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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Oof. Our best player comes on and we almost equalise immediately.
  2. My night now completely hinges on us finding Mike in the crowd.
  3. Wilson is so tidy. Good ball control as well.
  4. Can't really argue with that, like. Wank defending all round.
  5. I'm not a new member you big gonk.
  6. Good page, lads. Good page.
  7. First one to spot Mike gets to ban a new member of their choice.
  8. I'm having more fun trying to spot Wor Mike in the stands than watching the game, like.
  9. Barnes has had a couple of sharp moments, Bruno’s hit a few nice passes, Ashby loves a slide tackle, Anderson’s everywhere, and Ritchie never stops moving. That’s all I’ve got for that half.
  10. Aye that’s a good shout. Just seems weird that the team against Chelsea was otherwise our “best” XI.
  11. Do we reckon Howe is trying to give Bruno a kick up the arse by picking Miley ahead of him with the big lads and making him play with this lot instead?
  12. He just returned a five yard pass to Anderson’s neck area, aye.
  13. Barnes in the USA, I think
  14. Ritchie on at Dahoud now. Lovely.
  15. @Jack27 seemed sound enough but just noticed when tagging him that he's cried off due to the jip he got for going after Pizza Rob. Probably a regen anyway. We should've closed the doors after @wormy.
  16. Hope fucking lives for negativity these days.
  17. Another one for cranna's greatest hits that, like: "Going too cheap is gonna relegate Newcastle, for sure." "Botman is going to Milan, Maldini loves him." "The defense is better, but Ryan Fraser and Chris Wood aren't enough to avoid relegation." "Even with Guimarães, I don't think Newcastle is safe without at least a player like Lingard." "Surviving relegation with Ryan Fraser and Chris Wood? Good luck with that!" "Just pay whatever Man Utd want for Lingard, and finish the job."
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