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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Hasn't had anything to feed of off.
  2. Hopefully Tiote and Cabaye can control midfield and give us a good platform to work off.
  3. SAK

    Erik Pieters

    Wasn't there talk of Simpson getting an England call up during the tale end of last season or was I just imaging that? Not that being an England international is a sign of any quality or anything. Though I think he has the potential to improve and I guess that's what the clubs management see as well.
  4. Have another couple before you catch up on the Coloccini thread.
  5. A more competitive higher profile league? In that case so can Swansea. I want it to be true, I really do, but I just can't see it. I can believe we've made the bid but can't see him in black and white. Swansea aren't reportedly bidding for him and neither are Man U, Man city, Liverpool for that matter but we are. If he wants Premier league football then we at the moment offer his only route here. He has the choice to stick with Lyon or accept our offer if he wants it bad enough.
  6. A more competitive higher profile league?
  7. If its true we've placed a bid maybe the large French/French speaking contingent already here will sway his decision.
  8. £1 Million just to talk to other clubs, wtf are Swansea mad? If it's in his contract he can leave for that amount then there's nothing that they can do about it other than be arseholes and see if we will cough up extra (which we rightfully won't) just to get things moving rather than go down the legal route.
  9. SAK

    Chris Hughton

    Good luck to the man.
  10. Real used a buy back clause for Alvaro Negredo and sold him to Sevilla for a profit.
  11. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 29 years old and released by Valencia due to injury problems but then again we just signed Ba and Marveaux.
  12. Hmm, so we're gonna under bid by 100K and not trigger the release clause. Must be a devious plan by Ashley to avoid spending any money whilst making it look like he's trying but failing.
  13. ^^^^ They really are delusional.
  14. ^^^^^^^^ Read somewhere we were linked with their centre back Michael Ciani on a free.
  15. Liverpool man, they are not in the same league as ManUSA and Chelsea now as well. They have some ambition with their signings at least, they want to progress and become a title challenger. What ambition have we shown lately? We shop at the bargain basement section of the transfer market for loans and players with dodgy reputations elsewhere. Even though I hate the cunt for leaving I can see why he did it.
  16. SAK

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    His surnames Ben Arfa
  17. SAK

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Do players jet in for talks, thought all of that would be handled by club officials and agents. If he's coming over it must be to sign surely?
  18. Vuckic's face in the Shola goal celebration just kills me
  19. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Chris' expression just suits it so well
  20. As a victim of crime he shouldn't get any less sympathy because he is rich however he should have applied some common sense and not worn a flash watch in a rough area.
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