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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    Loïc Remy

    Wouldn't other clubs have to make their move after the loan with us concludes and could we not just activate the clause during the loan period giving us the jump on rivals.
  2. SAK

    Loïc Remy

    Let's hope the senile one was babbling nonsense as normal about returning to QPR with a higher value.
  3. If thats the effect of the injury then long may it continue.
  4. Noticed he played it from hand a lot yesterday instead of just punting it up top. I guess having three ball playing players as options helped (yanga-mbiwa, colo, anita). Resulted in us keeping possession instead of the ball coming straight back at us.
  5. SAK

    Alan Pardew

    That just sums him up. He's a grade A coward.
  6. He was offside , wouldn't have counted anyway. Did more than Shola and Cisse in the brief time he was on. I would point my finger at a whole lot of other players before him.
  7. Shit Shit is an English word that is usually considered vulgar and profane in Modern English. As a noun it refers to fecal matter (excrement) and as a verb it means to defecate or defecate in; in the plural ("the shits") it means diarrhea. Shite is also a common variant in British English and Irish English.[1] As aslang term, it has many meanings, including: nonsense, foolishness, something of little value or quality, trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk, or a contemptible person. It may also be used as an expression of annoyance, surprise, or anger, and has other usages as well.s***
  8. Tell them to get lost, we need to be signing good players not selling the ones we have.
  9. New coaching staff required as Pardew and his side kicks don't have it in them to coach & formulate an attacking game plan. That dutch bloke Rene Meulensteen who left Man U for Anzi was sacked by them recently just two weeks in to the job. We should hire him.
  10. SAK

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    So why has he agreed terms with us and said to a fan on Twitter that he was learning "Jordy"? And he also said that sadly the decision to join us it's not his own. To keep us sweet in case the move to OM falls through? World cup year and being frozen out at OL if he rejects us may jeopardise his chances so a move to a us may be the best option in such circumstances.
  11. As in he doesn't want to switch leagues and clubs in a world cup year. Leaving a club he's settled at for the unknown etc possibly affecting his place. Edit:Fuck trying to quote using a tablet.
  12. The former Wimbledon manager said he wanted to make the team "far better", adding he would not interfere with team selection or tactics. "I'm a very good judge of player and a good tactician," he added. "I'm not picking the team," added Kinnear. "I'm there solely to make sure he gets the best possible team on the pitch." I can only read that as signing the best players he can to enable Pardew to select the strongest XI as possible. Still hate the idea of him as a DOF.
  13. Please God if this is true let him be just a glorified admin person and nothing to do with the football side of things.#clutchingatstraws
  14. http://i.imgur.com/EdVBBPR.gif
  15. Exactly should have signed players when we were on the up.
  16. Need to upgrade on him in the summer, came in in did a decent job when Krul was out but doesn't look the most confident or inspire confidence. He's kicking has gone shit, used to like the fact he used to throw from hand to start of attacks faster but hasn't done that for a while. Seems a nice guy though.
  17. SAK

    The inquest

    1) Pardew out and a good manager in. 2) Upgrade the coaching staff 3) Upgrade the medical staff and physios. 4) Signing some quality players and diversify the league/nationality we sign them from.
  18. s it me do our players get in each others way more often then other teams when challenging for a ball?
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