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Northern Monkey

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Posts posted by Northern Monkey

  1. as cover, i'd not keep shambles or damage. i'd keep the kids, buy two central defenders if possible, then we have 3 first teamers, i.e. one on the bench. and edgar etc as bench cover if needed, and continue their development.


    to keep shambles would be to accept that its ok to be shite, as long as you can fool people into thinking slow and shit is good enough.

  2. bramble is not good enough to be a squad player as he is not good enough to play in the first team if required.


    the fact that the other centre backs are also shit doesn't mean that suddenly bramble is worth keeping.


    he is simply not a premiership player. never will be.


    So you believe that we can bring in eight defenders in the summer or are you happy with Ramage?


    here we go again. right, i'll try again- the fact that Ramage is not good enough does NOT somehow make Shambles good enough. not in any way shape or form.


    shambles lack of ability is not caused by, linked to or mitigated by Ramage being rubbish as well. as a matter of urgency we need a left back and centre back. preferably two centres, and a right back as well.


    but don't tell me we should keep a player who is NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THIS DIVISION , just because a backup player is also not good enough. cos thats the kind of pathetic wank that keeps shit like carr, baba, moore and ameobi here.

  3. let me get this straight. people on here are discussing, as if it were fact, stuff out of the SUNDAY SUN, written by an idiot, and purporting to be the words of a known liar and flappy mouthed fool?



  4. but I don't see Allardyce making much of a difference.



    Then you don't see what Roeder has, and will do, to us??? I envy you.


    I understand perfectly that Roeder is shite.  But I think Allardyce is too.  I did when he was touted as a replacement for the previous 2 managers and I still do.


    Most people agreed when we were looking for replacements the last couple of times, now everyone's getting desperate and want someone....anyone who might make a difference.  I just don't think it's worth the money to replace shite with shite when the real problem is the man making the appointments.


    FFS os ONE of the problems.


    But to say that Allardyce is as bad as the worst manager in the league, bearing in mind where he has gottne Bolton, is wrong.


    Roeder is a fucking disgrace, and any current Premiership manager (pre-Fat Head Sam resigning) would inprove us.


    Why's he being tagged the  worst manager in the league?  Charlton weren't relegation fodder under Curbishley and Wigan finished top half last year.  He's not much better like.


    We always knew he wasn't the appointment anyone wanted, but I think if he'd had Owen playing 25 or more games it would be worth 10 or so points to us at least.


    To what degree do you expect Allardyce to improve us.  Managing a small team to perform above their ability is a different matter to getting a big team to play to theirs.  He'd be coming without his backroom staff and at a huge cost.  I just don't think he's the gold pot at the end of the rainbow everyone else seems to. 


    We're not a big team. We're a poorish sqaud with a couple of good players.


    Roeder is a fucking terrble manager, and if you can't see that, thats your blindness.

  5. Why? If we've got any sense, we'll wait until he leaves. Unless we want another non-event like Rob Lee's.


    So you KNOW thats why he's not had one?


    Well, i can't be 100% sure, but nor can you in that respect (unless you have some form of inside knowledge - you might do, i wouldn't know). But that seems the most probable reason.


    So you guessed at something, then acted like it was fact. Well done, true to form.

  6. I've watched Milan a few times on the telly this year in the Italian league, Kaka reminds me a bit of our own enigma "Emre", both of them have "moments" in games and have 5-10 minute spells where they dominate but they both also dissappear in many games and are carried by the rest of the team. Kaka is of course a far superior technical player but he does tend to float in and out of games, can be frustrating at times...


    In the same way as Absinthe reminds you of Kaliber?


    Personally, I think South Africa will put on a good show.


    I'm a regular traveller down there and although there are things to look out for, I think it'll be decently run thing.


    A couple of years ago I thought that SA would have no hope of putting on a decent WC - but after my last visit in Feb I've really changed my mind.


    Fifa and the SA Govt are really behind WC2010, are so are the people - they des[erately want to show that they can put on a good show.


    Fifa want an African World Cup - and I think will move heaven and earth to make it happen.


    Transport and petty crime may be issues - but the Rugby World Cup went well so it can be done.


    South Africa is a beautiful country, and has come a long way in the past few decades.


    To call it a "scummy continent" quite frankly smacks of ignorance. "Toon's Taylor" You quite obviously haven't been to the East Coast of SA, the winelands or the garden route.






    Take it up with someone who gives a s***.


    mackems.gif @ 'Petty crime'


    You total and utter deluded fool.



    Have you ever been to South Africa?


    or do you just sit in Whitley Bay dreaming of your next holiday to some grubby Spanish island?


    World Cup 2010 - I'll be there having a hoot -  you can just watch it go by on your  flat screen !


    Cheers  :D


    No i haven't been to S Africa, its why am alive, with my wallet and haven't been raped and given AIDS.




    You've managed a lobotomy though I see


    10, 11 at a push?


    Guessing your age, give me a clue?



    using logic i would put it at mid to late 20's, judging by the fact he's been to SA.


