Young and Bridge! Very good players!!


    Keep Dyer? Do you ever see him play?


    Get shot of the diseased little c*** as soon as possible, and get a proper footballer in.


    Do you rate Bentley?


    From what little i've seen, he looks alright. Needs developing, maybe?


    I've not seen them enough to make a real judgement, to be fair. i find them a difficult team to watch a lot of the time.

  7. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    Where did he say that?


    I think his point is that we are an unpolished gem, and anyone who won something for us would rightly take ridiculous acclaim.


    Well why not take over at Gateshead? That'd be an even bigger achievement.


    Excuse the sarcasm, but can anyone think of an example of a manager, who has the option of either staying at or joining a bigger club, deciding to join a smaller one because it's more of a challenge? It doesn't happen.


    So we accept mediocrity forever, or do we, as a club, try to get someone better?


    its a progression thing it wont happen over night, in an ideal world the next manager will take us to another level and stabilise it all. After all that once we are looking like a good option then you can think about attracting class to the club, right now like many have admitted we wont be pulling in world cup winning managers any time soon with the state we are in. It isnt being negative trying to find a manager that will improve the team but possibly wont be good enough to push us into title contenders in an ideal world they would but as we all know we arent living in fairy land .


    I don't think anyone apart from that mental PArky thinks we'll be top 4 in a year, but i don't think Allardyce will do anything at all, beyond mid table.


    Saying we can challenge for top four and BEING top 4 are different things. Is there something wrong with your reading skills?




    Sorry, i mis-represented your - still absolutely insane - previous posts.


    You think we'll be challenging for a top 4 spot, don't you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I guess that's the differance between us. ;)


    Yes, you are clearly a mental, i am realistic.


    Challenging the top 4.... :) ......ah, thats gold, it really is. Thats geniunely making me smile, thank you.


    On that happy note, i'm off, and your nurse will be round soon with your night time medication to make the delusions go away for a bit.

  8. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    Where did he say that?


    I think his point is that we are an unpolished gem, and anyone who won something for us would rightly take ridiculous acclaim.


    Well why not take over at Gateshead? That'd be an even bigger achievement.


    Excuse the sarcasm, but can anyone think of an example of a manager, who has the option of either staying at or joining a bigger club, deciding to join a smaller one because it's more of a challenge? It doesn't happen.


    So we accept mediocrity forever, or do we, as a club, try to get someone better?


    its a progression thing it wont happen over night, in an ideal world the next manager will take us to another level and stabilise it all. After all that once we are looking like a good option then you can think about attracting class to the club, right now like many have admitted we wont be pulling in world cup winning managers any time soon with the state we are in. It isnt being negative trying to find a manager that will improve the team but possibly wont be good enough to push us into title contenders in an ideal world they would but as we all know we arent living in fairy land .


    I don't think anyone apart from that mental PArky thinks we'll be top 4 in a year, but i don't think Allardyce will do anything at all, beyond mid table.


    Saying we can challenge for top four and BEING top 4 are different things. Is there something wrong with your reading skills?




    Sorry, i mis-represented your - still absolutely insane - previous posts.


    You think we'll be challenging for a top 4 spot, don't you. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. Some good signings there! But no to Viduka! Keep Dyer, sure we have onlt got him fit now! I would agree with Ben Haim, Distin, Young and Bridge! Very good players!!


    Keep Dyer? Do you ever see him play?


    Get shot of the diseased little cunt as soon as possible, and get a proper footballer in.

  10. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    Where did he say that?


    I think his point is that we are an unpolished gem, and anyone who won something for us would rightly take ridiculous acclaim.


    Well why not take over at Gateshead? That'd be an even bigger achievement.


    Excuse the sarcasm, but can anyone think of an example of a manager, who has the option of either staying at or joining a bigger club, deciding to join a smaller one because it's more of a challenge? It doesn't happen.


    So we accept mediocrity forever, or do we, as a club, try to get someone better?


    its a progression thing it wont happen over night, in an ideal world the next manager will take us to another level and stabilise it all. After all that once we are looking like a good option then you can think about attracting class to the club, right now like many have admitted we wont be pulling in world cup winning managers any time soon with the state we are in. It isnt being negative trying to find a manager that will improve the team but possibly wont be good enough to push us into title contenders in an ideal world they would but as we all know we arent living in fairy land .


    I don't think anyone apart from that mental PArky thinks we'll be top 4 in a year, but i don't think Allardyce will do anything at all, beyond mid table.

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