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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Just don't care about the England team. No affable players, delusions of grandeur, recent generations' worth of crap team play and an entirely embarrassing media circus.
  2. I need to know more details but my inclination is that they would have argued that the account represented a foreign investment, so it was not bound by UK tax law, and/or it was a business, not personal account (businesses can be called anything really, so Rosie 47 could be included), so subject to corporation tax, not income tax, which has much bigger tax reliefs (most of the amount put in there would likely not be chargeable at all if this was the case). However, my knowledge is limited and I don't know details of offshore accounts, and I also think there would be an issue with the evidential burden.
  3. It's imperative that away fans on Saturday turn up with a giant banner which bears the details of your tax self-assessment form. Just a big, larger than life self-assessment form.
  4. Theregulars


    Being Paul Merson is a massively cuntish thing to be.
  5. Judge has asked for a unanimous verdict, so at least one of them has gone into the deliberations with a different opinion to the rest. Or it could be split down the middle, we don't know. I've never done jury duty but I imagine they'll be talking it over as you say, with the majority trying to convince the minority that they are correct. Judge asking for a unanimous verdict basically means the evidence is pretty dubious/debatable. Judge is normally prepared to accept 10-2.
  6. Vinnie Jones. Used to love watching Alonso for Liverpool. Ozil, xavi, (ginger) pirlo, stu Dow, mark kinsella, Zola
  7. I've been so impressed by us this half, totally dominant at the minute.
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