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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK


    Not Blanc but white mackems.gif
  2. He is a left winger for club being played at full back for country.
  3. SAK

    Arda Turan?

    Agreed. If the reports of our interest are correct, we've only ourselves to blame if we don't get him now. Is he a Wise/Vetere target and is the slowness due to Keegan waiting to see him in action before giving the greenlight? Who knows, probably wrong of me to speculate but going by comments made by Plymouth regarding this Kid Aaron Spear they're waiting for us to come back to them to say if we want him. We either do or don't, if we're unsure then why bid for him in the first place? I think there's a lack of leadership in our transfers.
  4. An oppurtunity to see him against a better class of opposition compared to the Swiss.
  5. SAK

    Arda Turan?

    ^^^^^^ Yeah, we were linked with him.
  6. Yeah, Eh? More like what s*** play from Klose. Yeah, that as well.
  7. ^^^^^^ Wouldn't be too unhappy with Moutinho as well.
  8. Don't know if it's been mentioned in the thread but we've been linked to the Austrian striker Linz.
  9. Whats the alternative? Host nations having to qualify? Could you imagine the situation of a host nation not playing in the tournament they were hosting? Or picking the host after the qualification process which would leave the host with about 8 months to prepare for the tournament which would be impossible. It's not a great situation but theres no workable alternative.
  10. Could well be right.. 92nd in the world I believe.. Just confirmed lower than Mozambique by the commentator.
  11. Near enough £7M so hardly loose change. He was home sick and couldn't settle in England was the reason given for wanting to leave.
  12. Just relaying the story, didn't pass comment on whether we were in for him or not.
  13. Direct quote from Zigic's agent saying he would be interested in a move to us. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,12040_3660678,00.html
  14. SAK

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    Agreed. To be honest if we really want Gomis we can still put in a bid for him. Maybe this is just a ploy to make sure they maximise the revenue they get from him? Doesn't necessary mean he's not for sale. Edit: before anyone gets their panties in a twist the Mario Gomez comment was meant tongue in check (in my mouth obviously). "I am very happy to stay at Saint-Etienne and to experience a European campaign with the club that I started with," he said. "I also hope to win a place in the Champions League in the future with 'The Greens'. My priority was always to stay with Saint-Etienne. It was important for me to sort out my personal life before the beginning of EURO." Doesn't sound like someone who wants to move. As you know yourself players say whatever suits their circumstances. If he was to say, "well really I want to get out of Saint Ettienne asap but no bids have been forthcoming so I signed a new contract to make the best of a bad situation", it wouldn't go down too well. Putting a bid on the table would change the complextion of things totally and having the offer before him may change his thinking. You never know unless you try. edit for spelling
  15. SAK

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    Agreed. To be honest if we really want Gomis we can still put in a bid for him. Maybe this is just a ploy to make sure they maximise the revenue they get from him? Doesn't necessary mean he's not for sale. Edit: before anyone gets their panties in a twist the Mario Gomez comment was meant tongue in check (in my mouth obviously).
  16. SAK

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    Mario Gomez it is then.
  17. SAK

    Fabricio Coloccini?

    No way is worth £10 Million. 6-7 tops, we would be getting ripped off again by Depor if we pay that price.
  18. Euro 96 England v Holland. Gazza ( If my hazy memory serves me right) to Sheringham who lays it off to shearer who blasts it in. I pick this goal because we were the host nation and playing well. The nation was really behind the team and we had a genuine chance to win the tournament. Edited for explanation of pick.
  19. We've only accepted an offer from Fener, Emre could easily turn down the offer. Not that I would want him to though.
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^ Think we could get pretty close to what we paid out for Smith and Duff if we moved them on.
  21. 3.5m Euros, so about £2.8m. Not a huge amount so perhaps worth a punt?
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