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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. cant see him leaving this summer, but definately next if we dont make great strides.


    he owes us a year, and he knows it, he cant come here and be injured for 2 years, let us pickup the tab and then do one when he i in (apparently) the best shape of his life.


    we'll get a year out of him, im convinced of that


    If we were going to sell him I'd sell him next summer as he'll only have a year left on his contract and I doubt he'll want to renew it.


    I can't see him leaving full stop especially not on the contract he is on. I mean Thierry Henry only recently singed a new contract of 100K per week at Arsenal and Owen earns 110K per week. Only Chelski or Man U could offer those terms and FFS has already clearly stated there is no clause.


    and you believe him?? ahahahahahahahaaha

  2. Whats all this shite about him owing us? Does anyone REALLY think thats how he feels?


    No-one here knows if he has some clause in his contract, but everyone surely knows that his priority is England.

  3. I will be happy if that is true.As much as I dont want to see Dyer leaving,Nolan coming as a replacement would be a good choice.The article said that Taylor will be the only survivor? That part is worrying me because I think there are still a few others in the team who deserve to stay.


    A replacement for Dyer? Why would we sign a first team player to replace one who should only be on the bench at best?

  4. Freddy wants shot if he makes an appointment on Monday mind. That just shows he's taken the easy option, seen Sam's available, so appointed him. I'd be happy with a few weeks of speculation if it meant proper talks with other candidates (Flores, Sven, Houllier, etc), before just handing it to Sam.

    Disagree nut. If he has decided Sams the man he wants, i'd rather he went out and got him.


    Thats the point, though. He's made that decision based on the fact that Allardyce is available and he's heard of him. He's clearly not considering too many other people, which is wrong.


    Personally, i'd rather we spent some time and got the right man, than jump in and get the easist - but not best - option.

  5. He's so over-rated by Newcastle fans. He's crap. Strolls about when it comes to kicking, and when he finally does put a boot through it, 9 times out of 10 it doesn't go far, goes out of play, finds an opposition player. Get rid, promote Krul to reserve keeper, sign some lower league keeper as 3rd choice.


    this, his distribution is god awful.


    nearly as bad as Givens.

  6. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    Really need to pick the relegated EPL clubs and the none promoted Championship clubs for their star players imo, that alone could create a core team which would see us back up at the top.


    Baines (if Wigan go down)

    Bale (If Soton dont come up)

    Davies (If WBA dont come up)



    Barnes (If Derby dont come up)


    Baines, Davies, Young, Barnes & Bent for me would see us laughing next season, even just the 1st 3 (Baines, Davies, Young) would get us 5th imo.


    5th with our midfield?? Mentalist.


    Duff, Zoggy, Dyer, Emre, Butt, Parker, Milner, Solano - two players for every position, decent ones under a new manager and a solid defense, i dont see why not. I'd quite happy get rid of most of them, but they are all sought after players and would take very good players to replace them.


    1) they are not "sought after players"

    2) Duff, Dyer, Park


    All linked with big money moves in 2007, i'm not seeing your point.


    i hit send by an accident. read it again, sorry.


    After edit:3


    Maybe so, and i'm in the same opinion, but others dont share it and rate these players.


    If we sold Dyer, Parker & Duff in the summer who would buy and how much would we get, i think more than we should tbh, but in the end of the day they are good EPL players & British, and they hold value.




    I reckon maybe £4m for Duff if they didn't see him play for us, maybe the same for Parker if we're lucky, £2.5m for Dyer.


    £7m was the supposed bid for Duff from Spurs, a reported £8m+ fee for Parker from WHU.


    I reckon nothing less than £5m for Dyer, someone would take a chance, if not Spurs, Portsmouth or several teams of that ability.


    Those figures are all just paper shite though, and you know it. And you know how full of crap the papers are too.


    We'll have to wait and see, but lets not pretend they are top Premiership players.

  7. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    Really need to pick the relegated EPL clubs and the none promoted Championship clubs for their star players imo, that alone could create a core team which would see us back up at the top.


    Baines (if Wigan go down)

    Bale (If Soton dont come up)

    Davies (If WBA dont come up)



    Barnes (If Derby dont come up)


    Baines, Davies, Young, Barnes & Bent for me would see us laughing next season, even just the 1st 3 (Baines, Davies, Young) would get us 5th imo.


    5th with our midfield?? Mentalist.


    Duff, Zoggy, Dyer, Emre, Butt, Parker, Milner, Solano - two players for every position, decent ones under a new manager and a solid defense, i dont see why not. I'd quite happy get rid of most of them, but they are all sought after players and would take very good players to replace them.


    1) they are not "sought after players"

    2) Duff, Dyer, Park


    All linked with big money moves in 2007, i'm not seeing your point.


    i hit send by an accident. read it again, sorry.


