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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey


    A Germany that had previously been falling to pieces ?

    No, dunno why, I just feel he'd do a good job.

    Charismatic, certainly. Thats something we haven't had for a LOOOONNNGG time - and that can sometimes be all you need to kickstart a recovery we BADLY need.




    no, we need more than that to kickstart US. like 2/3 of a first team, half decent back up, and a fucking plan.

  2. We might as well have just given it to Shay. He has been here for ages and he is an inspirational player for us at least.


    I know it's not ideal to have a goalkeeper as captain as outfield players are better but when you consider our other options ...


    just cos he's been here years, he should be captain??


    the fact that he has proven himself incapable of controlling and inspiring the back four, never mind the whole team, is a bit more relevant i think.

  3. we ARE a fucking joke club, us.


    dyers return to fitness? a very average player with little or no end product, who put in the worst captains performance i have ever seen. yes, he's a brilliant ray of light, him.

  4. i'm waiting to see who he brings in. 

    if its someone i have no particular liking for as a manager, i'll maybe not bother. say its Allardyce, for example.


    but if its someone who can actually spark some enthusiasm, i'll renew.


    if its someone stupid like Pearson or the like being touted, i'll jack it in.

  5. he did fuck all of his own at the academy, for christs sake. p


    shit manager, liar and honourless man. thats his legacy.


    bearing in mind what a charlatan he was as a manager, i think he was lucky last season. we were desperate, players we desperate. any clown would prob have kept us up.

  6. he only seems to be able to handle the little things, look how much he damaged the youngsters in the first team.


    how anyone could want this damaging cretin back is beyond me.

  7. of course there was pressure by the board. left up to him, that southern wanker would have passed the blame to someone else for saturdays game, made up some lies about injuries, then continued to fuck up.


    glad you've fucked off, roeder, now don't come back. ever.

  8. you make a snap judgement that he is an honourable man, just as much as i do that he's a c***.


    one thing for sure, he's a liar, which doesn't help your version of him.


    Well he has resigned, which seems to me an honourable thing to do.  Perhaps you don't know what it is to be honourable?


    By the way, I do hope you have very strong evidence to prove he has lied, because if you go accusing people of lying, particularly in print, you will very soon find yourself in court accused of libel. 


    he didn't resign until fat man was going to get rid, after WE kicked off. had he gone earlier, it might have been a valid argument, but if we hadn't started, he'd still be there.


    as for the lying thing, thats well documented. i mean, glenn roeder will never blame injuries......

  9. So does anybody think all the players who were going to leave under Roeder, Bramble, Moore, Gooch etc will now get an extra year to prove themselves under the new manager?

    not if the new manager has ever watched us, or indeed any top flight football, ever.

  10. no.one knows if he was a 'good man' or not, but he was a liar.


    he shouldn't get our gratitude for 'trying', that was his fucking job!


    fact is, he's once again proven himself to be a liar, a woeful manager, and someone who, if he was the moral man some are assuming, would have resigned some time ago - instead of forging on, lying and passing the blame, doing even more damage to us.


    I said it before he went - i hope he never works again. why should i wish this cretin on any other club??  except liverpool, of course. they deserve him.


    my joy at him going is tempered by only one thing - my regret that i wanted Allardyce. i didn't, and don't, but i was just so desperate for the incumbent wanker to go.

  11. you make a snap judgement that he is an honourable man, just as much as i do that he's a cunt.


    one thing for sure, he's a liar, which doesn't help your version of him.

  12. so now shambles is good enough?


    fundamentally, he has to go. he is a terrible defender, and is nowhere near good enough for us if we intend to be a top 6 team again.


    Its amazing that you still have to repeat this, its been blindingly obvious for years but some folk just won't open their eyes!


    all you get is ' he has potential/played well twice last season/passed the ball well once/yadda yadda'



  13. ideally i'd get rid of:














    not all would need replacing, and its an ideal thing, not a pragmatic one. but for various reasons, they can all go.

  14. i can't recall his exact words about getting into intertoto next season, but i do remember he was full of shit.


    when he got the job i knew he'd be terrible, but i didn't imagine he'd be such a liar as well.

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