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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Never really seemed to be that big a problem for other teams. Particularly the Champions League regulars, who've had their domestic seasons interrupted on a consistent basis for the last twenty years. Nonsense from Pardew, tbh. Starting to throw away excuses isn´t going to help our season.
  2. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I´ve said it a long time now. Pardew isn´t good enough to coach a team to the top and that won´t chance. Yes, yes, superb last season. But that seems to be a one off (and that´s the Roeder comparison). And tbh, bar a few games last season, we have never played really well. As said. He is wasting good players for poor players with an easy tactics. He should be coaching a West Ham, Stoke, Sunderland, QPR etc. Not us. Good looking though.
  3. The problem with our start of the season isn´t the formation per se, but the absolutely lack of movement. I even think Stoke is moving around the pitch better. This is a home game against a team we should win. We should be the team that puts pressure at them, not the other way around.
  4. Hopefully he has start to understand that diving isn´t the solution.
  5. Not if I have anything to say about it. Good luck with that!
  6. Would rather see him than Jonas in this game. Still think a 4-3-3 is the best though (with the ball after the ground).
  7. Obviously not come up against anyone playing 4-4-2 yet. Not our horrendous one anyway.
  8. Yada Yada Yada. I believe it when I sees it.
  9. I also agrees with the last posts. The only reason Tioté, and all of the other midfielders is banging it long, is because of lack of movement or direct orders from Pardew. Our players are standing so far away from each other it gets impossible to have a good passing game. I want the team to start to play more closer to each other, both in defense and in attacks. What has happened to Tioté I don´t know. The first season he definitely was one of the best midfielders in the league. He was a beast in the defense, never lost the ball, and always played it simple and was really good to keep the ball within the team and setting the tempo in games. Now he always tries to dribble with the ball in every departments, seems so frustrated all the time and, as said, always tries the long ball. I don´t think he´s that bad at them. But It´s always harder to play a long ball than a short one. I think the biggest problem, and that´s why Tioté is suffering, is the formations and tactics. Cabaye too always looks for the long ball.
  10. Best crosser I have seen in the club since Robert/Solano - which was ages ago.
  11. Some good performances. But as a team I though we was quite disappointing.
  12. Don´t understand why he always runs into players really starts to be quite annoying.
  13. Best game so far - really is spectacular! But still has a long way to go before he will really make it in the PL. Still have some problems with the decision making, me thinks.
  14. I would give anything to not see Jonas in this game. So glad it´s going to be Saylor and Colo though!
  15. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Him and Pardew can take turns. Seems to be great coaches the first year.
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    tbh this is starting to look like the Roeder era. Superb first season that leaved us with an exiting summer and start of the new season. But instead of improving a already good playing side it got worse and worse. And it wasn´t even the tactics. The players looked unfit and got individually worse and worse. I´m not only questioning the tactics. I´m also starting to questioning the fitness and individually coaching. The players just don´t look up for it like last year. A lot of the seems unfit and a lot of them is individually playing poorly, the same syndrome as under Roeder. Maybe this is completely wrong. But this is what I feel and tbh I´m starting to think this is true. I just can´t understand how hard it is to get a good coach that will get you play some good football. If we won´t win the league anyway. Way can´t we just do it with good football like the last 10 games last season? I will never get over the fact that Pardew has gone from the 4-3-3 we played for this. He has definitely shown what kind of coach he is.
  17. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I can say this. It´s hard to be to critical when we was 10 men in 60 minutes. BUT we just have no structure in our game. Just hit it long and hard. I can´t see anything that suggest we will improve this season. We will have games when we play well, and we will take some good and surprising games. But more than often we will be no better than when Allardyce was here.
  18. We are so bad. If we get top 10 we should be happy.
  19. I agree with Pardew. You can´t only be technical, you have to compete too. Sadly we haven´t done any of it this season.
  20. This is going to be ugly. - Long ball at Shola - Simpson and Willo that are worse than s*** - Low defence that will give Sunderland the momentum. We basically has to win.
  21. We don´t need Nolan If Pardew just could get the team to play football we would be fine.
  22. It´s hard to say, but I´m really jealous about Tottenham right no, compared to us. So much more potential in there team then us.
  23. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I have lost all the confidence in Pardew. It´s not only because the season have started poorly point wise, but most because be play worse and worse football. We don´t have a plan and is only trying to play to stop the other team. If we tried to play good football and still lost to bad players, then fair enough. But this is just crap, especially when he talks about controlling the game and play good football. If he just was honest and said that he love his long balls. But then you could really argue why we have bought the players we have and not tall guys like Stoke.
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