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Everything posted by Elric

  1. The cat was highlight of that match, like If Tottingham play like that (sound defensively, no cutting edge) I'd fancy a point at their place.
  2. Richards is thick as fuck, tbf.
  3. Just waiting for the exasperating sale of one of the bigger talents to balance out the signing of Cisse
  4. Elric


    The white Carlton Banks
  5. Smoggy cunt, how the fuck did you miss that
  6. What a man: @YCabayeofficiel En route to the stadium with the boss ... Hope will make the draw tomorrow ! http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg857/scaled.php?tn=0&server=857&filename=tlwq.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640
  7. Elric


    It's his way of creating suspense... You should try it... I, used, to , over, use, commas, cos, I , didnt know , where to, put , them , so I, put, them, everywhere. I read that in a William Shatner voice
  8. Minute's silence at their next home game? Justice for Suarez!
  9. Elric


    Legends. FTM. © Wireside in seemingly half the posts in the thread on the mong board.
  10. Tottingham's "title tilt" () taking a knock there, then. Shame.
  11. Elric


    Must have been hard making that banner without opposable thumbs like, fair play
  12. Elric

    Alan Pardew

    Anyone know what cologne he wears?
  13. Elric


    I counted 7 threads directly relating to us on the first page of RTG alone, sad fuckers
  14. Elric


    Bewwwwwww :lol: :lol:
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