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Everything posted by Decky

  1. A man dressed as a gimp, hand cuffed, gimp mask, the works!
  2. Decky

    Rod Fanni

    Tomorrows Cronicle: "Big Sam's looking for fanni" "Big Sam wants Fanni"
  3. No chance you think they would open the Season and not show Man Utd? dream on
  4. Decky


    Does anyone actually give a shit though about how much money we took in? we all knew it was hardly anything worse talking about. Also yeah Spurs may have got more but the difference is they are stupid enough to spend what they earn on ridiculous fees such as the one for Darren Bent.
  5. Decky


    How come there is such a huge gap between us and Spurs? didnt they only get 1 round further than us? Although maybe its because they played better teams?
  6. Decky


    I would definately have him here, would be a very nice addition to our defence.
  7. Decky

    David Rozehnal

    http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1764519 mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif mackems.gif That is by far the best one
  8. He will get close to 20 goals if not more and will be rated as the new Shearer by aload of wankers tbh
  9. If i was a Spurs fan id be furious, they had no need to spend that kind of money on another striker ffs. Lets bid for Keane
  10. Seriously how big is he in that pic on the SSN page Baba it doesnt take a new manager to get you working, you should have been playing well from day one you useless pr*ck.
  11. I think we are a cert to have one of the 2 (Owen/Martins) i just hope its Martins, Owen will be off in January if he has a good few months.
  12. £50m to be honest Hes already spent over £8million Brought in ~£6.5m for Parker. Aye suppose
  13. £50m to be honest Hes already spent over £8million
  14. Its so good that Sam has about £40mill or so of his transfer budget left and he is still getting free transfers.
  15. Why do people think Owen will just jump ship? Am I the only one who sees Newcastle more attractive than Arsenal AT THE MOMENT? Arsenal are on the way down and we are on the way up, Owen wont be going there.
  16. I think he is definately being bought for the midfield, or maybe Sam wants 2 types of strikers and a back up for each? like this: Owen, his back up is Martins Viduka, his back up is Smith
  17. Milner, Viduka and now Smith? we are the new Leeds!!!
  18. Northern Gimp, were you in Shearers Bar dressed as a gimp before the Liverpool home game last season? because someone was standing beside me with his mates when i was there dressed as a gimp!
  19. The Mirror are usually right actually, i seem to remember the Duff rumour came from them
  20. Would be great if its a replacement for Shola, but we need to get defenders and fast. Sam could bring Smith back to form again which would be excellent for us.
  21. See where does the Mirror come up with this shit, they printed that last night and its the first we hear of it
  22. Looks like the same shorts and socks as last year
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