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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. The ginger pirlo's people will consider his availability and get back to you.
  2. i can envisage it now. Time it so they just finished theirs, lay down three rashers of bacon on my plate. "I see I've got three, and you've got zero. OK."
  3. Maaaaan my brothers are United fans. They're getting mocked in the morning. Will emerge from bed for breakfast wearing toon shirt, hat, scarf and gloves, say nothing, eat my cereal and pick up the paper. Smugness is best executed in silence.
  4. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    He's alright, that Alan. And he has a nice smile too.
  5. Hmm. I seriously thought Pards was re-inventing us a ball-moving, rapier-like entity. I'm mightily unimpressed that he lines us up to be afraid of 'bigger' teams right now. Who needs Ben Arfa when you have Shola and Ryan Taylor? What an idiot.
  6. FFS get Aliens right you ballbagger I think it's more akin to the scene where the Queen rips Bishop in half. In his mushy white entrails lay our hopes after a bright start to the season. Covered in a new sponsor.
  7. Think we'll get ramrodded, sorry. Rooney to score 3 or something.
  8. Pardew's selections are always conservative, but with clear motive. If he decides to start Shola there will be a viable reason. Sanity prevailing? Pfffft.
  9. Theregulars

    LOL at Lolro

    I hate all this stuff about hitting the post and the bar. Yeh, they hit the post and the bar a lot. That means they aren't striking with sufficient accuracy. They're supposedly top players, put the ball in the net. I don't buy that hitting the post and the bar is completely unlucky - yes, I suppose you were a trifle unfortunate in how close you were to a goal, but considering your highly-paid ability, you should probably sort that out on a regular basis.
  10. Tbf I would have been pretty gutted if he had missed. It wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly complicated. He did take it well, which is all he could do, and he finished it 100% perfectly in terms of technique, speed, control, accuracy and aiming into the bottom corner.
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