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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. "how unlucky can you get" - quoting sky.


    Nothing unlucky about missing an open goal.


    Id say hitting inside of the post is quite unlucky especially after how he took the ball to get himself through


    he kicked the ball into the post, though. Thats not bad luck, its not random where the ball ends up (except Ameobi, natch).


    As gleebals said above, opinions are great, I personally think that someone aiming for the bottom corner and missing it by a couple of inches is quite unlucky.


    not just bad aiming?

  2. "how unlucky can you get" - quoting sky.


    Nothing unlucky about missing an open goal.


    Id say hitting inside of the post is quite unlucky especially after how he took the ball to get himself through


    he kicked the ball into the post, though. Thats not bad luck, its not random where the ball ends up (except Ameobi, natch).

  3. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    Where did he say that?


    I think his point is that we are an unpolished gem, and anyone who won something for us would rightly take ridiculous acclaim.


    Well why not take over at Gateshead? That'd be an even bigger achievement.


    Excuse the sarcasm, but can anyone think of an example of a manager, who has the option of either staying at or joining a bigger club, deciding to join a smaller one because it's more of a challenge? It doesn't happen.


    So we accept mediocrity forever, or do we, as a club, try to get someone better?

  4. Ditin and Taylor would be 1st choice pairing.


    Yes i am telling you that because they are both on free transfers that is what they will get. Are they worth it ? No, they would be on 35-40000 a week had we had to pay a transfer fee, but because we dont this is what they will ask for and this is what they will get. Believe me!  :knuppel2:


    Ben Haim > Distin


    And don't be silly. Even FS isn't stupid enough to offer them that.






    He's capable of paying ANY old s**** too much money.


    But Viduka on £60k? That's a whole new level.


    Not as bad as Dyer. Third best right winger, fourth best left winger, fuck all end product, £80k a week.


    Mind, still - £60k a week for Viduka! Makes my face go pointy.

  5. Imagine how the bin dippers feel... 


    Cillaar and Lilee - both savage.


    Least funny character ever. Even Jimmy Krankie pissed all over him/her/it. Not literally, mind. That'd be wrong, Jimmy Krankie is a schoolboy.


  6. We should be able to attract plenty of good and ambitious managers. The reward for success with Newcastle is much bigger than with Madrid, where it's expected.


    Righto, winning the league cup with Nufc is bigger than winning the CL with Real.

    No wonder our fans are such a laughing stock coming out with shite like this, we're a plodding mid-table prem side in the far north that's won nowt for 50 years. The sooner people wake up and realise this instead of believing we are one of the top sides in Europe is the day the club settles down on an even keel and starts to move forward.


    You contradict yourself.


    We'll NEVER "move forward" if we accept mediocrity.

  7. Ditin and Taylor would be 1st choice pairing.


    Yes i am telling you that because they are both on free transfers that is what they will get. Are they worth it ? No, they would be on 35-40000 a week had we had to pay a transfer fee, but because we dont this is what they will ask for and this is what they will get. Believe me!  :knuppel2:


    Ben Haim > Distin


    And don't be silly. Even FS isn't stupid enough to offer them that.






    He's capable of paying ANY old shite too much money.

  8. Just out of interest - where do you think the watford gap is?


    I don't know. It was the most southern sounding thing i could think of on the hop, that ugly fat bint The Badger on telly was putting me off.


    Brummie royalty tbh




    Her and Jasper Carrot? :)


    I feel less guilty about us unleashing Jimmy Nail and Gazza now.



    Dunno, .




    Not all i put though, was it.


    So you think that because some pessimistic geordie t*** off the internet, who doens;t work in football, can't name a manager we could entice with £4-5m a year, that we should go for a fella like Allardyce???


    You are the Fat Mans dream fan, mate. Just happy to put up with it, cos you've been so desensitised to by failure.


    No, I just want to know who realistically a lower mid table side could attract who's won a shedload of trophies. You can't think of anyone despite saying it's what we need, I've suggest Eriksson and Houllier.


    I said i think thats what we need (ish, they weren't my exact words), but i didn't say i did (or shoudl) know who. That wasn't the point.

  10. Just out of interest - where do you think the watford gap is?


    I don't know. It was the most southern sounding thing i could think of on the hop, that ugly fat bint The Badger on telly was putting me off.



    Dunno, .




    Not all i put though, was it.


    So you think that because some pessimistic geordie twat off the internet, who doens;t work in football, can't name a manager we could entice with £4-5m a year, that we should go for a fella like Allardyce???