    Yeah, cos they don't allow anyone in under the age of 25. :lol:

  8. Very funny Mick. Brilliant actually - you moan about the match non-stop but still you probably go dont you - hmm why is that - if u dont enjoy it dont go and if u do go dont boo turn your back like the rest of these ignorant glory hounds - if u all want success for your club that badly go and support the top 4. If not stop fuckin moaning




    you were probably one of the "i support Souness/Roeder because he's the manager of the club and we have to support the club" nobheads weren't you.


    No I wasn't actually. I believe that Roeder should be criticised but not disliked and hated because at the end of the day he is a nice man who is way out of his depth. How old are you little boy? I bet you've bought the new kit haven't you! You are probably one of these little fickle chav supporters aren't you. The ones who boo and give NUFC a bad name!!! Gan smoke some dope you thick c***  :rant:


    Remember the old bloke who went to the match during the 70's with a black and white suit?


    That's Northern Monkey.


    I borrowed that off you. Thats your best suit, that is. And you love it.


    At Liverpool he's scored ONE more goal than Martins. He is 4/5 years older and he has NO pace. Liverpool have struggled all season with their lacklustre forward line. He will NOT be first choice next term.



    oh yes he will.


    Kuyt has had a decent, if not great first season. The one issue is his lack of pace, but Liverpool would have known about that when they signed him. So it obviously isn't a huge issue to them.


    Of the strikers we have now, Crouch and Kuyt should be here for the long term, both are good strikers that both offer a very different style of play, and if Liverpool get a good goal scorer in, there is no reason whatsover to suggest that Kuyt wouldn't be a regular. He will be. They have two good all rounders who work their arses off for the team are are good for 15 - 20 goals each. What Liverpool need is a bit more variation in their forwards, and a bit more quality to add to what they have. But hell - who doesn't need a bit more quality eh!


    Crouch will be sold and Kuyt will step down the pecking order when Villa and one other arrive. Kuyt is ok and has done a goodish job, but for me hasn't lived upto the hype when it seemed 2/3 years ago 12 clubs were after him.


    ITK? No, just guesswork. Well done.


    You want something?


    Some facts, rather than shite you make up, but i realise that you are the wrong person to ask for that.

  10. Can you think independently of Jamie?


    I backed up his answer. Again, i ask, what's wrong with that?


    Really is such a non-argument. You posted up a question - fairly hysterically might i add - and when someone answers it, you call them a smartarse. Don't get it!

    Maybe it had something to do with you being cocky in your answer?


    Ironic, bearing in mind the fact he was incorrect.

  11. but I don't see Allardyce making much of a difference.



    Then you don't see what Roeder has, and will do, to us??? I envy you.


    I understand perfectly that Roeder is shite.  But I think Allardyce is too.  I did when he was touted as a replacement for the previous 2 managers and I still do.


    Most people agreed when we were looking for replacements the last couple of times, now everyone's getting desperate and want someone....anyone who might make a difference.  I just don't think it's worth the money to replace shite with shite when the real problem is the man making the appointments.


    FFS os ONE of the problems.


    But to say that Allardyce is as bad as the worst manager in the league, bearing in mind where he has gottne Bolton, is wrong.


    Roeder is a fucking disgrace, and any current Premiership manager (pre-Fat Head Sam resigning) would inprove us.

  12. That is because he is still part of our club.

    He will get one once he leaves.


    Is the right answer.




    could you explain why other players have had theirs whilst still playing for their clubs then??


    just a question like?


    Nope, can't explain that.


    What's with all the arsey comments, btw, NUFCNutter? Jamie gave the reason and i backed it up - what on earth was wrong with that?


    Other than it being wrong?

  13. depends what you mean by small....emre prob about 5-6mill,milner the same,taylor similar,given 8 or 9,martins minimum of 12,parker 5-6mill,n'zog about 5.


    Milner maybe, The Zog if he has another good season, but i don't agree with any of the others. Taylor isn't there yet, Emre you've overpriced, no chance on Given, Martins might get what we paid, PArker we wouldn't.

    we disagree ...well fancy that


    You seem surprised, you shouldn't be, because......oh, i see.


  14. They don't own the ground, and are being charged over the top for rent on it, so f*** it, they're not going to get out of the woods through a stitch up buy-back scheme.

    very recent talki of ground sharing with hunslet rufc while elland road gets re-developed(or built into luxury flats)


    See, they're fucked. Its a matter of time before the ground goes, pretty much always seems to be whnr the club don't own it.

  15. depends what you mean by small....emre prob about 5-6mill,milner the same,taylor similar,given 8 or 9,martins minimum of 12,parker 5-6mill,n'zog about 5.


    Milner maybe, The Zog if he has another good season, but i don't agree with any of the others. Taylor isn't there yet, Emre you've overpriced, no chance on Given, Martins might get what we paid, PArker we wouldn't.

  16. Sorry everyone. No 10 question should be


    10. Will you be happy to trust the club's sizable tranfer kitty (assumption) on Allardyce's hand?



    In that case: i don't think we have one. But if we did, i;d trust it all to Nick Leeson before i gave a fucking penny to that stupid twat Roeder.

  17. That's much better - good 'fuck' and occasional 'bollocks' are most enjoyable... but it has to be a good old 'cunt' that really flaots my boat. Usually uttered when talking about cockneys.


    You and your flaoting boat.

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