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Everything posted by Rich

  1. It's not Yorkie in Australia or owt, but it gave me a hankering for stout for months afterwards.
  2. Haydn's Irish adventure is legit one of my favourite forum odysseys, like.
  3. There was a time when I used to worry that we weren't attracting enough new members to keep the place fresh and happening. What a fool I was.
  4. Quite jealous of Mike getting to see Paul Dummett play football in the flesh for the first time. It's an unforgettable experience.
  5. Just in case people want something to worry about. Feels like there hasn't been enough worrying lately. From Caulkin's latest with Bruno and Big Joe.
  6. Don't usually get wrapped up in fees because what the fuck do I know, but I thought we'd get at least £40M for him and people would find it hard to argue after the Neves move. He's apparently gone for less than Jota from Celtic did. But maybe PIF and the rest are comfortable that they'll be able to get sufficient funding into the club regardless of the fee here.
  7. At least he's not going to a league with any credibility, so we won't have to have a collective cry every time he does a mazy dribble.
  8. Ritchie played RCM in the XI vs. XI from the open training session. Manquillo's not been training, either.
  9. Rich

    Match Atmosphere

    Where were you sitting @bobbydazzla?
  10. That's yee telt. Anyway, that Steve Bruce is a right wanker eh?
  11. The worst thing is, they're also doing it to wind me up because they know you'll blame me for it. I've let Mike's extreme creativity of adding a few periods and exclamation marks about the place flourish for weeks now, I'm a changed man.
  12. I think people are just doing it to wind you up at this point, Loki.
  13. Mahrez just formally announced today and he was a bit ahead of Maxi wasn't he?
  14. It was the clip he used for his criticism of Miley "drifting out to the flanks too much for a number six" that got me. In said clip, Miley moves himself from behind two opponents to give the centre-back a diagonal passing option. He doesn't even get near the "flank". I genuinely don't mind the noncery if its insightful. Noncery for the noncery's sake this lad, though.
  15. Disgusting lack of pre-match content for this one. (And no, Adam P's overdramatised motel review video doesn't count.)
  16. In the PL it's 90% this year, 80% next year, then 70% thereafter.
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