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Everything posted by ATB

  1. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    The only thing which will buy him a pass until summer is if he makes good decisions on a game to game basis. He had done quite well until the Stevenage fiasco. For me the jury's out until I've seen something a bit more convincing. The only thing the results so far have proved is you can't make a snap judgement based on a few games. the only thing that will give him a free pass is if he in one years time has done a great job. I´m not that worried about this season, it´s the next. the summer will show us what his NUFC career is really about
  2. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Because he's got you 3 wins out of 5 in the league, perhaps? And no, this doesn't mean I think he's the right man to help you progress long-term but see how he does, no? Win, lose or draw on Sunday, I can see Pardew getting zero praise. And that's not how it should be (if you get a good result). Laughable, isn't it? If we'd won 0 of those 5 under Hughton, you can bet your house that ATB would still be waxing lyrical about him.
  3. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I can´t believe how anyone can defend Pardew. Why not just bring Souness back. Heard he doesn´t have a job. Pathetic. No matter what happens this season it will go downhill really badly the next one.
  4. What's he said about Tiote? I'm not saying that he's said nothing, I haven't seen it. me neither. no matter it is just a discrase that he is public talking about his player to the media like he does. And just saying things like he does in the media to the players isn´t reallt building them up. what a total prick he is and I´m both sad and embarrassed that he is our manager.
  5. ATB

    Sebastian Larsson

    why would he want to play for Pardew?
  6. well for a start a goalkeppers kicking has never ever contributed to a team not winning a match. about his picking a kids he blamed the defeat at the 4-5 young players and, or problably inckluding, Krul. Whay the hell did he have to become our manager? Ashley your fucking idiot. when are you going to sell?!!!
  7. Much as I find Smith's contribution laughable, I don't think that would be clever or helpful either. But with a young player - particularly a goalkeeper who cannot influence 90% of the play - it's just moronic. I'm reminded of the posts from a certain member on here about how Ashley supposedly felt Hughton was too pally with the players. Perhaps this is by design. Fantastic reason to kick a manager.
  8. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    come back in a few months, next season.
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    yep...sad so sad
  10. A decent defence wouldn't have let him to get into such a position to shoot. A decent team wouldn´t have lost to Stevenage...
  11. ATB

    The New Coaches thread

    saved a lot of money during the period and when we has been winning we could holed out a little bit longer. serious though. it is a disgrace.
  12. yep He already has? yes. but he doesn´t have to go too the media as well. definitely more than once in two weeks time.
  13. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    why would Ashley want to sign someone? One of he reasons he brought Pardew in.
  14. There is a different between games and games. This was a game that we shouldn´t have lost no matter what. It is especially embarrassing when you consinder that Pardew put out the best possible team. embarrassing, just embarrassing.
  15. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    People have been waiting for something like this to happen so they could dive in. It's just the way it is. You won't be able to change that. If Best hadn't lit up West Ham it would have been the same thing then, as people were baying for blood when he didn't start Ranger. Your talking a lot of sense, but unfortunately your kind of wasting your time. Don't let it ruin your night. it is not fair, and to be totally honest, very silly. BUT I am not going to give Pardew any time no matter and I stand for it. He should´t be here at all and no matter what is the story why he is, he is not worthy it. I will take every opportunity to blame him, and to be true, he is to be blamed cause he is not any good manager.
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    The guy is just throwing stuff out there. What do you expect him to say? "Today I realised just how s*** Nolan and Smith are, without Tiote holding their hands. By the time it fully registered it was too late, and unfortunately once I put him in he got a red card, so I probably shouldn't have done so" Not going to happen! he will brake the team, he will brake it. when Hughtons team spirit is gone we will be in a free fall
  17. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    But is that not just the opposite as your constant stance? We win - "Credit to pards" We lose - "It's not Pards' fault" To your credit..you're consistent. But as far as I can see...when we beat WHU everyone (apart from die-hard haters) gave credit to our manager. He played it well and was given the credit he deserved for his contribution to the victory. He's taking his share of the blame today...it's fair and you don't get fairer The only people who aren't open-minded or fair in their appraisals of Pardew are the likes of yourself who just see it as win win for everything he does. That's the way it's coming across as you continue to blow smoke up his arse after a terrible loss. You've taken the position of defender or 'Pards' and even when he makes mistakes you refuse to accept. When he helps NUFC beat the scum next week (please!!!) he will rightly be credited. But he's a manager of a football club and he needs to take both the credit where credit's due and the criticism where it's due. Today was woeful...all round. Trust me, I'm not a Pardew defender per se. I've not said anything in his credit tonight other than saying the players need to really look at their efforts. I just want to see the guy given a fair crack of the whip. why?
  18. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    I heard him saying 'He'll do well today' before the match. Not AP's fault though, he's only used to working with League 1 players so 'Smudger' probably achieves the standards demanded by him. so true...but hey it is not funny. he is our manager
  19. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    This is pretty much where I am. There's a collection of players on our books who should not even be anywhere near the SOS next Sunday, such heartlessness is simply unacceptable. This öhhhh....NO
  20. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Results like this can either make teams stronger or fall apart. Lets hope its the former. with Pardew...
  21. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    why did he play players that needed a rest? What a stupied manager. but the worst is that he is using it as a excuse. only morons make excuses.
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