    After edit:3


    Maybe so, and i'm in the same opinion, but others dont share it and rate these players.


    If we sold Dyer, Parker & Duff in the summer who would buy and how much would we get, i think more than we should tbh, but in the end of the day they are good EPL players & British, and they hold value.




    I reckon maybe £4m for Duff if they didn't see him play for us, maybe the same for Parker if we're lucky, £2.5m for Dyer.

  8. Alan Oliver must die


    Why? Because the players haven't performed as they should? You're funny.


    no. because he sold me his pubic hairs.


    you're the fool who thought it was hashish, or whatever you crazy kids inject to get your highs.

  9. So, much like yesterday tripe from Oliver, he still refuses to apportion any blame towards, or question Roeder?????


    Everything that went wrong is the players (and Martins in particular) fault?????



    Unbelievable! :uglystupid2:




    They must take some of the blame for their own performances.


    Did you see Dyer in the reading game? What did you think of his performance??

  10. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    Really need to pick the relegated EPL clubs and the none promoted Championship clubs for their star players imo, that alone could create a core team which would see us back up at the top.


    Baines (if Wigan go down)

    Bale (If Soton dont come up)

    Davies (If WBA dont come up)



    Barnes (If Derby dont come up)


    Baines, Davies, Young, Barnes & Bent for me would see us laughing next season, even just the 1st 3 (Baines, Davies, Young) would get us 5th imo.


    5th with our midfield?? Mentalist.


    Duff, Zoggy, Dyer, Emre, Butt, Parker, Milner, Solano - two players for every position, decent ones under a new manager and a solid defense, i dont see why not. I'd quite happy get rid of most of them, but they are all sought after players and would take very good players to replace them.


    1) they are not "sought after players"

    2) Duff, Dyer, Park


    All linked with big money moves in 2007, i'm not seeing your point.


    What big money moves??

  11. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    Really need to pick the relegated EPL clubs and the none promoted Championship clubs for their star players imo, that alone could create a core team which would see us back up at the top.


    Baines (if Wigan go down)

    Bale (If Soton dont come up)

    Davies (If WBA dont come up)



    Barnes (If Derby dont come up)


    Baines, Davies, Young, Barnes & Bent for me would see us laughing next season, even just the 1st 3 (Baines, Davies, Young) would get us 5th imo.


    5th with our midfield?? Mentalist.


    Duff, Zoggy, Dyer, Emre, Butt, Parker, Milner, Solano - two players for every position, decent ones under a new manager and a solid defense, i dont see why not. I'd quite happy get rid of most of them, but they are all sought after players and would take very good players to replace them.


    1) they are not "sought after players"

    2) Duff, Dyer, Park


    All linked with big money moves in 2007, i'm not seeing your point.


    i hit send by an accident. read it again, sorry.

  12. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    Really need to pick the relegated EPL clubs and the none promoted Championship clubs for their star players imo, that alone could create a core team which would see us back up at the top.


    Baines (if Wigan go down)

    Bale (If Soton dont come up)

    Davies (If WBA dont come up)



    Barnes (If Derby dont come up)


    Baines, Davies, Young, Barnes & Bent for me would see us laughing next season, even just the 1st 3 (Baines, Davies, Young) would get us 5th imo.


    5th with our midfield?? Mentalist.


    Duff, Zoggy, Dyer, Emre, Butt, Parker, Milner, Solano - two players for every position, decent ones under a new manager and a solid defense, i dont see why not. I'd quite happy get rid of most of them, but they are all sought after players and would take very good players to replace them.


    1) they are not "sought after players"

    2) Duff, Dyer, Parker and Solano (as winger) are not good enough.

    3) it wouldn't take a "very good player" to replace Dyer, Parker etc, they're mediocre at very best.

  13. how could i when i live in Sydney! smartarse


    According to grandfather NE5 and some other mentalists on this board you cant have opinion about Newcastle and the team unless you have been on the stadium watching the team live


    You can't have as good a view of the game, and any comments you make on the game should be read with that taken into account.

  14. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    Really need to pick the relegated EPL clubs and the none promoted Championship clubs for their star players imo, that alone could create a core team which would see us back up at the top.


    Baines (if Wigan go down)

    Bale (If Soton dont come up)

    Davies (If WBA dont come up)



    Barnes (If Derby dont come up)


    Baines, Davies, Young, Barnes & Bent for me would see us laughing next season, even just the 1st 3 (Baines, Davies, Young) would get us 5th imo.


    5th with our midfield?? Mentalist.

  15. Individual comparisons of this nature don't mean a lot imo. It's a team thing, it's about getting the blend and balance right. Even if overall we have better players than Bolton there is no guarantee Allardyce will be able to mould them into a decent team.


