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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. A new manager means a fresh start for everyone and that incluses Dyer, infact I would be canny pissed off if a new manager came in and just outed players without checking them out for themselves first. That would not fbe good managment..


    If the new man doesn't perform an immediate cull, he'll be a bigger fool than Roeder.

  2. SSN Big Sam - "I'm not joiining Newcastle"










    SORRY, could'nt help it :D who paniced?


    I had a moment of relief, truth be told.

    :D was it a kind of "oh well all that speculation will stop" moment ??


    No, more of a "now we can get the RIGHT man for the job, not just a BETTER man than the last one" moment.

  3. Dyer, never produced during his what, 8 years here?


    Find it funny that so many think Alladyce is gonna turn him into a world beater and we can build a team round him, and Alladyce is also gonna do it to Luque, Parker, Duff....


    Dyer is the biggest waste of space in English football, i just dont see anybody wanting to take him from us.


    Some mug might give us £2.5m for him, if we're lucky. I'd take their hand off for that.

  4. Has either Roeder or Shepherd said anything yet?


    Roeder mumbled something about it being the fault of the players, the fans, and the opposition, and that The Lord God Himself could not have done better. he then started rocking back and forward, repeating something about injuries, and it being ok now Shola's back.


    Fat Man hasn't said a damned thing since it was reported that Greggs were going to pilot the opening of some shops in Newcastle into the early hours for drinkers, like a kebab shop. Ever since he heard that, he's been sat, still, staring into the middle distance, and dribbling a tiny bit out of one corner of his mouth.

  5. hopefully we won't sign sidwell.


    just not good enough, and no better than the not good enough players we already have.


    Maybe not good enough - depends what the immediate aim is. If it's top 4 then no. Top 6 - possibly. Don't forget that Reading are only 2 points away and he's been their best CM this season.


    He's better than Parker though, and we could probably get a fair few £££ for Parker if we wanted - he is stil in the England squad afterall. If we got back what we paid for him and brought in Sidwell on a free and almost certainly less wages that would be an excellent piece of business imo.


    There's really ony stupid NUFC fans who think that the likes of Dyer and Parker are real England players, though. Most teams wouldn't be swayed by that.


    I'm not certain he IS better than Parker.


    And i meant top 6/7 - there's no way we have anywhere near a squad for the top 4, and we're not particularly a big enough club to consider that at this point.

  6. Not much of a difference eh? Anyway I dont care whos in charge for the match,the game is worthless whether we win or lose.I just want to see the players playing better football and at least show some desire to win.That would be a good way to end the season and dedicate the match to Glenn.


    dedicate the match to Glenn? You mean, beat an inferior team, then go "thats how you do it, you incompetent, useless shyster"?

  7. How many more chances do people want the little cunt to get? How many times can different excuses be made for him?


    Overrated, overpaid, overhyped, and not particularly effective. The only chance i'd give the manky little waster is a 5 minute head start before i unleashed the hounds.

  8. Its not Allardyce's fault that he has shit players


    With is he will have a fantastic strike force, Midfielders, all he needs to do is do what he does best, fix our damn defence..


    Two things - who signed his shit players?


    and what "fantastic" strike force and midfield???


    Fantastic, hahahahahahahaahaha

  9. recently alex ferguson blamed injuries and league fixtures for them getting tonked off milan,mourinho has constantly used inuries as an excuse all season,benitez did at the start of the season they won the champs league,wenger can't see his own players foul someone from 3ft away put can see a penalty appeal from 50yds at pitch level........all managers lie and make excuses when they get beat.


    Do they go "i won't do this", then suddnly start bleating on about it anyway when their f****** GENIUS ideas of playing random players out of position, and failing to replace s**** players, don't work?

    when the s*** hits the fan they all clutch at straws re fegusons rant about having a league game,mourinho saying we had the likes of huntington to call on......and yes they've both played players out of position,...didn't replace the s***..got me there,you're lying if you say he didn't try to replace a few them though.


    Who did he try to replace Babayaro with? Or Ameobi? Or Shambles?


    You've shown in the past your bizarre love for the man, so there's nothing more to say without going over the same ground. You think he did a good job/tried his best/did what he could/whatever it is you have dreamt up. Good for you. I don't, good for me. The end.

    i understand he tried to replace babayaro with bridge(if the cole deal hadn't dragged 0n) and bramble with woodgate,huth and zat knight.ameobi i haven't got a clue,you do apparently as you know everything that goes inside SJP.



    you've shown in the past your bizzarre hatred for the man,so theres nothing more to say blah blah blah.........................................


    what i have always said is he isn't as bad as you make out as a manager and person but your childish over exageration on everything to do with him is  the kind i got over when gordon lee sold supermac.


    You've no idea whether or not he went for Bridge any more than you do that he's not a bad person. Total conjecture, as always.


    As for not being a bad manager, i was under the impression that you followed NUFC. My mistake, clearlyt, as if you did, and actually watched a game, you'd have seen what this lying, incompetent, stupid cretin was doing.

    to me a shit manager gets his team relegated.,thats what i mean about you going waaay over the top,you know i've already said i don't think he's a great manager or the answer to what we need so do stop and make out that i have......and i've met him a couple of times,nicer bloke than keegan to meet in the street.


