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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. dont renew your season ticket then if your so bothered just stop moaning about it on here because no one is going to listen to you


    Yeah, don't go on an internet discussion forum and try to discuss stuff!! Stupid fools!!!!!



    We cant afford to keep luxury players who do not make an impact. You tell me one Blackburn, Bolton or Everton player that is on 50000 a week. Maybe Anelka, the others no chance.




    From your first post, you've put down that you would pay Viduka £60k a week and Distin £50k a week  :cheesy:


    Read the bit in bold, You tellin me Distin and Viduka would not make an impact on our team?  :uglystupid2:


    Not 60k a week impact, no.


    Oh, and you have Ameobi as 3rd striker, and a completely unproven lad as 4th. You ARE aware that Martins is crap more than half of the time so far, and Ameobi is a big steaming pile of Nigerio/Geordie donkey shite, aren't you?





  3. My top 10 prediction!!



    Man Ure












    Wont happen 100% sure.

    Especially Arsenal finishing 1st.They will be lucky to be in the top 4 next season.Remember my word.

    It will be something like this:



    Man Utd






    West Ham





    If you think we'll finish under Everton and Spurs with Big Sam you are off your head. :)


    I think he's right, they will.


    We will NOT get into the top 4 next season, or the one after, or the one after.

  4. Hmm...it does appear that Phil Gartside is almost as bitter as I am? :laugh:


    PS: Don't go in for all these "big club" pissing contests. To me its just ways for fans of clubs who do fuck all to argue over who is better. Completely pointless. Got totally sick of all this shite talking about a certain other football club who have won nowt in years but still have a big crowd. The term "big club" and derivatives should be stricken from the football vocabulary post-haste IMO. :hmm:


    just because citiy are a small club :hmm:


    Actually, according to popular opinion, we're "massive". :icon_scratch:


    Well, according to every halfwit who gets on the radio bleating about us - and pisstaking rivals. Don't see the point myself.



    it IS a shite argument to have, you're right. But lets face it, a lot of fans of every club thing their club is great. And most are wrong.

  5. He is a free transfer so will no doubt get a higher wage than he is actually worth.


    which is a worry, because the little i've seen doesn't have him improving our (admittedly weak, ability wise) central midfield.

  6. Some people want to play football as well as make money, its not like Sidwell has a choice of either £15m at Chelsea or minimum wage elsewhere is it? Reports suggest we would offer £40,000 week, not exactly going to struggle on that is he?


    Is he worth that? I doubt it, personally, although i'll accept he is if anyone has seen him play over a long period of time.


    i didn't say they were a big club. They are about the same 'size' as us, in that they are outside of the big 4 clubs, but bigger than the Boros and Fulhams if the world.


    And you may not have said WE were a big club, but plenty of fans looking through black & white tinted glasses think we are. Erroneously, clearly.


    I wasn't speaking of anyone on here, so I don't know why you've jumped the gun to think of that.


    I'm referring to the many media outlets and tottenham fans themselves who refer to their club as a "big club" even though they haven't played in the CL.


    So we agree, neither us nor Spurs are a "big club". Good.

  8. How can Spurs be classed as a big club when they haven't even played in the CL?


    How can Newcastle be classed as a big club when they havent won a single thing in 38 years (apart from the intertoto cup)?


    Good job I didn't say newcastle were a big club then isn't it?  :uglystupid2:


    And you didn't answer the question...


    i didn't say they were a big club. They are about the same 'size' as us, in that they are outside of the big 4 clubs, but bigger than the Boros and Fulhams if the world.


    And you may not have said WE were a big club, but plenty of fans looking through black & white tinted glasses think we are. Erroneously, clearly.

  9. kingdawson - it is ALL London (don't be ashamed now1)


    Silly Monkey - Is f*** your fave jellied eel shop then?  I need more details if I am going to go down ("DOWN") there for a treat . . . .


    Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is what happens when schools get the internet in. jesus wept. tbh.

  10. How can Spurs be classed as a big club when they haven't even played in the CL?


    how can we be when we have never won anything, or got particularlt far in the CL on a consistent basis?

  11. We're not a big club though, big fanbase yes, big potential yes, not a big club at the moment. The only advantage we offer over other clubs is our appalling wage structure.


    Somebody has already said, and quoted that.


    And? Its a reiteration, as discussed. Someone wants to do it, so what.

  12. considering he'd be behind lampard, essien, ballack, and obi-mikel in the midfield, yes.


