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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1.                                 Harper


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    or maybe with Luque in for Ameobi


    What the fuck?? What exactly are you expectingh a shite player like Ameobi to do???

  2. here we go again.. the man is not a 'nice bloke'.. he's the type of person that'd blame it all on the others, he turned his back on the players and fans a long time ago in his interviews, which were designed to please those that could fire him. remember 'nobody better was available' after the transfer windows or 'nobody could've done a better job', or talking about next season's plans hours before he 'resigned'.. of course he'll come up with some nice words, just to put a nice spin on things.. well, it's too late, cause everybody knows he failed because of his incompetence and lack of character

  3. The whole "we're a bigger club than them" argument is pointless anyway.  You get fuck all for being notionally bigger than another club.  We're still shite on the pitch, and of the three clubs mentioned, I would say all of them are currently run better than we are.  What is our "bigger" status doing for us?


    Well, it doesn't actually exist, because if you are shite, you are shite. And we ARE worse than those 3, by some margin in 2 cases.


    Newcastle fans can continue with the "we're a big club" lie if they want, but lets not pretend that we shoudl be competing in a higher tier of the league than Everton and Spurs are in, because thats our goal realisticaly for the forseeable future, not top 4.

  4. Lets not pretend that - if indeed it is coming from near the player - that he is innocent in this either. Yes, FFS made a mistake, but he isn't the only one.


    I wouldn't necessarily class trying to get out of the club 'a mistake' at the moment, but that is by the by.


    The point is Shepherd has brought the arguement into the public domain and I just cannot see any benifit in that (certainly not for the club) other than as something Shepherd can point to when he is forced to accept some insulting offer furthur down the line. Shepherd deserves all the flack directed at him over this in my opinion.


    Teh argument already was int he public domain, you can't blame the Fat Man for that.


    He CAN be blamed for handling it wrong, but not for what the players people have already done.

  5. As for the "hello Everton, Aston Villa and Spurs" thing, they are the clubs we should be alongside, but are not. Anyone who thinks we are a bigger club than Everton or Spurs is a f****** idiot.


    Anybody who doesn't think we're a bigger club than them, is a total wank, simple as that really.


    You're doing it again, Stevie. That whole "we're a big club nonesense". PLEase god don't base it on stadium size again.

  6. considering he'd be behind lampard, essien, ballack, and obi-mikel in the midfield, yes.


    Good luck with that. We are an avergae sized club with little current prospect of advancement.


    If i was him, i'd sign for Chelsea.

  7. nice gesture - and i really think he means it


    so he was making the previous stuff up? Either way, he's full of s**** at some point.


    Get to f***, Roeder,you cretin.


    He's crap a manager but I don't doubt his sincerity towards the club. Give him a break. You got what you want, he's no longer manager, so is it too hard for you to just be bit more gracious?

    Still, it's the club's loss - thought he was doing a fine job at the Academy. Shepherd should have appointed a proper manager right from the start, rather than taking the risk with Roeder.


    I agree Yoshi, I was never a fan of the appointment in the first place but I think there could still be a place for him in the academy.  I reckon Roeder is probably a decent enough coach but a useless manager.


    A decent coach? How and when exactly has he proven that?


    As for being gracious, thats a bit stupid, is it not? The man was a cretin of the highest order, him having left does not change that.


    I woudn't have him back in any capacity.

  8. Isn't it 'pathetic' that Shepherd acknowledges the actual existence of the 'press-created' Big Four Clubs.


    My god, just how FAR have we fallen in the last two seasons.


    Hello - Aston Villa, Everton and Spurs.


    You don't think there's a big 4? I do, and i think we are an incredible distance behind them. There are at least 4 tiers in the premiership, and whilst we should be looking to dominate the 2nd one, we are an average club in the 3rd.


    As for the "hello Everton, Aston Villa and Spurs" thing, they are the clubs we should be alongside, but are not. Anyone who thinks we are a bigger club than Everton or Spurs is a fucking idiot.

  9. Wouldnt have been there if he had played this season-simple answer.


    Possibly. TBH You would have probably finished 7th place max with him. Is that still good enough for a player like Owen??


    7th?? We'd be lucky to be 9th, i reckon.

  10. I genuinely don't want Allardyce. I'm not getting all of the stuff about him being this phenomenal manager, and a guaranteed success, just can't see that.


    I'll no doubt be proven wrong - unlike i was with Souness and Roeder - and that'll be a good thing .


    But Allardyce doesn't fill me with any confidence at all about the future.


    Who said that? :icon_scratch:


    Its inferred. People saying he's perfect, will get the best out of players, do this, do that.


    All i'm saying is that i don;'t see anything to get excited about with Allardyce (and for fucks sake can we stop the "Big Sam" thing, its embarassing and more than a bit gay), just a solid, dull, physical, very much mid table team.

  11. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premiership/newcastle/article1769418.ece


    Shepherd has thrashed out a six-figure compensation package with Phil Gartside, his opposite number at the Reebok Stadium.



    Deal looks as good as done.



    Speaking of compensation packages. If some other club decides to appoint Roeder as their new manager, will we get compensated?


    we'll need to pay THEM.

  12. Unless he wants to retire at 24 I doubt he will go to Chelsea! He is better than Darren Fletcher though.


    But the money is too tempting.


    £50,000 per week, 5 year deal plus a heft signing on fee (say £2m) since he's on a free = £15m = life of luxury considering he was a Championship player last season.


    And you think he'd go to an average-sized club above a team offering him the potential for cups, Champions League, league titles??

  13. Freddy wants shot if he makes an appointment on Monday mind. That just shows he's taken the easy option, seen Sam's available, so appointed him. I'd be happy with a few weeks of speculation if it meant proper talks with other candidates (Flores, Sven, Houllier, etc), before just handing it to Sam.

    Disagree nut. If he has decided Sams the man he wants, i'd rather he went out and got him.


    Thats the point, though. He's made that decision based on the fact that Allardyce is available and he's heard of him. He's clearly not considering too many other people, which is wrong.


    Personally, i'd rather we spent some time and got the right man, than jump in and get the easist - but not best - option.


    To be fair NM, you should be pleased we're going for a manager with any calibre.


    Remember last time we tried your method... we spent months trying to figure out who to appoint and then plunged for Roeder as he'd done well.


    To you really want to risk Pearson being put in full time.


    So we should plump for someone who may not be the best choice, just because we made a mistake last time?


    Anyway, i don't believe we DID scour Europe last time, i think Fat Man always knew what he was going to do, and as soon as someone lile Wenger didn't kick the door down, he took the soft option, just like he is now.

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