    I'm not sure where the idea of us having excellent midfielders/forwards is coming from. Our midfielders in particular are very over-rated and up front we only have 1 striker of genuine and real quality. We have another striker of potential good quality but the rest are shite. 


    We won't break the 40 goals scored barrier this season and we've conceded less goals than Bolton.


    All true. The midfield myth comes from the incorrect view that Dyer, Parker, Duff etc are top class.

  16. The pulling power of Newcastle will be bigger than that of Allardyce IMO. It helps that he is capable of attracting good players to a smaller club, this suggests he wouldn't have too much problem here. I was shocked when they signed Hierro, even at his age that was a mini coup.


    One thing is for sure, he's a damn side better than Roeder in that depatment.


    Newcastle with a solid manager is a magnet, he's a good enough name to bring in the players we need.


    Of course he is. If we start challenging in a year or two imo there won't be many players we can't attract.


    challenging for what? League cup maybe, if he totally culls the squad and starts again.

  17. http://football.guardian.co.uk/News_Story/0,,2074357,00.html


    "Bolton's reaction to any possible developments remains to be seen. Their chairman, Phil Gartside, was decisive nine days ago in enforcing Allardyce's resignation from the club and said Bolton would pursue compensation if Allardyce was to be appointed elsewhere. But Gartside had Manchester City in mind specifically when he was speaking then and the readiness of Newcastle and Allardyce to wait until after this season ends suggests that contractual clauses surrounding compensation may have elapsed by next week. Bolton were unable to confirm any details yesterday."


    This could be spot on hence no official confirmation of anything till the season ends.


    "Sam Allardyce is expected to be confirmed as the new manager of Newcastle United by the end of next week. It is understood the former Bolton Wanderers manager will be offered a three-year contract at St James' Park and, although there was no comment yesterday from either Newcastle or Allardyce, who is on holiday in Spain, the deal is effectively sealed."


    Would have preferred a 5 year deal. Quite surprised if it only turns out to be 3 years. Maybe it is a signal that Shearer WILL be next.


    Not quite sure how you reached that conclusion.


    Through his powers of making s**** up.


    You must have taught him well.


    Nothing to do with me. He makes his own ITK bollocks up, and believes whatever the papers say.


    Everything i say is my own opinion, i'm quite clear on that. Cheers.


    Mate, am messin. Can't someone have a bit of banter round here anymore.  :razz:


    Not if you accuse innocent passers by of that kind of ITK bollocks, no. That sort of thing scars a man, leavs him a broken shell of a human being, unable to carry on without professional help.


    Or something.




    I never take what I write on here too seriously. Those who know me know that.


    My fucking keyboard is drivign me mental. << Look! I left that one in!! keeps on missing out letters and numbers. Stupid microsoft.

  18. Allardyce has signed big names Ivan Campo, Jay Jay Okocha, and Youri Djorkaeff. They all liked him, and word gets around other players.


    No top player would turn down Allardyce.


    Ivan Campo was Real Madrid reject

    Okocha and Djorkaeff at the time were above 30 and they were past their best

    The signings of Anelka,Meite,Ben Haim,Faye are more impressive for me.


    But, they are big names with big reputations. Players abroad will know about Sam Allardyce, and the quality of his managerial skills, because this information spreads by word of mouth.


    True that they were big names with big reputaions but they were hardly top players especially Campo

    The thing i like about Allardyce is the fact that his scouting/searching system is at good level.He is bringing players from Africa and they are all good.He can spot the good player.


    They were all big name players for a club like Bolton.


    but allardyce isn't going to be at a club like bolton.


    No, he'll be at a club like Newcastle and should be able to attract better players.


    At the time Bolton were near enough nothing, and he was bringing in solid names, Anelka is another example of how far he's got, a player we looked at over and over again.


    the hilarity was at the "no top palyer would turn down Sam Allardyce", which is a level of myopic self-importance and stupidity that surprised me even from a NUFC fan.

  19. Allardyce has signed big names Ivan Campo, Jay Jay Okocha, and Youri Djorkaeff. They all liked him, and word gets around other players.


    No top player would turn down Allardyce.


    Ivan Campo was Real Madrid reject

    Okocha and Djorkaeff at the time were above 30 and they were past their best

    The signings of Anelka,Meite,Ben Haim,Faye are more impressive for me.


    But, they are big names with big reputations. Players abroad will know about Sam Allardyce, and the quality of his managerial skills, because this information spreads by word of mouth.


    True that they were big names with big reputaions but they were hardly top players especially Campo

    The thing i like about Allardyce is the fact that his scouting/searching system is at good level.He is bringing players from Africa and they are all good.He can spot the good player.


    They were all big name players for a club like Bolton.


    but allardyce isn't going to be at a club like bolton.

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