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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Jayumz Macleyun with the overhead potato.
  2. Nice day shopping? What fucking kind of man is this??
  3. Elric

    Alan Pardew

    Had enough of this cunt now like, fuck off Alan.
  4. West Brom's passing and movement is light years ahead of Sunderland's. And also our own Must be nice seeing your team rip through another at will.
  5. Elric


    Sweepstake on how long it takes for the mask to slip? I'll give it another 4 days. You know it's coming
  6. Close down the internet, the highest level of absurdity has been achieved. http://www.memecreator.org/static/images/memes/761519.jpg Edit: Forgot safety wink
  7. What a fucking goal that was for Villa
  8. Elric


    It doesn't require a loss for me to laugh at these fuckers
  9. Elric


    Their board is in meltdown even before the match, about 20 seperate threads on the first page alone either about us, or the derby (mainly about us, quelle surprise) Fucking goons.
  10. Elric


    Pardew trying to integrate him into the group before Ba fucks off in January
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