    "when i met him he was canny".....thats essentially what your defence of him is based on?


    Well done with that. I met a fella who'd killed a man, once. Was really canny, as a fella, good craic. Didn't make him a good person.


    Roeder is a shify little lying cunt, imho, and i'm not likely to change my opinion than you are.



  10. The only ones id 100% keep are Shay, Solano, Taylor, Milner and Martins.

    I'd get rid of Bramble, Gooch, Carr, Pattison, Moore, Luque and the rest would have half a season to prove they are worthy of a place.


    I'd add Babayaro, Ameobi, Sibierski and Dyer to the "gone" list, but others maybe should be allowed to prove it, as long as there are no more pathetic excuses.


    cant realistically see us getting shot of 10 players like.


    Who you WOULD, not who we CAN.


    Players who HAVE to go, for me, are Carr, Babayaro, Shambles, Moore, Gooch (loanee, of course), Sibiershi, Dyer, Ameobi.


    We can struggle on with the rest, even though some aren't good enough to be where we want to be.

  11. recently alex ferguson blamed injuries and league fixtures for them getting tonked off milan,mourinho has constantly used inuries as an excuse all season,benitez did at the start of the season they won the champs league,wenger can't see his own players foul someone from 3ft away put can see a penalty appeal from 50yds at pitch level........all managers lie and make excuses when they get beat.


    Do they go "i won't do this", then suddnly start bleating on about it anyway when their f****** GENIUS ideas of playing random players out of position, and failing to replace s**** players, don't work?

    when the s*** hits the fan they all clutch at straws re fegusons rant about having a league game,mourinho saying we had the likes of huntington to call on......and yes they've both played players out of position,...didn't replace the s***..got me there,you're lying if you say he didn't try to replace a few them though.


    Who did he try to replace Babayaro with? Or Ameobi? Or Shambles?


    You've shown in the past your bizarre love for the man, so there's nothing more to say without going over the same ground. You think he did a good job/tried his best/did what he could/whatever it is you have dreamt up. Good for you. I don't, good for me. The end.

    i understand he tried to replace babayaro with bridge(if the cole deal hadn't dragged 0n) and bramble with woodgate,huth and zat knight.ameobi i haven't got a clue,you do apparently as you know everything that goes inside SJP.



    you've shown in the past your bizzarre hatred for the man,so theres nothing more to say blah blah blah.........................................


    what i have always said is he isn't as bad as you make out as a manager and person but your childish over exageration on everything to do with him is  the kind i got over when gordon lee sold supermac.


    You've no idea whether or not he went for Bridge any more than you do that he's not a bad person. Total conjecture, as always.


    As for not being a bad manager, i was under the impression that you followed NUFC. My mistake, clearlyt, as if you did, and actually watched a game, you'd have seen what this lying, incompetent, stupid cretin was doing.

  12. The only ones id 100% keep are Shay, Solano, Taylor, Milner and Martins.

    I'd get rid of Bramble, Gooch, Carr, Pattison, Moore, Luque and the rest would have half a season to prove they are worthy of a place.


    I'd add Babayaro, Ameobi, Sibierski and Dyer to the "gone" list, but others maybe should be allowed to prove it, as long as there are no more pathetic excuses.



    15. Onyewu - s****, sell.




    Not ours to sell.


    Thank fuck.


    And again, all the fools who said he was clealry class based on 2 45-minute periods look daft, as he is fucking rubbish.


  14. No one would ever pay £7m for a player of Steve Sidwell's capabilities.


    Souness would.


    But hopefully our next manager won't want him.


    The player isn't worth it, tbh.


    Only if he happened to be playing for Rangers at the time...


    And he could add another £5m to the price.

  15. 8. Dyer - Enigmatic, but if we want to win things, we want the likes of Dyer in the squad, keep.

    23. Ameobi - Good player, will probably be very important, keep.

    33. Babayaro - Should keep him because we can't be doing with buying two left-backs, keep.





    A triumphant return to comedy form after the humiliation of your stupid "fact" prediction of wankerboy seeing out his contract. Genius.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



  16. recently alex ferguson blamed injuries and league fixtures for them getting tonked off milan,mourinho has constantly used inuries as an excuse all season,benitez did at the start of the season they won the champs league,wenger can't see his own players foul someone from 3ft away put can see a penalty appeal from 50yds at pitch level........all managers lie and make excuses when they get beat.


    Do they go "i won't do this", then suddnly start bleating on about it anyway when their f****** GENIUS ideas of playing random players out of position, and failing to replace s**** players, don't work?

    when the shit hits the fan they all clutch at straws re fegusons rant about having a league game,mourinho saying we had the likes of huntington to call on......and yes they've both played players out of position,...didn't replace the shit..got me there,you're lying if you say he didn't try to replace a few them though.


    Who did he try to replace Babayaro with? Or Ameobi? Or Shambles?


    You've shown in the past your bizarre love for the man, so there's nothing more to say without going over the same ground. You think he did a good job/tried his best/did what he could/whatever it is you have dreamt up. Good for you. I don't, good for me. The end.

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