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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Good play from Ramsey, Arsenal unlucky not to score.
  2. Elric

    Alan Pardew

    Oh fuck off Alan, you fucking charlatan. Everyone is just wondering when you're gonna fuck up and end the good run we're on. Expectation level is nil, other than the expectation that you don't have the tactical nous of a papoose with down's syndrome. Which is barely being met. Cunt.
  3. Ooof, Mertesacker took a fair whack there like!
  4. Aye, bring Dembélé on who's been turboshit for months
  5. Souness calling Adebayor "a kidder" on Sky Sports. A bit like you in your managerial career, then, Graeme
  6. Haven't had the half-time team talk yet
  7. Elric


    Bewing into theyer kewers and hewla hewps, marra.
  8. Elric

    Alan Pardew

    Just have the fucking tea lady do the half-time team talk, man. Tioté's witch doctor. Colo's mobile hairdresser. ANYONE BUT THIS CUNT.
  9. City are so flat, like watching Chelsea yesterday. It's like they don't actually want the title.
  10. Fletcher, lerl. That was shite.
  11. Ref is such a fucking rent-boy. Give the red you spineless prick.
  12. Aye. He's always in the ref's face, and he's always wrong too, cunt! Looks like he's wearing mascara as well, cock.
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