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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Think we actually solved that in the half time team talk. Routledge and Jonas didn´t cut in as much as they did in the first half in the second half. instead they tired to make crosses in to the box. I think Jonas and Rout has there problems. but if they shouldn´t have them they shouldn´t have been playing for us. I like Rout as a player. He gives us something we haven´t had for a very long time. even if he doesn´t succeed with everything he, as well as Jonas, makes the life difficult for the opponent team to cope with.
  2. Yeah he should. He should be starting instead of Colo alongside Williamson while Taylor is injured. Williamson is the one I have the most confidence in at this level out of him and colo
  3. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Why are people on here complaining at Ashley about transfers? surly he doesn´t have anything to do with them? Hopefully he says to Hughton what he can spend and then leave the rest to him. What happens then I quite sure none of us can answer. Funny thing to judge someone without having anything to judge on. Why Ashley isn´t a money-milking-cow I think he´s the only one to answer that question. But surly he must do business with the best interest of the club.
  4. ATB

    Fraser Forster

    Good move. Hope it materials Can´t wait for him or Krul to take over for the joke of goalkeeper we have now with Harps. oh. Have I said yet that I don´t rate Harper at all...?
  5. No matter what you think about Ashley and co . One thing that would be really interesting to know is what they really are thinking. are they as stupid as some make up? for example that Ashley thinks we have a smashing team, or are they doing the right things that we fans does´t appreciate because we don´t know the whole story? You know. dark knights anyway. i dont think i the only one that would like to know but my point is. why bothering so much when you can´t do anything about it? you only gets frustrated. i know. i been there.
  6. FFS i can barely stop this is just so predictable i want to slap CH he does nothing wrong. why should he say anything? to be honest I usually does´t read what Hughton has to say about transfers because I know he won´t say anything of interest.
  7. Have some faith in the team lads. we knew all alone what this season was all about and as said above, NOTHING has change. Small steps forward on and off the field will bring sucess to the club in the long term. anyway. I just love to watch the team on the field and foloow them through the seasons. If we gets some transfers, sure, I will be happy. but untill then I support the team. I know the club is doing everything they can to strengthen the team, but this is NOT the FM ffs and we don´t know what is going on behind the scens. but until then, as I said, I will concentrat on the preformens on the field. come on lads
  8. It´s so sad to not have a keeper like Given anymore even if I think Krul can get to his level in the future. As many already has said. You can´t say Harper is to blame for any of the goals really, BUT, if Hart would have been in the goal maybe we would have drawn yesterday (if the attack could have been a little more efficient ) What I´m trying to say is that keepers is making the differens. As much as we can´t have the likes of Smith and Nolan on the field because they does´t contribute, we can´t have a keeper that does´t contribute. I mean. Harper just stands there with his face and takes AGES
  9. Really like the new shirt. Looks class Easy the best shirt of the last four we have had - easy
  10. He really isn't at all. Smith will lose possession more than Guthrie will, or certainly put teammates under pressure atleast. Smith can tackle, though. At least he tries. and fails...miserable smith is s***, he gives away far to many freekicks that in the end definitely will cost us... goals in the back.
  11. I posted a football video, because I'm a massive fucking huckle.
  12. looking at villa. that og is different class
  13. Defo Lövet. Probably my favorite player right now. Then I take Best. Early days. But we need someone that can hold the ball. Carroll isn´t the solution.
  14. Stop talking about mistake an Roeder. I don´t think for one minute that Hughton is like Roeder yet. I mean. Look at the squad we had in the summer and now. Huhgton couldent play so many formations. he dident have the option to play two good wingers. ok. he could have been more attacked mined and I shouldent say he could have been better last week, BUT look at his signings. They are all good and how do everyone know what Hughton is thinking? Maybe he thinks Butt/Smith/Nolan is crap to but for some reason he has been forced to play them. We will see what happens now and the rest of the season. But don´t count Hughton out. I dont agree with Hughton with everything. But he impresses me more and more. Look at the signings, pure class, and see what a lovley little group of players we have know. Still the squad are long way from being perfeckt. but it has been improved so much this month so its almost silly. hughton will play with butt, smith and nolan again. he most. he have a lot of game coming up and we most rotate. if we have every player injury free and everyone is fit we now have a lot of option and I´m qutie sure Routh and Jonas will play on the wings if they are fit. stup call Hughton for stupied. Everyone keep telling that he don´t know what he does and that everyone could done it better. but whay are you not coaching temas then? everyone have different option. but it dosent have to be better than someone else. maybe different. we are top of the table. sure we hasent played well. but we still are top. slowley we start to get in good players and look at last night - we played well. with hughton we won´t play like arsenal. but we can still take points. i think hughtons typ of play will suit well in the pl if we get there. don´t count hughton out. give him a propper chans in the pl. the last one wasen´t fair. just look at shearer i think a lot of people would take him back but still want hughton out.
  15. Who?...Hall?... Think it´s a great team bar the fucking Carroll
  16. Started brilliantly. Could and should have been 3-0, only after 15 min! Hate them though. lost many bets of them this year. been totally shit Xisco is nowhere to be seen
  17. Would like to see; Harper Simpson - Williamson - Colo - Aanalt Routhledge - Smith - Guthire - Jonas Best - Ameobi Will problably be; Harper R.Taylor - Williamson - Colo - Aanalt Routhledge - Smith - Nolan - Jonas Carroll - Ameobi
  18. Xisco is playing from start against Athletic in the Spanish Cup, semi 1 leg. A Santander that is unbeaten in 2010.
  19. wiiii Keegan in the ESPN studio...
  20. Xisco substituded in the a.madrid game. 5 minutes later out injured btw. a.madrid are crap. I could won 1000 SEK (about £100). now I only has a chance to win about £10.
  21. http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1717570,00.html "SAND TRAP ...Bad news for Shola" Ah
  22. Thought he looked good. It depends where he goes and how much on whether he'll be a hit or not. Ideally someone like ourselves for £5m mark would be an excellent move for him if we sort ourselves out. Think he has a big future ahead and would definitely cope in the PL. Has proved at both IFK Göteborg and FC Groningen that he is a true goalscorer and I don´t think it was that big of a surprise what he achieved in the tournament.
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