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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I´m very nervous to see what type of players he will bring. really nervous.
  2. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    So even if we finish top half this season, you won't admit that you were wrong with Pardew? no, becasue I won´t do a Roeder again. Fair play if we finish were we are now. But I will wait untill next season. see what he did for West Ham etc.
  3. On Five Live mate. cheers anyway i'd start ............krul tav..........williamson......kadar........perch routiledge.........smith.......guthrie.......ferguson .....................ranger........best......... 2-0 win and no f***ing award for them pulling a giant killing Great team. def the team that should play. or I would like to see Vuckic (of fit) instead of Guthire och Smith ( )
  4. Needs to start playing more - great coming player
  5. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Doing well at the moment, but it will take to next season before I can say that I had wrong. I won´t jump the gun since I, for example, remember Souness and Roeder. Next season we will see if Pardew can take us forward or if he is a total prick that we all knew about. happy at the moment, but thats easy after two victories and a Best hattrick!
  6. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    to our saver. Praise the lord for Ashley. What a brilliant man :duff:
  7. does´t matter. we will lose anyway and I hope we do. Hate the fucking Pardew. Hate him! btw. Harps is shit.
  8. don´t care. Pardew wont do anything good anyway. like Souness, Sam etc he will only give us shit. dont care, dont care. the NUFC life is not as fun anymore. it is not fun when you know we will go backwards and have to start all over again when the shite finally gets fired with bad football and crappy transfers.
  9. hate to see saylor on the pitch. finally. should have started this game this way.
  10. Make it even worse that he decided to sack Hughton; Idiot.
  11. Definitely our best defender. But it is no way he will stay. He is probably the highest earner and Ashley will as fast as possible sell him. 100 % sure. Probably one of the MANY things Hughton got sacked Better not bring him in again. Better to play in a new partnership.
  12. ATB

    Joey Barton

    He must, must stay! I am really worried about his situation when it comes to a new contract. Really worried.
  13. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I am still very sad when I think about the whole situation. I still miss Hughton a lot and I know we should have won against Liverpool with him in charge too. This will not end well - with Ashley and Pardew - I know that. We might play well and take some points in the beginning of the Pardew-era. but just like Souness he will fuck up. Beside. We will probably sell our best player and bring in some crap. We got so much potential (we could easily be what Tottenham are now) and I though (hoped) that we started to go in the right direction with Hughton. No I know that it will not end well with Pardew and Ashley - both MUST go. I also feel quite sad that so many supporters already start to feel OK about the situation and that Pardew is a super manager after this weekend, it is bizarre. I more thing. I feel disguised about the footage at Ashley at the weekend when he "celebrate" the goals. Could not look at it. If he really is that happy. How the fuck could he fire Hughton. He is just to much. Can not stand him. he MUST away!
  14. I would have loved to see what KK could have done with a proper owner. The team played VERY well the second half of the season he took over. The football was definitely the best we have been playing for a very long time.
  15. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    well of course he should have some say. Ashley should not interfere at all in the club business. he should hand the budget and the manager should then be able to spend the money at who he want. but Ashley won´t give the money.
  16. Carroll has really been good and looked motivated this game...not!
  17. stop talking about fucking stability when it is the fucking AS-hlys decision. no. I am not happy
  18. big let down. hope the supporters will stop going. disgusted every time I see the fucking padew
  19. We will lose, no doubt. easy earing money. Can not either understand the support for Pardewshite Hope on strong protest. Like empty first half, half empty anyway.
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