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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky


  2. Decky


    Looks like a cracking crowd outside protesting.
  3. Decky


    Seems a lot of people heading to the ground in that Yep.
  4. Decky


    Official ICTFC @ICTFC · 35m 35 minutes ago IIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCTTTTTTTTTT HHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAVVVVVEEEEEEE DDDDDDDDOOOOOOONEEEEEE IIIIIIIITTTTT Official ICTFC @ICTFC · 35m 35 minutes ago omg omg omg omg Official ICTFC @ICTFC · 32m 32 minutes ago A nation rejoices.
  5. When will we find out the proper attendance? As in one that doesn't include season tickets as attending even if they're not there?
  6. Decky


    2 wins in a row would rewrite history sure.
  7. Decky


    If there's still 30 thousand odd there then it'd still be pretty busy.
  8. Taylor and Gouffran. Thank fuck Carver is getting the best out of our players or we'd be in trouble.
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/32351824 And now I can't stand the sight of Mark Bright. Left a magpie for an eagle ffs.
  10. Decky

    John Carver

    Bobby and Speedo will be looking down proud I'm sure.
  11. Decky

    John Carver

    I'm not one bit surprised if he gets it man, it's a text book Ashley fuck up. Where do we go from here like? Relegation and a terrible season guaranteed next year. How do we even find an interest anymore?
  12. @toonlad30 · 3h 3 hours ago Am hurting as much as the next supporter but this is all I have is my season ticket no matter how we play good bad or indifferent #nufc#nb
  13. You'll have to excuse the 1 or 2 colour errors.
  14. http://s15.postimg.org/a2ov3fgcr/squad.png
  15. No one would make that shit out if it was your avatar anyway.
  16. Mentioned this in the Janmaat thread there. Anyone with an avatar of a current player wearing a Wonga top who fancies the picture without the Wonga shite PM me. I'm happy to get rid of that shite with Photoshop like my own avatar. Pity we couldn't censor it from all images on here.
  17. Janmaat is probably my favourite player. So I'm delighted if he gets the armband. Colo is passed it at this stage. I need a Janmaat avatar. Edit: Added it and decided to PS the Wonga shite out of it. Anyone who wants that done pm me. More than happy to do it.
  18. Feels like yesterday since we had that squad man. Fuck sake.
  19. Didn't they release a statement one time asking fans to stop protesting and stop chanting against Ashley? I'm sure they did. How people can say this stuff doesn't get to them is beyond me. Maybe we aren't seeing the responses we'd like because people take that attitude and lessen the impact of the protest by not taking part in it.
  20. It's not about money this weekend, it's about showing the club that enough is enough and demonstrating our power as fans. Of course season tickets are already paid, but a half empty stadium is a sign of things to come if there is no change. The fans can send a powerful message this weekend and infront of the Sky cameras too, but some would rather watch 90 minutes of absolute dross than do anything constructive. People don't even need to be outside the ground protesting, sit in the pub and watch it on Sky Sports. The important thing is just not being there.
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