    You are the Fat Mans dream fan, mate. Just happy to put up with it, cos you've been so desensitised to by failure.

  12. I see a few Spurs players (including Lennon who doesn't even have the excuse of coming from a hot country) are wearing gloves to protect themselves from that vicious, mid May London cold.


    Oh, and great player Berbatov


    climate change. its around Asolute Zero south of the watford gap.

  13. Beggars can't be choosers and all we can ask is for a manager with a fairly decent track record of improving teams,building clubs and motivating players.

    I can't argue with Allardyce's appointment on those grounds and he'll get my 100% support.


    What about a track record of winning things? Or are we happy with a top 6 push every few years?


    In our current position I'd be delighted with that. Like I say, beggers can't be choosers, we aren't going to attract top managers because we aren't as big as we think we are. Allardyce is as good as we can get which is why I'll support him.


    i want to win something. And i don't see any evidence that we will under Fat Sam.


    I'd rather get rid of the s**** like Ameobi, Shambles and Dyer, and put some of their wages towards effectively buying a GOOD manager. Dyer is on what, 80k a week? 4m a year, that, and he's esentially a f****** makeweight, a sub at best.


    Which trophy-winning managers do you think Newcastle can realistically attract?

    I'd give you Sven or Houllier, and I'd be happy with Sven.


    Dunno, i'd like to see what £4m or so a year can attract, personally.

  14. Beggars can't be choosers and all we can ask is for a manager with a fairly decent track record of improving teams,building clubs and motivating players.

    I can't argue with Allardyce's appointment on those grounds and he'll get my 100% support.


    What about a track record of winning things? Or are we happy with a top 6 push every few years?


    In our current position I'd be delighted with that. Like I say, beggers can't be choosers, we aren't going to attract top managers because we aren't as big as we think we are. Allardyce is as good as we can get which is why I'll support him.


    i want to win something. And i don't see any evidence that we will under Fat Sam.


    I'd rather get rid of the shite like Ameobi, Shambles and Dyer, and put some of their wages towards effectively buying a GOOD manager. Dyer is on what, 80k a week? 4m a year, that, and he's esentially a fucking makeweight, a sub at best.

  15. Would people really like to see our team run out to a near empty stadium, attracting no new players and having no money to buy any?


    I don't want to see our current team run out at all, they are a big bunch of useless overpaid cunts.

  16. No way in hell we'll get 3mill for Luque, Roeder did a such great job in devaluing an already devalued asset, we'll be lucky to get a set of strips and bag of footballs for him. Mind you we did get Juventus to stump up about the same for Boomsong, so I guess you never know.


    Been pissed off all day about the stupidity of the £9mill release clause for Owen, not that I'm particuarily bothered about him being with us more the point that we would be taking such a big hit. But the more I think about it the more I like it, take the 9 mill invest in a younger replacement such as Bent, Nugent, Ahton or my choice Alves and save a net £50k or so on wages.



    That was in my thinking. I think if you added Nugent to that strike force it would look a lot better as he adds a bit of everything.




    We cant afford to keep luxury players who do not make an impact. You tell me one Blackburn, Bolton or Everton player that is on 50000 a week. Maybe Anelka, the others no chance.




    From your first post, you've put down that you would pay Viduka £60k a week and Distin £50k a week  :cheesy:


    Read the bit in bold, You tellin me Distin and Viduka would not make an impact on our team?  :uglystupid2:


    Not 60k a week impact, no.


    Oh, and you have Ameobi as 3rd striker, and a completely unproven lad as 4th. You ARE aware that Martins is crap more than half of the time so far, and Ameobi is a big steaming pile of Nigerio/Geordie donkey s****, aren't you?






    Would cost that much in wages because of the competition to get him as he is on a free. Pompey want him desperately and i reckon they are giving Sol that so they can afford him plus european footy?

    Viduka again on a free would have suitors especially after such a good season.


    Distin would make a great impact, i'm not at all sure Viduka would. Although having said that, the more i think about it, the more often i remember that the alternative is Ameobi, i'd pay hom whatever the fuck he wants.

  17. Nice to see the spuds go 1 down, although i think they'll pull it back second half.


    Benni McCarthy turning out to be one of the buys of the season , wish we would have got in there when we had the chance. :(  McCarthy/owen/martins/strolla(!) would have given us some great attacking options.

    Always looked a good player, that cracking header against Manure was one of the best headed goals ive seen. Good headed goal tonight also.  :clap:


    Would indeed have given us some great attacking options. Well, TWO great attacking options, ONE potentially great one, and ONE pile of utter donkey doody.

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