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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Hope Mitrovic bangs in a hat-trick, before busting that petulant cunt lip of Agbonlehor with his ring hand, then scalping Jack Grealish and his fucking ridiculous haircut on the halfway line with a bowie knife. On, and Wijnaldum to score and assist a few since he's in my FF team
  2. Elric

    Steve McClaren

    Ne mention or credit for the player who was voted as one of the best two centre halves in the league by his fellow pros that season or who picked up the North East player of the year award? :lol: :lol: Do you never get bored of hanging your hat on one hopelessly flawed footballer? It's creepy as fuck, man. I imagine you as someone who works in a care home and interferes with old people who don't get taken remotely seriously when they report you. Fuuuuuuuuuck
  3. He didn't say that we did, he was stating a preference you relentless boob.
  4. Surely everyone playing the game has Mahrez by now? You'd think so, surprisingly quite a few people in one league I'm in don't have him
  5. 47 With Mahrez left to play, Bellerin an auto-sub due to smalling being out. Hopefully Mahrez goes mental against Chelsea Probably me being suckered by recent form; chucked Wijnaldum in against Villa, I'm hopeful we'll do them.
  6. Glad I have Benteke as vice-captain, Coutinho looking increasingly unlikely to play now. Now watch Benteke get benched
  7. Coutinho trained before Southampton, apparently, but Klopp didn't want to risk him. Meant to be a very good chance of him playing on Saturday, gonna keep him as captain, like.
  8. Voted yes. The mass clear-out needed will be a long and brutal exercise, might as well get it started sooner rather than later.
  9. Captaining Coutinho this week, anyone with any hint of flair seems to rip us apart these days. Brought in Clyne and Benteke as well, taking the points hit, probably be made up by the raping 'pool are gonna dish out
  10. 0-6 Two a piece from Coutinho and Benteke, one from Sturridge and one from that Mackem cunt Henderson
  11. 27 points isn't bad tbf Better than that shit-eating frail cunt Aguero
  12. Fuck it, triple-captained Vardy. Fill your boots, you horrible cunt.
  13. Brought Hazard back as captain, might whack Remy in too, could be a cricket score
  14. 21 with Mahrez and Cisse to play. Just have to hope we batter West Ham now
  15. Really? Surely thats the same for any team that buys more than one player. Gooner Cunt! Not too many associated with Arsenal who aren't cunts, tbh.
  16. Yup, half a step forward, two steps back. This fuckin' club, man.
  17. Elric

    Steven Taylor

    More than that he's an idiot. A ticking time bomb waiting to explode on the field. Think he tried to handle that Hernandez shot which Krul saved, for instance. I thought that at the time, fucking knacker
  18. Desperately need Aguero to score to salvage anything from another train wreck of a week.
  19. Whacked Ayew in the team, what with Swansea playing the mackems. Tempted to hoy Gomis in there as well and take the 4-point hit, guarantee those cunts would win just to spite me though.
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