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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. Chill Winston, Roeder's gone. Its gonna be okay. We're gonna start scoring again, and even defending, and we'll gradually climb back up the table. Shepherd will sell us to a Billionaire geordie brilliant businessman, and in a couple of years we will win the league. At least thats what 'the voices' tell me.


    Do the voices tell you where we'll get 2 or 3 defenders and a striker from?? Cos if so, send your answers (written in puppy blood on a suspiciously-stained postcard to: Fat Fred, c/o Greggs, Blackett St, Newcastle, NE1.

  2. We have a decent spine to the team and in Krul, Edgar, Taylor, Zoggy, Milner, Martins and Carroll we have a fine crop of younger players there. With 53,000 fans every week, a stadium that could well hold 60,000 plus in the not too distant future and with a turnover of £90-100m - there is an awful lot there to work with and aid any would be good to excellent manager. It goes without saying this is the critical point in these players' NUFC careers, our future and the future of the board. We may be a million miles away from the top 4 but the rest, we are not and if any club can challenge that top four, it is us as we showed under Sir Bobby - a good manager who was right for the club at the time. We now need to find another Sir Bobby if you like.


    Over to you Freddy and co...


    This is the key appointment. For what it's worth I think he will get it right. It's not about turnover btw its about profit.


    If this is our key, driving the club into the future appointment, then he's got it wrong with Fat Head Allardyce.


    He'd be acceptable as a stopgap, but not much more.

  3. recently alex ferguson blamed injuries and league fixtures for them getting tonked off milan,mourinho has constantly used inuries as an excuse all season,benitez did at the start of the season they won the champs league,wenger can't see his own players foul someone from 3ft away put can see a penalty appeal from 50yds at pitch level........all managers lie and make excuses when they get beat.


    Do they go "i won't do this", then suddnly start bleating on about it anyway when their fucking GENIUS ideas of playing random players out of position, and failing to replace shite players, don't work?

  4. Hey, give credit where credit is due. I could only wish to obtain a record of such in the italian leagues. Take a bow Stevie.

    The injury "crisis" (obviously put in quotes to take away from its legitamacy) was a serious problem, that any other manager would have complained abut.  Roeder should have said it was a reason for a lot of the problems here.  Hell, when Mourinho lost terry for a few games, he couldn;t shut up about it. Roeder only started talking about it in the last few months. 


    There were rarely players out who should have actually been in the first team in the first place, if Roeder hadn't beenfucking rubbish in the transfer market. Thats what i think, anyway.


    Oh, and don't encourage Stevie, he'll only start going on.


    (and i lost a game in my bestest ever season, the smug wanker.)

  5. What will Kevn Bond thin if Big Sam is appointed? Sacked for his appearance on that BBC1 show when it was Big Sam who as the main focus.


    How can Sheppard even appoint Big Sam.....im sure Kevin Bond still taking the club to court for unfair dismissal.


    What would any action taken by an ex employee have to do with the appointment of a different person to a different role?



    I won't however buy any club merchandise, buy beer or food in the ground or buy a match programme.




    Good lad, that'll teach the bastards to mess with us.


    BTW Skunkers is full of arseholes who've held this club back too long with their "we don't like you, but here's 500 quid" attitude, move over for the new breed of fan, mongs who wave their shoes about and watch the match on youtube.




    ding ding ding!!! We have a winner.

  7. Happy that Roeder has gone, the c***.


    Disappointed that we are left with the knowledge that Sam Allardyce is the best manager we can get here.


    So, specifically relating to the new manager - disappointed.

    It's harsh calling Roeder a c***.  If you were offered the toon manager;s job would you say no?  No. Roeder didn't neither.  I'm sure many would be justified in calling you a c***.  Why's he a c***?


    I wouldn't take a job i knew i'd fail at, and if he thought he was good enough, he's stupid as well as a c***.


    As for him being a c***, well: transfers; formations; tactics; team selections; lies upon lies; blame-shifting.



    that makes him a poor manager, not a c***. you on the other hand...


    I what? I can only assume you are admitting that i am not a poor manager, as my record with Championship Manager Italia in the mid 90's proves.


    As for that cockney w****** being a poor manager, you think that the lies and blame-avoidance is just poor management? I think its the work of a c***.


    But you're probably in the "he's a nice fella, tried his best" brigade, with absolutely f*** all evidence to back up any of that w***.

    I won 34 out of 34 with Lazio in CM Italia.  His blame avoidance in the main was no where near, NEE WHERE FUCKIN NEAR, Souness levels.


    Show off.


    Its not a fucking relative exercise, Stevie. Yes, Souness was a lying, blame-shifting nobhead. But that doesn't mean that Roeder is innocent of it, just because he did it a bit less. He still did it fucking far too much.

  8. lies upon lies? WMD's in Iraq, that is a lie. Roeder being shiffty about who he wants to sign? Come the fuck on.

    and yes, I am admitting that you are not a poor manager... :lol:


    Bloody good job, too. Spent sodding months conquering the Italian league!


