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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Fuck me, tired of mongs shouting "shoot!!111" any time our players get the ball within 45 yards. Fuck off, man
  2. Elric

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    wat He's not, like.
  3. Elric

    Loïc Rémy

  4. Elric


    The mention of "class" surely outs that as a wind-up, even his fellow mongs are telling him to fuck off
  5. Commentary team witnessing that stamp on an England player tomorrow - Commentary team witnessing that stamp on Cabaye - "...."
  6. How the fuck was that a yellow for Cabaye?
  7. Is it because there aren't any official lyrics, or am I massively wrong here?
  8. Dude singing the trollololo lyrics to Spain's anthem
  9. Blondie? Was just about to post that
  10. Just look at his face, its like someone threw a pound of sliced ham at a glue covered medicine ball.
  11. If we use a looks:punishment ratio, whereas Yo (rightly) escaped with not even a yellow card to his name, those two fuckers should be beheaded
  12. Seriously, who the fuck thought giving Carragher a pundit's post was a good idea? Scousest man alive
  13. Cabaye again man Anyone less sexy would have been off by now.
  14. Seeing HBA Seeing HBA against England
  15. Bonjour pretty ladies
  16. Nasri starts the diving already...
  17. Thank fuck for that, a moment of excitement
  18. This. The old "I pay your wages" shite is tedious as fuck. Good manager, like.
  19. Elric


    I'm at work laughing hysterically, no one understands why. I can't explain why either Someone take this pic, photoshop out the lights so it looks like they're 'floating'. THEN, film-poster stylee, have the word "CHRONICLE" underneath (as in the 2012 film) only CROSSED OUT, with "SUNDERLAND ECHO FTM" scrawled under it. I need to sharpen my photoshop skillz again like, not as funny when I have to explain it all
  20. That goon who was crying when they played Swansea will be fucking suicidal now
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