    Good luck with that. We are an avergae sized club with little current prospect of advancement.


    If i was him, i'd sign for Chelsea.


    and never get a game? So basically if you were a footballer you would probably be everything you hate about other footballers (money grabbing shite) ?


    If i was offered more money by a competitor to my current employer, to have to work less, but still have the chance to win awards, and get soem kudos, yes i would.


    I have no problem with footballers taking the money, none at all. Its when we as fans pretend that they are heroes for doing so, and that they have some kind of solidarilty with us, that i get pissed off.


    Who is to say that he couldn't play a part in some way for Chelsea? He's never going to replace Lampard or Essien, but Ballack may not always be there.


    Either way, why would he come to a bottom half of the Prem club, as opposed to potential league and CL winners?


    Im sure you have laid into Dyer plenty of times for earning £80k a week and not doing anything but fair enough.


    Sidwell dropped down a division to get games, really can't see why he would go to Chelsea when there are at the moment about 4 players ahead of him. I would rather play 40 games for a team that might not win anything than a handful for a team that wins stuff that you havent ever really contributed to.


    I had a pop at Dyer for being a cunt, being very average but getting superstar wages, and having fuck all end product.


    As a fan of NUFC, i don't LIKE the idea of having average players like Dyer and Sidwell on great money but contributing little. If our competitors want to do that, fair enough, thats their call, cos THATS not my money.

  13. I just remember that everyone said there was no get out clause in his contract


    lied to again it seems


    what imbacile puts a get out clause in a players contract for half what he paid for him?


    Someone who knows that without it, the player will never coem to a club of this size, and who has to gamble on the player working out in order to continue his 'voice of the people/wanting to bring success' mythical personality.

  14. We're not a big club though, big fanbase yes, big potential yes, not a big club at the moment. The only advantage we offer over other clubs is our appalling wage structure.


    Who are you arguing with? Gartside?



    You dont have to point it out to us, we already know. Well most of us.






    Not arguing, just reiterating the stupidity of the "big club" wrongness.


    in the 50s, we coudl have argued that we were successful. Now, we have a relatively big fanbase (big, one team city), are stupid with money, and have particularly blinkered fans.

  15. considering he'd be behind lampard, essien, ballack, and obi-mikel in the midfield, yes.


    Good luck with that. We are an avergae sized club with little current prospect of advancement.


    If i was him, i'd sign for Chelsea.


    and never get a game? So basically if you were a footballer you would probably be everything you hate about other footballers (money grabbing shite) ?


    If i was offered more money by a competitor to my current employer, to have to work less, but still have the chance to win awards, and get soem kudos, yes i would.


    I have no problem with footballers taking the money, none at all. Its when we as fans pretend that they are heroes for doing so, and that they have some kind of solidarilty with us, that i get pissed off.


    Who is to say that he couldn't play a part in some way for Chelsea? He's never going to replace Lampard or Essien, but Ballack may not always be there.


    Either way, why would he come to a bottom half of the Prem club, as opposed to potential league and CL winners?

  16. If Owen wants to fuck off, so be it. You lads on here can put the club down all you want, but if you haven't got the desire to succeed with a club with huge resources, and with our club being so starved of successs, then your not somebody I wanted here in the first place.


    He'll be right down in my estimations (and most Newcastle fans) if he leaves mind, not that he gives a fuck.


    You're a Newcastle fan.  Owen's not.  He is also an employee of the club and probably has a much better idea of how fucked it is compared to proper big clubs (Liverpool, Real Madrid).  To expect a player that's played at clubs like that to be wowed by our "huge resources" is a touch naive.  And quite how being "starved of success" is supposed to entice him to stay, I haven't a clue.  Take the blinkers off man - this is a lad who knows what successful football clubs are all about and he knows that we haven't got what it takes.


    Like I said, I'm not going to cry into my cereal that he's fucking off.  By your regards Gemmill, why would anyone want to come here?




    Oh well then. Heres me thinking we were going to build a team on ability and work ethic. Now I'm looking foward to a team full of mercenaries, who have no desire to win anything, and will leave after two years, yipeeeeeeee.


    If they had any desire to win anything, they wouldn't have made the mistake of showing up here in the first place tbh.


    Exactamundo, as The Fonz might say.

  17.                       Harper


    Solano    Hunty    Ramage    Edgar


    Milner      Butt          Parker      The Zog


                    Owen      Martins

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