    Roeders lies weren't just about his transfers, they were also about the injury "crisis", the fact that it was HIS fault we had no players in certain positions, his statement that he wouldn't use injuries as an excuse, and his passing the buck to everyone else.


  9. Happy that Roeder has gone, the c***.


    Disappointed that we are left with the knowledge that Sam Allardyce is the best manager we can get here.


    So, specifically relating to the new manager - disappointed.

    It's harsh calling Roeder a c***.  If you were offered the toon manager;s job would you say no?  No. Roeder didn't neither.  I'm sure many would be justified in calling you a c***.  Why's he a c***?


    I wouldn't take a job i knew i'd fail at, and if he thought he was good enough, he's stupid as well as a c***.


    As for him being a c***, well: transfers; formations; tactics; team selections; lies upon lies; blame-shifting.



    that makes him a poor manager, not a c***. you on the other hand...



    I'd take the job.  Should be the best job in the world, better than a shitey 15 grand a year anyway.


    You'd take a job knowing you weren't good enough, and that you'd let your employer, staff, and thousands upon thousands of desperate customers down? I wouldn't.


    You're demoted, Stevie. Only £14k a year for you now*




    * Not sure its actually legal to pay someone that little nowadays, but that'll Learn you.

  10. Happy that Roeder has gone, the c***.


    Disappointed that we are left with the knowledge that Sam Allardyce is the best manager we can get here.


    So, specifically relating to the new manager - disappointed.

    It's harsh calling Roeder a c***.  If you were offered the toon manager;s job would you say no?  No. Roeder didn't neither.  I'm sure many would be justified in calling you a c***.  Why's he a c***?


    I wouldn't take a job i knew i'd fail at, and if he thought he was good enough, he's stupid as well as a c***.


    As for him being a c***, well: transfers; formations; tactics; team selections; lies upon lies; blame-shifting.



    that makes him a poor manager, not a cunt. you on the other hand...


    I what? I can only assume you are admitting that i am not a poor manager, as my record with Championship Manager Italia in the mid 90's proves.


    As for that cockney wanker being a poor manager, you think that the lies and blame-avoidance is just poor management? I think its the work of a cunt.


    But you're probably in the "he's a nice fella, tried his best" brigade, with absolutely fuck all evidence to back up any of that wank.

  11. Dyer needs to go as does much of the dross that is currently given inflated salaries at this club. I doubt we will get rid of Shepherd but let us hope that the next manager can get rid of all the following dead wood- Mcdermott, Clark, Pearson, - Ameobi, Ramage, Carr, Babayaro, Bramble, Moore, Parker, Emre. Lets face it , they are all rubbish and we need a complete fresh start if we are ever to achieve anything.


    Sibierski and Duff, too. An old, slow journeyman, and a pick-your-games shithouse. Better off without them.

  12. I missed the match on Saturday,  I have heard he was pretty bad again and didnt give much (as usual).  Is the little waster finally finished at NFC?


    If the new manager is anywhere near competent, that little scumbag will be gone as soon as he can be.


    And lets not pretend its a "i'd take £5m for him" job, because he's a very. very mediocre player. If we could get £2.5m for him, and get rid of his (fit for an actual star) wages, i'd be over the moon.


  13. Happy that Roeder has gone, the c***.


    Disappointed that we are left with the knowledge that Sam Allardyce is the best manager we can get here.


    So, specifically relating to the new manager - disappointed.

    It's harsh calling Roeder a cunt.  If you were offered the toon manager;s job would you say no?  No. Roeder didn't neither.  I'm sure many would be justified in calling you a cunt.  Why's he a cunt?


    I wouldn't take a job i knew i'd fail at, and if he thought he was good enough, he's stupid as well as a cunt.


    As for him being a cunt, well: transfers; formations; tactics; team selections; lies upon lies; blame-shifting.



  14. Yorkie, while you're here when will people get it into their heads that Roeder's going to be here next season man?!? They're all losing the plot around here, silly mo'fos


    It was all a scheme. I knew i'd jinx it if i said he's stay. ;)


    Nice try. :lol:


    You've all got me to thank, to be perfectly honest.


    Yes, we do, for proving what a load of shite you posted.

  15. Hughes, Alladayce, Klinsmann, Erikkson - FORGET THEM, they wont do be a success here


    Ramos, Van Gaal, Mourinho, Koeman, Hiddink, Hitzfeld...yep.


    :lol: love the randomness.

    Theres as much chance of Mourinho coming when he leaves Chelsea, as there is Van Gaal and Ramos leaving their clubs to come to the toon!


    'fraid so.


    ...but we ARE a big club, though.......loyalest football supporters........likes of Dyer, world class.......world famous club.....


    in fact, i'm shocked Jose hasn't jacked in at Chelsea and come here! Don't know why he's bothering himself with the likes of Lampard, Ballack, Mikel and Essien, when there are Top England International Talents like Dyer, Parker, Ameobi and Emre to work with!! The damned crazy Portugee!!!

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